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Everything posted by Candy

  1. lol it seems Ttar Reborn bingo's "Ttar won't get Super Potions from the guy after beating Fern" is gonna get filled. I hope he buys potions before Rini tho. Seeing him use Ultra Potion for the Fern battle made my heart ache. And I really hope he uses common candy. Like really.
  2. Could it be that we're on the last day? The same jazz has happened today too, but I have a hunch that the massacre is almost ending. Maybe I'm a Sunflower Psychic, or maybe I'm just wishful. Alaris was killed. He was [Denki Kaminari], a UA student. Day Eight has started! We're on the LYLO post-climax. YEAHHHH ~ Participants ~ 1. Anti-Loser (Dabi, Lynched D7) 2. Nicki (Kyoka Jirou, Killed N5) 3. Dragoknight (Kurogiri, Lynched D1) 4. Alistair 5. Nick Crash (Katsuki Bakugou, Lynched D4) 6. Yahy (All For One, Lynched D5) 7. Nano4 (Ochako Uraraka, Killed N3) 8. Astra 9. Bok (Toru Hagakure, Killed N3) 10. Bean 11. Kiet (Tenya Iida, Killed N6) 12. Caimie (Tsuyu Asui, Killed N2) 13. Sopheria (Shoto Todoroki, Lynched D2) 14. Jelly (Tomura Shigaraki, Lynched D5) 15. Amine (Neito Monoma, Killed N4) 16. Hypurr -> L'Belle 17. Lía (Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, Killed N1) 18. Sailboat (Eijiro Kirishima, Killed N0) 19. Bazaro (Mirio Togata, Lynched D3) 20. Alaris (Denki Kaminari, Killed N7)
  3. no racism in my lobby Aladdin is white but tanned (since he spends most of the time outside with birdies) Exhibit A: Yep. Just introduced a new OC out of the blue, and don't ask me why. I have had this part of the story planned for like a year now and I just couldn't eliminate the need of new characters even if my better judgment says "no introduction of new characters late into the story" lol when have I ever followed my better judgment smh Yep, I think about a couple of chapters might be devoted to this, then it'll be Ciel's battle and that p much concludes this long "Season 3".
  4. Everybody say HEY! We're running out of students but luckily running out of villains too! We've come so far along, Eraserhead and I are very proud of the few of you who are still alive and the majority who peacefully lie in their graves. A moment of silence for those brave souls... Now, let's see if the students have gotten another one of the pesky villains? It appears that you hit the nail on the head! Anti-loser was lynched. He was [Dabi], a villain. Night seven has started! Final vote count Anti-loser (5): Alaris, Alistair, Anti-loser, Astra, Bean ~ Participants ~ 1. Anti-Loser (Dabi, Lynched D7) 2. Nicki (Kyoka Jirou, Killed N5) 3. Dragoknight (Kurogiri, Lynched D1) 4. Alistair 5. Nick Crash (Katsuki Bakugou, Lynched D4) 6. Yahy (All For One, Lynched D5) 7. Nano4 (Ochako Uraraka, Killed N3) 8. Astra 9. Bok (Toru Hagakure, Killed N3) 10. Bean 11. Kiet (Tenya Iida, Killed N6) 12. Caimie (Tsuyu Asui, Killed N2) 13. Sopheria (Shoto Todoroki, Lynched D2) 14. Jelly (Tomura Shigaraki, Lynched D6) 15. Amine (Neito Monoma, Killed N4) 16. Hypurr -> L'Belle 17. Lía (Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, Killed N1) 18. Sailboat (Eijiro Kirishima, Killed N0) 19. Bazaro (Mirio Togata, Lynched D3) 20. Alaris
  5. which so far Ttar doesn't have. And I don't think he will have a Fake Out mon by the time he fights Shelly, seeing as he didn't get either the skitty or the glameow and doesn't have a meowth. Even if he got one, he'd also have to know what strat Shelly's going to use so he could Fake Out illumise's Rain Dance, but he'd need to have quite the foresight to guess that right out the bat.
