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Everything posted by Candy

  1. owo can't sell work that is 99% plagiarised in every sense xD but I used Fire Alpaca to get the outlines, rough coloring from the original work and to add some shading of my own, then transferred the sprite over to this online tool called Piskel App to change the coloring (it has this convenient button that allows you to change the color of multiple pixels that have the same color at once). Voila~ took me about 3 hrs tho cause I ain't artistical, especially when it comes to shading rip
  2. Hmm maybe I should change her brow to an angry/determined-looking brow to make it more like a Pokémon trainer sprite haha
  3. thanks~ Idk can't really feel proud cause the work was pretty much done for me xD I just made the kawaii drawing into a sprite to practice color choice and shading haha
  4. Error 101: talent not found. ... hm? wait, I found something!
  5. owo thanks~ still amateur and hecc I have no idea what I'm doin' but hey, I think it's fun~ even if it's largely plagiarism lol
  6. Was bored because I'm busy af and decided to make a VS trainer sprite heavily based on stolen art lol just for practice ya feel me Do a gib of feedback if you'd like. I trieded to make the shading (especially the face) Reborn-esque but prolly butchered it rip
  7. I see you like a physical attacker set I'm more fond of the special set with discharge/thunderbolt and nasty plot. I'm using alolan raichu for my mono-psychic run so it has psychic added on top. Idk if light ball is available early enough though, my pikachu kept getting one or two-shotted so I had a rough time using it until it evolved
  8. Klinklang is one of my fave choices in Reborn, it'll carry you until late game no problemos. Swoobat with ability Simple is a great choice for start to late-mid-game (I'd say until Terra). Other than that, there's a pichu event in Onyx ward, if you'd like a faster electric type than Ampharos. Though not particularly useful until late game, my fave pokemon lopunny will wreck everything in your way once you get the mega ring
  9. Lol! It's true but I wanted my shling moment aka to hear the sound of 4x super effective
  10. TBH I did the battle first, and made a narrative based on it. I really expected Anna to one shot articuno because it had ~4 EV in HP and 0 EV on special defense, in addition to drought, lack of snowy mountain field and STAB heat wave. Yet it worked out in the end because Wolfie was the last one standing. Sometimes I be lucky like that haha and yea I did have aqua jet on my primarina too, because it's a very slow mon. Half of my team at this point is EV trained, including Wolfie so his speed is fast as hecc. I do change movesets from time to time, so if it happens that Wolfie gets outsped, I'll get accelerocc on him
  11. It's the Online Play battle function so they set the levels to 100 by default but fun fact: I actually played as Aladdin with these mons up to Ametrine City where he would have a showdown with Vanilla (even though in the story he didn't manage to beat Aya, gave up on the League and flew up to Ametrine to continue his search of Vanilla). That type of cliffhanger but also a literal cliffhanger since they're standing on a mountain which has one side that is pretty much a cliff
  12. Lycanroc is fast boi fam why should I get accelerocc on it? xD honestly I was surprised by how strong Aladdin's mons were, but I guess it's like me vs me because I was fighting as both Aladdin and Vanilla on this one haha I'm glad you liked this episode cause I wasn't sure the dialogue's progression was making sense Idk if I mentioned it to you but making the video of Vanilla vs Aladdin was the creative stuff I wanted to make for a good while now haha And did you notice how I ended the episode on a yuge cliffhanger?
