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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Candy

  1. honestly gotta get a better job or an extra job tho. $800 really is pushing the minimum limits imo if one wants to lead a healthy life.
  2. ah, I have a slow cooker with timer function, so hopefully Starry's sister's also does. I prep the food and leave it cooking while I'm gone to work. When I return, the slow cooker is in "Keep Warm" setting and I have yummy dinner xD
  3. Well meanwhile she's got a slow cooker aka the only cooking appliance you need really. I make thyme chicken (just thyme, bay leaf, salt, soy sauce and veggies including onion, 3hrs slow cook), rosemary pork (just the same as the chicken but rosemary instead of thyme and bay leaf, 3-4hrs slow cook), lemon salmon (lime juice, garlic, parsley, salt, 2-3hrs slow cook), among other dishes mainly bean soups.
  4. tsk tsk what kind of drugs was dedenne on to outspeed even crobat? one venoshock and it'd have been gg xD but anyhow poor Bonnie, witnessing things she would never do in the canon pokemon anime
  5. yah they think Terra going to die but they gonna be pleasantly(?) surprised also super happy for the squad that they're enjoying this part of the game :3 I think Ame outdid herself with the glitch world
  6. owo eat a lot of sweet candy but donut eat le Candy ///
  7. Using 6 lopunnys? reminds me of a certain someone... @Amethyst is this your alt? jk but superb taste in pokemon! Lopunny is my fave~ anyhow, welcome to the forums and enjoy the
  8. boi can anyone tell me why some still go into battle with overleveled mons? do they not have the common
  9. Did you ask for a candy, because here: Also welcome~
  10. owo what nvm then, I thought Prince Charming won but only Cinderella could win this way Then yah Cass is right!
  11. Drago didn't die but he lost with town rip and gg everyone~ tho I literally did nothing since I got N0'd
  12. henlo welcome~ and yep there are many of us, including me, whose native language ain't english so don't worry :3 as long as we can understand you, we gucci
  13. I think life's too short to dwell on what you don't have, because at the end of the day you're given just this life to do what you want with it and it'd be pitiful if it were not made to be at least somewhat pleasant. For example, I'm newly found in an environment where everyone is as smart or smarter than me, but I try to remind myself that being part of this crowd makes me sufficiently smart (this is a common pitfall in people who go to Ivy League schools, but it can happen to anyone including me). I also don't have a husband and will likely never have one thanks to some mild trauma, but I think each civil status has their pros and cons, and I don't believe being single puts me in a disadvantage to happiness compared to my married peers. I think many people don't realize this (and of course, some disorders like depression may prevent the ability all together), but at the same time that our brains control everything about our beings, we also have the power to control our brains. We know what triggers its dopamine pathway. If that's playing video games, play them. Play so you may take away the stress from work, or the stress from not having the perfect life. Funny thing you mention that you miss high school. However I'm sure there were times in high school when you wanted it to be over asap. Humans are by nature difficult to satisfy- if they are busy they want a break, and when they're unemployed they want work. It's more important to find happiness in the present, than to desperately look for a state of being where you're 100% satisfied, because as long as you're human, that state unfortunately doesn't exist.
  14. Sandyghast: Atupal (Laputa is the castle in the sky, so flip the word to make it castle in the ground lol) edit: oof
  15. Given how much emphasis she gives to unrivaled power, perhaps it's likely she'll have a few legendaries under her belt. I think 99% sure she'll have an arceus. And just a wild guess but maybe either zekrom or reshiram depending on which path one took.
  16. NIIIICE I've also used a Dedenne before in Rejuvenation and it carried my ass quite far into the game. I like that Bonnie's got guts~
  17. how I study for an exam:

    • listens to epic anime soundtracks to feel like I'm in battle
    • makes a Sasuke choke meme of my professor
  18. If you haven't yet fought Kiki, I think you should exchange your dark types for maybe granbull and something else not weak to fighting or psychic moves. Also Klinklang is super useful in Reborn due to many of the Team Meteor fights taking place in factory field so don't underestimate it
  19. rage because yesterday I saw I had a content count of 1,999 and I said "wow one more post and it'll be exactly 2,000! gotta make that post special" but then minutes later I forgot I said that, and now we're at 2,008 and I didn't get to see the perfect 2,000 cause I forgot to rip why is my life liek this

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Starry Knight
    3. Dreamy


      hmm I wonder if it goes down if you delete old posts...


      looks like I'm not far off 2k either 😃

    4. SilverAngelus


      You lot have so many 😅

  20. to be fair my reaction to Blake stealing the Ruby Ring after I said "No" three times was WHAT!?!? as well xD also I wonder if the squad even remembered who Cal was or why Shelly acted scared when he appeared lol
  21. "skills in uploading tempo" the only reason this part of the story is getting uploaded more often is that I literally have been cooking this part of the plot for months now. usually I have to imagine what happens in an episode just before I start writing, which takes time... and not to mention I'm not always in the mood for writing if I didn't have an exam and a presentation later this week, I'd totes write the next episode right now haha
  22. You're not wrong Q-Jei may have been blessed with script editing skills but I'm as illiterate as hoomans can get rip not that I need it because a Vanilla+Shelly vs Blake+Aladdin fight wouldn't make sense due to Aladdin not being involved with Team Meteor (and Blake prolly hates him for feeding the Ametrine citizens anyway lol).
  23. No, it's actually a note i made for me to remember what he meant lol forgot to delete that parenthesis oof I figured y'all would remember something from the beginning of the episode but I thought you might not have paid attention to that and then be confused as to wtf the hope was xD
  24. Welcome to the forums~ and I see you got a nice sprite going there :3 Also thanks for the consideration (judging from your edit hehe), but most of us have already played the game and spoilers are mainly applicable to new episode content whenever that comes out
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