  6. From Everland to Reborn ~ Episode 65 I stared at the direction of the thudding sound, and soon the bathroom door opened. With an amount of steam that made me wonder if someone had been cooking themselves in there, came out a figure dressed in a white bathrobe. No, it was not the dead man. It was someone much, much worse. The worst possible scenario, right in front of my eyes. “Oh. My. Goodness. Look who’s here! You appear now when I just took a relaxing shower, and totally evaded me while I looked for you months on end?” Jasmin, looking dramatically different from how she looks with a face full of make-up, was now standing just a couple of meters from me. “I didn’t think I’d find you here,” I said. “Of course not. But isn’t it obvious that I’d come here, to the last place my boyfriend-” she paused and grinned widely, almost as if she were imitating Cheshire. “I mean, your boyfriend, was known to inhabit before he mysteriously disappeared?” I knew she was only saying this to upset me; she had always been this sort of person. Yet, she was managing to do just that, and it took every inch of my concentration not to show it outwardly. She stared at my eyes, perhaps searching for proof that I was distressed. After an unnatural pause, she stroked her long wet hair and asked: “Now, you wouldn’t know what happened to him, would you?” I forced myself to keep a straight face, but I don’t know if I succeeded. Turns out tensing facial muscles on command might not be the best way to look unfazed. In any case, my effort wasn’t enough to fool one with a keen sixth sense, a product of a purist lineage of police officers and commanders. “You don’t have to tell me, if you don’t want to,” she waved her hands. “Now that I’ve found you, I care not if Aladdin comes back or not. Our duty was to bring you back to Everland for a proper trial, and if he doesn’t come back with us, that’d just be more credit to me.” “You’re sickening. Don’t think you’ll catch me just because you found me,” I said, and reached to one of my pokeballs. However, just as I’d grasped one, a purple ribbon wrapped around my wrist and pulled my arm, making me drop the pokeball to the floor. I looked back at Jasmin, and widened my eyes in disbelief. The purple ribbon that had caught my wrist was nothing other than the ribbon tied to Jasmin’s hair. “W-what…” “Having my secret revealed to my enemy isn’t very elegant of me, is it?” The other end of Jasmin’s ribbon moved in almost invisible speed and wrapped around my other wrist. I tugged with all my strength, but neither side would let go or rip. Instead, it wrapped around even tighter, which I thought would end up severing my hands. “I like hearing you scream in pain. It feels rewarding when punishment befalls criminals, you know?” Since she said that, I clenched my teeth so that I wouldn’t give her the pleasure. She noticed, and grinned even wider than before. “Now, behave. If you don’t resist me, I won’t have to tighten my ribbon around you so strongly.” She pulled my arms with force, and that momentum made me fall forward onto my knees. “Much better.” I didn’t want it to end there. I still had to fight alongside the people I cared about. I still needed to return to Everland and overthrow the Queen. I wouldn’t be able to do either of those things from jail, or worse, from death. Right at that moment, Pikachu, who had been hiding behind me the whole time, leaped forward using my back as a springboard. It was like that time, when he had jumped towards Solaris’ large blue dragon in order to save my neck. However, this time was different. Pikachu used the move Astonish on Jasmin, and instead of Pikachu, she crumbled to the floor. The ribbons on my arms loosened for a moment, and that was enough for me to pull my arms away. I called Pikachu to run, and we ran with the fastest speed we could toward the room’s doorway and then the building’s exit. I could hear Jasmin’s angry shouts following me, and perhaps her ribbons might have actually caught my hair a couple of times, had it not been for Pikachu who slapped the ribbons away with his ghastly arms. Running outside of the apartment complex was going to be a problem, however, because of the perpetual snow on Ametrine City’s ground. Fortunately, that turned out to be an advantage I could exploit against Jasmin, who was still wearing her bathrobe and slippers. She tried following me for a couple of meters, but then withdrew to the building because she could not handle the cold on her almost-bare feet. I turned around briefly to confirm that she was standing at the building’s entrance, with a glare that told me the next time we met would not be a clean meeting. Now, I had to quickly decide where I would head to, before Jasmin could change her