  13. From Everland to Reborn ~ Episode 56 Sorry for lack of pics but hecc there ain't much to picture when it's mostly dialogue lul Also what happens with Shelly will hafta wait until next episode cause this one went wae longer than I expected oof I hadn’t prepared my bloodlust, so I stood there only glaring at a face that brought me mostly terrible memories. “I thought I’d be a goner once you came here,” he said. “What are you waiting for? Didn’t you want to rip my throat earlier today?” Indeed, I thought I’d not be able to control my anger when I saw him too. Yet, perhaps it was the influence from Cal and Shelly that added a hint of melancholy to my own tragedy. Unlike it was for them, it was impossible for Aladdin and I to return to the past. I said nothing. My gaze moved from his face to his mismatched shirt, and lastly to the book in his hand. Its cover looked like it was made of a wine red leather, but there seemed not to be a title written anywhere. Aladdin noticed that my attention had shifted to his book, and waved it in the air before throwing it my way. “Now that its original owner is gone, I think it should belong to you,” he said. “What do you mean?” I opened the book and passed my eyes over some pages quickly. It wasn’t a published book, but a notebook with familiar penmanship which mere sight of almost gave me a stroke. “It’s Wolfie’s diary.” I shut the book and glared at him with anger mixed with awe. However, the words had resonated in me so much that I had to close my eyes tightly and stiffen my body for a moment to keep my calm. “How did you obtain this?” I said, but my voice cracked. “I knew Wolfie kept a diary, and I spied her one night to see where she hid it,” Aladdin explained. “It wasn’t hard to retrieve it while the police was busy looking for physical evidence to frame you as Eterna.” “And you thought it okay to read this?” I raised the diary up with a shaking hand. “How dare you. How dare you disrespect Wolfie’s memory like that.” “Wolfie is dead, Vanilla. There’s nothing to disrespect,” he shrugged. “I read some of it to see if it contained information about the other Defiance groups, but instead found things that perhaps you will find difficult to digest.” “Shut up,” I shouted and clenched a fist on the hand that wasn’t holding the book. “Her memory is sacred for me, even now that she’s gone.” I walked side to side in order to slow my breathing and dry the tears that threatened to spill out of my lower eyelids. “When I left Everland alone, I found out that I could live without you no problem. Once you turned from dream to nightmare, I only remembered you with bitterness but never with longing,” I said and noticed Aladdin’s left eye twitch once. “However, without Wolfie… I’m a mess. I kept buying useless fights. Some fights I won, but many I lost due to lack of foresight. I fell into traps much simpler than traps I avoided in the Underworld thanks to her. When I lost Wolfie, I lost my compass.” I raised the diary to my chest and caressed a cover that Wolfie must have opened a few hundred times. “That’s why I won’t allow you to walk all over her like she doesn’t matter anymore. Disrespect me all you like, but if you do or say one more thing to insult her, that will be the last thing you do on this planet.” Aladdin nodded. “I have no reason to disrespect her,” he said. “I know first hand how loyal a right hand man she was. A true friend. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous of you for having someone care about you as much as she did.” His blaziken took a step closer to him and placed a claw on his shoulder. He looked at the bird pokemon’s face and smiled without parting his lips. “Bullshit, Aladdin. I cared about you back in Everland,” I barked. “You should be jealous of my ability to keep loyal companions instead.” “True,” he said, his face returning to its stern expression. There was silence then. I gave Wolfie’s diary to Pikachu, because I had a feeling that our civil conversation was coming to its end. “Would you go support Shelly for me?” I asked Pikachu. Though I couldn’t tell his expression from over his cloth, I knew he hesitated because he did not move from the spot. He made a low purring noise, which made me smile a little. “Don’t worry, I will be fine.” With one last pat on the head, Pikachu went running up the mountain. By now Blake and Shelly must be at the top, I thought. I could not see them from where I stood, but I caught a few glimpses of the helicopter that came for Blake struggling with Cal and Heather’s aerial attacks. Everyone was giving their all, and I wasn’t going to be the odd one out. Aladdin stared at me and glanced at the top of the mountain. “From what I understand, you’re working with people in this region to protect it from a terrorist organization,” he said. “It made the headlines in Everland, that an Everish noble who fled the region was involved in Reborn’s politics. Thanks to that article, we were able to pinpoint your location.” “So what if I am? I don’t have to justify every step I take.” “No, you don’t. I was only mocking your carelessness in allowing the Everland Police to know you were in Reborn, and also the irony of you