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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Candy

  1. The stress when you think you've done all you need to do but people say you haven't done it so you get bamboozled and start thinking maybe you didn't do it x_x

    1. Wolfox
    2. SilverAngelus


      Same's going on here x_x

    3. Candy


      Thankfully my PI (boss) has a rather bad opinion on the guys who bamboozled me so I'm gucci 😊 He knows how it is lol

  2. Yah I read the post before the last and the lack of mention of rainbow field (one of my fave field changes) concerned me. Also it might be a good idea to post these gym battles in video form because it'd be easier to understand hehe I don't know what ppl use but I record with Quick Player and edit in the sound with iMovie.
  3. Honestly tho I prefer MCY so I'm happy to see this coloration- I like the original too but this is very pretty
  4. Well for me, I feel the gauntlet and Fiore manse battles top my list in difficulty. Hardy could've been hard (pun intended) but I had a fully set-up klinklang literally cut through his mons oof
  5. Omg I hear they removed nuzlocke rules?!?! Yaas maybe I'll start watching again. Their stress to continue the nuzlocke had me stressed hehe
  6. That's interesting, even if the study can't imitate a piracy-free world 100%. The below sentence caught my eye when I started reading: "To be more precise, the study estimates that for every 100 games that are downloaded illegally, players actually legally obtain 24 more games (including free games) than they would in a world in which piracy didn't exist" I wish they hadn't included free games in the study, because it skews the point of the study. On the one hand, it supports that people who play pirated games increase curiosity for more games. For example, my playing a free dress up game may make me want to play other free dress up games. However it's less certain whether a person would pay cash to play something similar. In my earlier example, I don't see why I would play a paid game that does pretty much the same thing as the free version. Given that Pokémon fan games are free and similar versions to the canon games (albeit TPC has been improving graphics which can't be easily matched), I think the second category applies better. I also am not fond of survey studies- maybe because I'm an empirical scientist lol. Self-report is tricky because you might be getting responses from "trolls", and there's also like a myriad of response bias like society desirability bias which is difficult to exclude, especially because there's no real consequence for being dishonest on an anonymous survey. Anyway take home message is things are working currently regardless of whether it's optimal or not so let's just not strain our brains so much lol
  7. Just want to throw this in: unless we can estimate sales of a video game without possibility of piracy, we can't say for sure that piracy doesn't hurt sales. Piracy has existed for a long time and the internet has only made it more convenient. Sure, game companies make huge amount of sales, but could they be making even more money? We don't know because taking piracy out of the equation changes the number of players and buyers, which is at least outside my scope of mathematics.
  8. random but if y'all haven't watched Pride and Prejudice (1995), y'all haven't lived :3 I've rewatched it like 5 times and I never get tired of it 10/10 would recommend

  9. I don't think it matters whether the company is big or smol, because in either case fan games are steering away those who would pay for video games if there weren't free alternatives. On the other hand, fan games might help keep the community alive while no new games are in the market yet, but I don't know how much of an impact that has on the overall sales. Just my two cents.
  10. This majorly depends on your moral compass - what you consider morally good. In my case, my moral compass is roughly (for I didn't think about this as much as I'd like to) defined as follows: good means improvement of any sort, which does not interfere with the objectives of others around you. Therefore, many things lie in the grey area by my definition of good, such as science, religion, immigration, etc. For those things, I'd have to weight the pros and cons of each, and see if the pros outweigh the cons and vice versa. Fortunately, I don't think such extensive analysis isn't required for fan games. I don't consider video games in general to "improve" something, and since fan games in particular might interfere with game companies' objective to make money, I conclude that fan games are bad under my moral compass. Let me elaborate on the first part of this sentence. I believe video games are a medium of storytelling and a method of entertainment. For some forms of storytelling, I'd argue there is improvement of the mind associated with it, because you might learn new things. However, pokemon games (both canon and fan games) usually lack content to learn (or at least that's what I think) because the focus is on strengthening one's pokemon rather than following the story closely or getting something out of the story. Sure, Reborn's story is intriguing, but things that happen to the characters I already learned from either experience or from prior learning. Thus, it's entertainment but not improvement. Perhaps an ideal world would be for fan games not to exist and instead have those fan game developers create their own gaming companies, but alas, that is not a world we exist in. Things that are as morally bad as making fan games are done (piracy, plagiarism, etc), and the world still keeps spinning. Given, though, that we will die at some point and there isn't much reason to stick to morals unless you believe in some variation of Heaven/Hell, I'd say that one should f*ck morals if the present enjoyment surpass the consequences of f*cking them. In fan games' case, the game company doesn't do anything unless you refuse to take your game off the internet when they ask you to, which I'd say isn't much of a consequence tbh
  11. Actually it depends- as a primarina I think it's useful to have liquid voice + hyper voice because in doubles you may not want to hit your ally with surf or sparkling aria. I change between her abilities since other times you can hit your ally for example if they have dry skin or are holding an absorb bulb, or of course when it's a singles fight.
  12. I don't think it should matter whether you do it pre or post city restoration, because that part of the map isn't restored when you come back from Agate. Don't quote me on that though!
  13. Tfw you buy your betta a leaf hammock for him to lie down, but instead he uses the top of the heater as resting spot

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Candy


      Boi won't listen and also won't stop swimming around for the camera lul



      giant almond leaf but no plants cause pet shop today didn't have any silk or live ones reeee

      I'll check with another pet shop tomorrow... if I don't oversleep


    3. Dragoknight


      Oh so you do mean fish! Yeah, heater seems like a nice place plus thats what my cat does

      Animals like resting by the heat I guess

    4. seki108


      I was going to say this is pretty much 'Cats.jpg' until I opened it saw you were talking about your recently acquired fish.  A fish is fine too I guess.