clothes and come looking for me again. My drive to find out about Aladdin’s thought process was at an all-time low now, given that he had evidently planned a trap that extended well beyond his last breath. However, I also didn’t want to go back to the circus, without having accomplished anything here in Ametrine. My head throbbed as I considered my options, and tried to choose the best option that increased my chances of escaping unharmed from Jasmin. My instinct was to just run through Ametrine Mountain full speed, but given my lack of judgment on several occasions, I wasn’t too sure that was the correct answer. Exiting Ametrine through the mountain’s interior was the most predictable route. Even the idiots of Team Meteor knew that, and placed the PULSE Avalugg to block that passage. Was there another path to leave Ametrine City? I glanced behind. No, but I could make one. I ran over to the edge of the cliff that had one large protruding rock. This had been the place Aladdin and I battled, and the rock the one that I deposited my entire life onto while we swung from my bubblegum dress. It was also the place where Aladdin had fallen God knows how many meters to his demise. “Pikachu, I saw you parachuting Shelly to safety once, when we were crossing the bridges to get to Calcenon City,” I said. “What do you say? Want to try taking another leap of faith?” Pikachu looked at me, then took a sneak peak at the bottom of the cliff, and jumped backward. Then he restlessly moved back and forth, perhaps trying to think of an alternative that didn’t result in our deaths. However, he must know that I already considered my options, and at least this path had some chance of survival, compared to the other one that was absolutely nil after angering Jasmin thus. Once Pikachu calmed down, he began stretching his disguise, which gave me another idea. After all, he wasn’t the only one with stretchy clothing. After 5 minutes of intensive work, we were left with two parachute-size clothes, which I combined together using the last two magical stones on my bubblegum dress. Now, we were ready to try out the life-or-death maneuver. I must say that, even though I had high hopes for this to work, it wasn’t easy taking that step down to the abyss, when I couldn’t guarantee my or Pikachu’s safety to the 100%. “Ready, Pikachu?” I said, trying to control the trembling of my hands. “Let’s do it.” We jumped off at the same time. The parachute worked in the sense that it didn’t just make us fall at 9.8 m/s^2, but given that the two sticky stones that held them together only did so in two spots, air still could pass between the sheets and we fell at a faster rate than anticipated. Pikachu noticed, and used one of his long arms to hold the two cloths’ gap, but still, the parachute wasn’t perfect. The other thing was controlling the landing spot; due to the air current, we did not fall in a straight line but instead in all directions, and I did my best to avoid plunging into the cliffside by kicking it when we got too close. In the end, we fell into part of the forest, not too far from the cliff. The landing was catastrophic because the tree branch I stepped on broke under our and the parachute’s weight and so we fell and got scratched all over with tree branches. Luckily, we didn’t hit the ground because the parachute got entangled in the branches and held us like a bouncy hammock. I cut through my dress to escape the bubblegum mess, and Pikachu also shrunk(?!) his disguise to normal size. The scratches hurt but I had suffered worse injuries in the past. Some sprays of Full Heal should do it for now. We walked through the forest, half-looking for the path to access either Agate Circus or Calcenon from the bottom of Ametrine Mountain, and half-looking for Aladdin’s corpse. That was all I could do in the present moment, for I didn’t know when Jasmin would be leaving the infamous apartment, where perhaps I could gather the information that, I had to admit, I was desperate to obtain. However, I could not find the corpse, perhaps owing to the layered snow. I was about to give up my search and focus on just leaving Ametrine all together, when I heard the sound of a branch break near me. The sound made my heart jump and instantly increased my heart rate by three fold. I thought that somehow against all odds, Jasmin had found out that I jumped off a cliff, and was now proximal to me; however, I was, to my relief, wrong. The person who approached me was not someone I knew. She appeared to be walking her dog, a large stoutland. “Is someone there?” she asked. I remained silent, because I didn’t care to chat with a stranger. She continued walking, the dog guiding her towards me. Even when she was within a 5 metre radius of me, though, she