fighting on the side of the Gym Leaders.” “I would never side with people who murder innocent lives like Team Meteor,” I replied. “And yet, you fought on the side of rebellion in Everland, not on the side of the Status Quo like you’re doing in this region. Innocent lives, you say? You killed more than one member of the Everland Police during your raids in the Underworld.” “The Everland Police is the Queen’s pawns. They’re by no means innocent.” Aladdin paused, took a deep breath and sighed. “Before you joined the Defiance, I’m sure your opinion on the Everland Police was favorable,” he said. “You only see them as the enemy because you got brainwashed by the Defiance’s agenda.” I was silent, so Aladdin continued speaking. “Just as you wanted to help the Underworld citizens accomplish revolution, the Everland Police, the Queen, Jasmin and I want to protect the Overworld. In our eyes, you’re the same as Team Meteor, threatening our peace and safety.” I launched a punch directly in his face, which sent Aladdin flying back. I ran over to give him a second blow, but his blaziken cut in between us, and Aladdin caught my wrist in the split moment that I paused my movement to avoid the pokemon. His grip was tight and I couldn’t take my arm back. “Did my words hurt your pride thus?” he asked, wiping his nosebleed with the hand that wasn’t holding my wrist. He only managed to smear the blood under his nose. “You wouldn’t understand me. You’re part of the Overworld.” “Vanilla, you’re part of the Overworld too. We didn’t have to be enemies,” he said with furrowed brows. “I told you several times while we were dating. I told you that you were a noble, a honorable part of the Overworld. There should’ve been no incentive left for you to keep fighting for the Defiance after your captor- King, was it?- passed away.” “Don’t kid yourself,” I pulled my arm but he did not release it. “Honorable part of the Overworld? You make me laugh. It’s like you didn’t notice that no one wanted to befriend me, despite me being a noble. It’s like you didn’t notice that I was the only albino person in the Overworld because all the others were sent to the Underworld almost as soon as they were born!” “I know that.” “My going to the Underworld may have been simple coincidence, but it was where I should have been anyway. Those people down there are my people, being mistreated because of an arbitrary allocation of workforce, so that the Overworld nobles can live lavishly without moving a finger, and middle class don’t have to work the jobs nobody wants to do. Do I need any more justification to my actions, Satan?” I pulled my hand away with as much force as possible, and I finally slipped free from his grasp. I turned away from him and walked a few steps, while he dusted the snow off of his ugly khaki pants. “Even if you were supposed to be part of the Underworld, by some happy coincidence you ended up as a high-ranking noble. Just by that fact alone, you could’ve lived the rest of your life without drama,” Aladdin shook his head. “It might be as you say. I could never understand someone as privileged as you.” “I don’t need the understanding of a pathetic excuse for a human being, who used underhanded tactics to dismantle my team,” I spat on the ground. “A coward who couldn’t fight his foe face-to-face.” “You said it yourself,” Aladdin shrugged. “Even behaviors that are frowned upon are allowed in war.” I was ready to choke the last breath from his foul mouth, but his blaziken had his eyes on me. It was a rather pitiful sight, for the pokemon knew not what kind of scum he was fighting for. “You said we would have a pokemon fight,” I said, composing myself. “I’ll force you to fight me face-to-face this time. Let’s see if you can avoid another punch in the face.” *This part is going to be summarized in the video on the following spoiler, if you want to skip it but it has extra stuff like dialogue if you want more stuff like that lol “Star, you go first buddy,” Aladdin sent his blaziken to the battle. I sent out Elsa. Though an odd starting choice against a fire type, I counted on the snowy coldness of Ametrine weakening any fire attacks. Besides, I needed to set up Aurora Veil to support my team’s lack of defense. Once the Veil was up, and Elsa tanked a Fire Blitz from Star, I switched Prince in, to Muddy Water the fire bird to oblivion. My plan was cut short, though, when Aladdin also switched Star for a honchcrow that he called Night. Even before learning the rest of his pokemon names, I could already guess that they would all be night sky themed. Since our dates back in Everland were usually at night, I had the opportunity to learn of his obsession with astronomy. He used to say that he wished there was another habitable planet, so he could fly away from Everland. Whether that was his honest thought, or just a conspiracy to give me the impression that he empathized with me, I probably would never know. The water attack still did considerable damage to the dark bird, and it went down on the next turn, however not before hitting Prince with a Brave Bird boosted by the open air. The following opponent, a swellow by the name Galaxy, took both Prince and Elsa