  14. Henlo fren~ welcome to the forums and hope you enjoy it here- I think you'll fit right in as we're all Pokémon nerdz
  15. Klinklang is God in this game. Magnezone might be whatever but it's wae too late encounter. Klinklang on the other hand goes with you from early to late game 10/10 would recommend... except when you're a butcher then don't waste a klinklang's life
  16. For early to mid game, I strongly suggest Swoobat with simple - it'll be handy against grass, poison, bug, fighting which are all gyms in the early and mid game. It also gets calm mind by level up and with simple, it turns into a killing machine lol I used to hate the mon but Reborn allowed me to change my opinion.
  17. Got a new aquarium for my betta fish but I have to wait sometime to place him in >< I'm trying to be patient even if I'm wae too excited!




    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Candy


      Ye I have the marimo ball (kinda hard to see in the pic), the castle thingy actually has a large opening to one side so he can hide. I'd try a planted aquarium but currently I just have these stringy plants that look like pipe cleaners which do nothing but shed leaves and float around the filter which is annoying. I'm taking a trip to the pet shop on the weekend though so if I find some nice plant I'll get it 😛 I'd rather not get floating plants tho because they might get in the way for the fish to come up for air.

    3. ZEL


      Yeah that's what I mean with how it could be complicated with the surface being so small - everything would end up covered very fast haha.

      If you're currently not equipped to deal with live plants you could always look into silk plants? The main purpose would be to make sure the fish has plenty of cover (they ideally should have the ability to hide from your sight completely).

      Real plants come with their own set of advantages, but as far as creating a safe-feeling environment goes, silks do the trick^^ (Heard it's best to stay clear of the unnaturally colourful ones, though. And make sure they're aquarium-safe, no sharp edges etc that the fish could hurt itself on.)


      Hope I'm not being annoying about this or anything, aha. Just throwing in suggestions while you're upgrading your fishy's home~

    4. Candy


      No problemo fam, I'm just an amateur who has been reading about bettas extensively so any good advice is welcome in my book~ I'll look into silk plants when I go to the pet shop, I think it'll be an easier starting point for me rather than having to worry about both betta and plant health lol

  18. I haven't caught up yet but as far as I know Twit and Jay were the ones least enjoying it and with good reason. I think Mo and Nexus have highs and lows with the game. Nexus is my fave out of the five btw, so maybe I'm biased to hope he is enjoying the game lol
  19. Tonight I ate juicy and soft slices of pork. My question is, should I credit myself for cooking it, my mom for giving me the recipe, or cuisinart's machine for actually making it 🤔🤔

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J-Awesome_One


      Why not all 3? You cooked it great, if it wasn't for your mom, you wouldn't have been able to make it and the machine for being able to make it.

    3. Candy


      Guess that would be Candy*, Candy's mom*, and Cuisinart's machine. Delicious Pork. In Press.

      * These authors contributed equally to this work.

    4. Dreamy


      Hooray for tasty pork!

  20. Iirc tho can't you evolve eevee into glaceon by entering Citrine(?) mountain from Route 1?
  21. Fennekin is lovely, I'm glad you've chosen it. It was my starter on my first ever playthru as well~ Don't feel annoyed that Reborn doesn't have good mons early game- it's on purpose. Early game you struggle with the lack of stellar mons and late game you struggle even with your stellar mons hehe
  22. Oh wow then there might be a reason that only your friend knows- I'd suggest casually asking them about it. Maybe there was a misunderstanding of sorts so being on the same page should help. I know it might be awkward to talk about that, but I think checking in with them is the only way to know.
  23. Hmm how long have you known this friend? From personal experience, it takes me a while to get attached to people, so I might interact with them one day and not notice them until they talk to me the next day (note that I never start a conversation until I get used to the person's presence). That's just usually first two weeks in acquaintance. So I'm wondering if that's the case with your friend.
  24. tfw for the first time ever I'm caught up to speed with a developing fangame 😮 that's right~ I'm officially team waiting-for-E19!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. J-Awesome_One


      You've never played Pokemon Clockwork or Pokemon Legends Of The Arena!?

    3. Candy


      Oh! now that I think about it I'm also behind on Clockwork cause I couldn't beat the third gym leader oof but no, I haven't played legends of the arena hehe

    4. J-Awesome_One


      Ahh. Well Clockwork basically ends after the 3rd Gym Battle. Maybe like a couple of minute of gameplay afterwards but you're like really close to finishing the beta. But Legends Of The Arena is freaking awesome. Tournaments instead of gyms, the MC has a personality (unfortunately is only Male but oh well) it's just real fun. I would say try Phoenix Rising as well but something tells me you've already played all there is to play with that.

  25. I didn't on purpose haha, Vanilla doesn't know the zorua's name is Zorua, and also how important he'd been for Pikachu. In her perspective, Zorua is just another zorua that happened to cross paths with her briefly, as sad as that sounds
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