repeated herself louder. “Is someone there?” Then she added, “Sorry, I’m blind. I am looking for someone, and I thought you might be them.” Only when she said this, it dawned on me that her eyes were out of focus. “Yes, I am here, but I’m likely not the one you’re looking for.” “Oh, let’s see. You don’t happen to be Vanilla, or know someone named Vanilla, would you?” The question caught me off-guard, and I couldn’t reply straight away. How would she know who I was? Was she a member of the Everland Police looking for me like Aladdin and Jasmin? It was improbable. They wouldn’t hire a blind person precisely to look for me, would they? “Why are you looking for her?” I said, still precautious. “About a week ago, Mocha here found an articuno and a boy lying on the snow,” she said, patting her stoutland. “Both were cold but still breathing, so my dad and brother helped me to carry them to our house.” “Aladdin!” I exclaimed but I checked my tone. “So he survived the fall. Roaches always refuse to die.” “Dunno about roaches, but dad said he probably fell from Ametrine Mountain and his articuno tried to save him. It’s not often, thankfully, but we’ve found dead peeps around these parts before. I wish they wouldn’t choose Ametrine Mountain for sucide spot, or more like, I wish they didn’t choose suicide at all!” “Aladdin didn’t commit suicide, although he might as well have.” I don’t know why I said that. The girl looked at me funnily, though her eyes were not looking in my direction at all. “You seem to know this guy an awful lot better than I expected,” she said. “I think I’ll have to add to my previous statement that I wish angry girlfriends wouldn’t push their boyfriends off cliffs to solve their conflicts!” I flinched, but this was not the moment to flinch. “That’s not at all how it happened. But again, why should I explain things to a stranger? Just take me to where he is already.” “Stranger? Oh, that’s right! I haven’t introduced myself yet,” the girl said, smiling this time. “My name is Hazel, and my stoutland is Mocha. I think Aladdin might be asleep right now, since he still has a fever, but I’m sure he’d be happy to see you if you caught him awake. He’s in a much better shape than we found him in. At least that’s what Arthur says, since, you know, I can’t really see if he’s in a better shape. His fever did feel like it’s gone down a notch, though. Follow us, Vanilla. Our house is nearby.” “I didn’t say that I’m Vanilla,” I reminded her. “There wasn’t a need. I knew you were, when you said you were the guy’s girlfriend. Even in his feverish state, he didn’t stop calling for you.” “I didn’t say I was his girlfriend, either,” I corrected her with slight annoyance. “If he did that, it’s probably because mine was the last face he saw.” “You didn’t need to say anything. I already know everything. You see, since I don’t have my eyesight, I have a sharp sixth sense instead. You paint yourself as the one who attempted murder on him, but I doubt it. Why would you sound so happy when I said he was still alive? Pretty sure a killer wouldn’t be happy to know their target didn’t get killed after all.” I tried to correct Hazel’s misunderstandings all throughout the time we walked to her house, but my efforts were futile. What she lacked in both vision and sixth sense, she made up for in her stubbornness. VANILLA RATES: REBORN(?) CHARACTERS Yep. Just introduced a new OC out of the blue, and don't ask me why. QUICK LINK TO NEXT EPISODE
  7. Mid-day-ish vote and post count (which had been randomly suspended but they're back babe) Votes Alaris (1): Bean Anti-Loser (2): Alaris, Alistair Posts Need to post at least once more: @L'Belle @Alistair Need to post at least twice more: @Anti-loser @Astra125
  8. true, unless he stops relying so much on his combusken/blaziken, he's gonna be in for a rotten treat oof
  9. Guddo mooningu, listeners! The day appears to be peaceful. ... LIKE THAT EVER HAPPENS AROUND THESE LANDS! We found another casualty while taking a morning walk, and I can guarantee you, it was not a pleasant sight! Kiet was killed. He was [Tenya Iida], a UA student. Avenge your friend's death, students! Day Seven has started! We're on the LYLO climax. YEAHHHH ~ Participants ~ 1. Anti-Loser 2. Nicki (Kyoka Jirou, Killed N5) 3. Dragoknight (Kurogiri, Lynched D1) 4. Alistair 5. Nick Crash (Katsuki Bakugou, Lynched D4) 6. Yahy (All For One, Lynched D5) 7. Nano4 (Ochako Uraraka, Killed N3) 8. Astra 9. Bok (Toru Hagakure, Killed N3) 10. Bean 11. Kiet (Tenya Iida, Killed N6) 12. Caimie (Tsuyu Asui, Killed N2) 13. Sopheria (Shoto Todoroki, Lynched D2) 14. Jelly (Tomura Shigaraki, Lynched D5) 15. Amine (Neito Monoma, Killed N4) 16. Hypurr -> L'Belle 17. Lía (Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, Killed N1) 18. Sailboat (Eijiro Kirishima, Killed N0) 19. Bazaro (Mirio Togata, Lynched D3) 20. Alaris