down. I thought I could set up the faded Aurora Veil in time, but Galaxy was surprisingly fast and didn’t give me a break. It was beaten by Anna’s Heat Wave, which melted a lot of the snow beneath us and beyond. The harsh sunlight summoned by Anna’s ability, too, made the snow melt even more. Aladdin tried to faint Anna by Rock Slide, but I switched her out for Wolfie, who, despite having low defenses, managed to tank the attack. Wolfie was faster than the archeops, so my Rock Slide one-shotted the fossil bird. Now, Aladdin sent Star back on the field, but I wasn’t confident in that Wolfie could one-shot Blaziken, and a revenge Hi Jump Kick would definitely take her down. So I switched her out for Golden Key, who was holding an Iron Ball specifically because I knew ahead of time that Aladdin’s ace was a speed-boost blaziken. Golden Key used switcheroo to slow Star down, and when I sent my medicham into battle, the fight seemed to be reaching its conclusion. “What did you just call your medicham?” Aladdin asked during the battle, with a tone of disbelief. “His name is Aladdin, but I didn’t give him the name, okay? Candy did,” I said, hoping that the mountain was still cold enough to cool down my burning cheeks. Aladdin chuckled, but said no more and continued the battle. I almost made medicham-Aladdin to use Fake Out like was customary when he first touched the battlefield, but I remembered that it would do nothing other than earn Star a free speed boost turn. So instead, I went directly for Psycho Cut, which I was confident would faint him anyway. Aladdin sent out a sigilyph called Moon next, but the poor pokemon went down soon after by medicham-Aladdin’s non-STAB Thunder Punch. “My last pokemon might surprise you,” Aladdin announced as he held the pokeball. “I caught it under the most bizarre of circumstances.” “Is that so?” I said with zero interest. “When I was walking around the mountainous paths looking for you, I asked my pokemon to look for a bird pokemon large enough to be able to carry me on its back,” he said. “And this was the pokemon they managed to find and convince to join me.” With that, Aladdin threw the pokeball, and released blue bird legendary, Articuno. “Are you kidding me?” I blurted out. “I guess I could’ve continued my Reborn League challenge had I found this guy earlier,” Aladdin scratched his head. “Unfortunately the poison leader wrecked my chances.” The mention of the poison Gym leader reminded me of a passing comment Aya had made about beating a novice trainer that used mostly flying type pokemon, but had a blaziken as a starter. So it had been Aladdin she had talked of that time. “Don’t believe I’ll lose, even if you, as always, are cutting corners and cheating,” I said. “I still have a fire type and a rock type at my disposal.” The ice bird knocked out medicham-Aladdin in one shot because of a type advantageous Hurricane attack. I sent out Anna and I thought she was about to beat Articuno in one short as well, but the bird bore it with stamina expected of a legendary pokemon. I was down to my last pokemon, Wolfie. My last line of defense, much like original Wolfie had been back in the Underworld. I smiled with a hint of sadness, as I shouted my last command. “Wolfie, use Rock Slide!” That concluded our battle. “Well done, Vanilla. I see your training in Reborn has not been in vain,” Aladdin said. I was about to say something as well, but right then a loud roaring sound caught our attention. The source of the noise was made evident in no time when I turned around. “Avalanche,” I whispered. VANILLA RATES: REBORN CHARACTERS QUICK LINK TO NEXT EPISODE
  14. sorry I'm late I fixed the white dot but Idk why the outlines are fuzzy and not defined?
  15. No problemo~ and your sprite girl has some on-fleek hair btw
  16. how's this? I'm guessing it's for replacement of "trainer00x" sprite (the one that appears on trainer card)
  17. on average the shiny rate is ~1% without the charm, so prolly me getting the rough end of the stick must've helped out some folks out there to get shinies lol (ya I kno that ain't how probabilities work but I like to think it like that anyway haha)
  18. when you defeat Solaris on the top of Pyrous Mountain, your partner is Julia, if you lose against that garchomp, your partner is Florinia
  19. wow my dude right here sweeping Reborn with 3 mons and I had to battle Shade ~30 times with a team of 6 psychic mons xD thanks to you I realized my meowstic could actually outspeed gengar if EV trained a tad bit, without that I'd still be stuck in endless resetting oof
  20. wooo that's even more smaht move Terra-san
  21. @Corso is our resident physics master. let him tell us whether applying force in the shape of special attacks from both sides would help break the door more easily than if the force were applied from one side only xD
  22. Well me thinks the glitch field fits Terra because 1. she a L33T H4CK3R and 2. her rawrchomp has its fairy weakness eliminated
  23. look at my dude finding plot holes xD that be absolutely right! well for our purposes let's just say Cal's magmortar defies the laws of Ameniverse xD
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