  10. TBH I was super surprised about that too. Maybe he googled the lyrics and found that out but I didn't even think it was the lyrics of an existing song Until later when someone pointed it out and I was like
  11. Everybody say HEYYYY!!! Sorry for the delay, students. Turns out working as bestest teacher, being a radio show host and fighting crime as a professional hero makes me go timerupt! But now I AM HERE!!! Wait, wrong catch phrase, but I guess that's swell too... and you know what else is swell?? THAT'S CORRECT! Your choice for lynch today is so swell it almost smells well!!! Jelly was lynched. He was [Tomura Shigaraki], a villain. Night Six has started! We're on a roll, students! Final vote count Jelly (7): Kiet, Alistair, L'Belle, Bean, Alaris, Astra, Anti-Loser Anti-Loser (1): Jelly ~ Participants ~ 1. Anti-Loser 2. Nicki (Kyoka Jirou, Killed N5) 3. Dragoknight (Kurogiri, Lynched D1) 4. Alistair 5. Nick Crash (Katsuki Bakugou, Lynched D4) 6. Yahy (All For One, Lynched D5) 7. Nano4 (Ochako Uraraka, Killed N3) 8. Astra 9. Bok (Toru Hagakure, Killed N3) 10. Bean 11. Kiet 12. Caimie (Tsuyu Asui, Killed N2) 13. Sopheria (Shoto Todoroki, Lynched D2) 14. Jelly (Tomura Shigaraki, Lynched D5) 15. Amine (Neito Monoma, Killed N4) 16. Hypurr -> L'Belle 17. Lía (Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, Killed N1) 18. Sailboat (Eijiro Kirishima, Killed N0) 19. Bazaro (Mirio Togata, Lynched D3) 20. Alaris
  12. Ttar is a prodigy in LPs. Idk how he can say the funniest things spontaneously xD my fave (after Reborn, maybe?) LP of his is actually Detective Pikachu. I highly recommend it, especially if you haven't played the game.
  13. Hello again, listeners! Yesterday was a very exciting~ day! We got our second villain, and avoided a zenmetsu (all-ded) scenario! But oh noes! There is another Student brutally murdered It appears that we won't be able to rest in piece but without dying until we get rid of all the villains! Nicki was killed. She was [Kyoka Jirou], a UA Student. However, the good news is that L'Belle has substituted Hypurr! Welcome him and tri to fill him in on everything that's happened in less than a in-game week! Day Six has started! You are still on LyLo! Ganbatte, Students! If everyone sends in their votes within 24 hrs from now, I will phase change early. ~ Participants ~ 1. Anti-Loser 2. Nicki (Kyoka Jirou, Killed N5) 3. Dragoknight (Kurogiri, Lynched D1) 4. Alistair 5. Nick Crash (Katsuki Bakugou, Lynched D4) 6. Yahy (All For One, Lynched D5) 7. Nano4 (Ochako Uraraka, Killed N3) 8. Astra 9. Bok (Toru Hagakure, Killed N3) 10. Bean 11. Kiet 12. Caimie (Tsuyu Asui, Killed N2) 13. Sopheria (Shoto Todoroki, Lynched D2) 14. Jelly 15. Amine (Neito Monoma, Killed N4) 16. Hypurr -> L'Belle 17. Lía (Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, Killed N1) 18. Sailboat (Eijiro Kirishima, Killed N0) 19. Bazaro (Mirio Togata, Lynched D3) 20. Alaris
  14. Is this the end, or is it just close to the end, or is it not the end at all, or just a means to an end??? Listeners, I'm going to announce what you've eagerly been waiting for! Whether the Students lose, or they managed to survive one more day! What do you, think? Yahy was lynched. They were [All For One], a Villain. You did it, Students! You've lynched a villain successfully! But wait, a Student has just collapsed in the courtyard. Hypurr was modkilled due to missing the post requirements 3 times. Sailboat, who was N0'd and left in the limbo instead of going to the dead land, has been contacted to see if he wants to replace Hypurr. His yes/no answer holds the fate of the game! If they agree to join, they will be on the game starting Day Six! Stay tuned to find your fate!!! Night Five has started! Send in your NA's if any! Final vote count Anti (3): Yahy, Anti, Astra Yahy (4): Ali, Kiet, Nicki, Alaris Jelly (1): Bean Alaris (1): Jelly Thx to Astra for doing me a help ~ Participants ~ 1. Anti-Loser 2. Nicki 3. Dragoknight (Kurogiri, Lynched D1) 4. Alistair 5. Nick Crash (Katsuki Bakugou, Lynched D4) 6. Yahy (All For One, Lynched D5) 7. Nano4 (Ochako Uraraka, Killed N3) 8. Astra 9. Bok (Toru Hagakure, Killed N3) 10. Bean 11. Kiet 12. Caimie (Tsuyu Asui, Killed N2) 13. Sopheria (Shoto Todoroki, Lynched D2) 14. Jelly 15. Amine (Neito Monoma, Killed N4) 16. Hypurr (???, Modkilled D5) 17. Lía (Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, Killed N1) 18. Sailboat (Eijiro Kirishima, Killed N0) 19. Bazaro (Mirio Togata, Lynched D3) 20. Alaris
  15. Hypurr will get mod killed but replaced by Boat if Boat is willing. If he isn't, then unless something happens and the NK is intercepted, game will be over.
  16. It's because he doesn't like woobat but since that was his encounter on the west side of the railnet, he can't get another better encounter in the east side of the railnet now. Hence why he says Wonga wasted his encounter; had he not gotten an encounter on the east side, he could've gotten one this episode
  17. yep me too I was like W H A T and then was like U W O T
  18. And there he was when we woke up the next morning. Amine was killed. He was [Neito Monoma], a UA Student. ... I foresee rainy days. What do you think, Eraserhead? Eraserhead: And tell me, how can you forecast the weather? It's called a "hunch", man of little faith! Anyhow, rainy days. For whom? STAY TUNED TO FIND OUT! YEAAAAHHHHHH! Day Five has started! Today is LYLO so eliminate those pesky villains asap! ~ Participants ~ 1. Anti-Loser 2. Nicki 3. Dragoknight (Kurogiri, Lynched D1) 4. Alistair 5. Nick Crash (Katsuki Bakugou, Lynched D4) 6. Yahy 7. Nano4 (Ochako Uraraka, Killed N3) 8. Astra 9. Bok (Toru Hagakure, Killed N3) 10. Bean 11. Kiet 12. Caimie (Tsuyu Asui, Killed N2) 13. Sopheria (Shoto Todoroki, Lynched D2) 14. Jelly 15. Amine (Neito Monoma, Killed N4) 16. Hypurr 17. Lía (Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, Killed N1) 18. Sailboat (Eijiro Kirishima, Killed N0) 19. Bazaro (Mirio Togata, Lynched D3) 20. Alaris
  19. I like how everything is looking so far with SwSh. If the leak I'm trusting is true though, scorbunny will be fire/fighting and that will just be the Why for me like it was for many with the dex stuffs. I guess I'll preorder but not this month because I'm literally broke already gotta wait for some cash income lol
  20. The simulation is approaching its end? Or is it going to be long long and long like my [redacted]? (Ok I know Mic wouldn't say that but I had to) Let's see how today went... My my, there are 12 players, and 1/3 of them is 4 so unlucky NickCrash gets lynched by a narrow margin. NickCrash was lynched. They were [Katsuki Bakugou], a UA Student. An extra dose of YIKES to you all Night Four has started! Do whatever you need to win this, students! Final vote count Nick (4): Jelly, Nicki, Yahy, Alistair Bean (2): Anti-loser, Alaris Yahy (1): Kiet Jelly (2): Nick, Bean No vote (3): Astra, Amine, Hypurr Thx Alaris for doing my job uwu @Astra125 @Hanyū @Hypurr y u no vote?? Avoid modkill this late to the gaem oof ~ Participants ~ 1. Anti-Loser 2. Nicki 3. Dragoknight (Kurogiri, Lynched D1) 4. Alistair 5. Nick Crash (Katsuki Bakugou, Lynched D4) 6. Yahy 7. Nano4 (Ochako Uraraka, Killed N3) 8. Astra 9. Bok (Toru Hagakure, Killed N3) 10. Bean 11. Kiet 12. Caimie (Tsuyu Asui, Killed N2) 13. Sopheria (Shoto Todoroki, Lynched D2) 14. Jelly 15. Amine 16. Hypurr 17. Lía (Izuku "Deku" Midoriya, Killed N1) 18. Sailboat (Eijiro Kirishima, Killed N0) 19. Bazaro (Mirio Togata, Lynched D3) 20. Alaris
  21. double lynch doesn't happen in this game. in case of tied votes, it will be RNG
  22. E-e-e-era-a-ser-he-he-head. Wha-what is ha-ha-ppen-ning to u-u-us? You buncha peepos got paralyzed! The following peepos can't change their votes: @CrimsonDragon21 @Jelly @Chickens @Anti-loser @Alaris @NickCrash @Yahy @Alistair @cicada
  23. I work in the Pathology department, and my PI has the darkest sense of humor ever (even if he's all smiles) cause he performs autopsies and makes a lot of dead jokes. I find his jokes funny so I guess yah I guess I share in the dark sense of humor oof
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