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Everything posted by Candy

  1. Candy


    nope, trashmon es gucci~ send req when you're ready, my ID is Candy
  2. Candy


    I can trade you one (tho you should post this on Online Play subforum~)
  3. Lopunny es gud in all aspects~
  4. I can like 10 mins from now if you're on~
  5. Sorry I'm graduating today so will be out for most of the day rip
  6. Me too Ali but I guess that's part of being in the informed side lel Anyhow GG y'all and thx for not lynching me Can't blame you, I'm just too handsome and princely to be the Disney movie bad guy... wait
  7. oh wow sorry didn't see this (either @ me or quote me so I gets notified of your reply~) I can do in an hour but also later on (it's late here)
  8. Welp that was dramathicc fo sho... making two posts for ze post count(?) [Eliminate] Crimson Dragon
  9. Glitter. All that is wrong in this world.

  10. Candy

    Flying In!

    Hmm there's no dragon type starter Jk I know which one you mean hehe Welcome~
  11. Nice battle scenes~ and creative battles too that swalot got me scared there
  12. this, and the instructions should be clear
  13. Wow this might be the oldest playthru that I've seen (since he I'm relatively new)
  14. I'd like to [Join] Ruby, even though I might be too busy to participate much rip
  15. Numel was useful for sure in the first few gyms. I dunno I'd swap out meowth since I'm not a fan of normal types, but technician-boosted fake out is gud too. If it's one of the two options you gave, I'd vote for swapping with kricketune.
  16. Umm I swear Paul if you weren't a confirmed town I'd scum-read you for trying to place blame just for us thinking Knightly is mafia. I had all reason to believe he was mafia: he wasn't active on this thread, he voted without solid proof (I mean who ever votes someone because they asked you to?) and overall seemed to go with the flow (mafia-like because they don't want to risk gathering attention). By the same logic, we could say Kings Court is mafia because they tried to kill Knightly, an innocent townie smh I don't mind voting Seal, because he followed my independent vote (bandwagon-tendencies are common in mafia me thinks), but I think we have a clear mafia to eliminate this day phase so. [Eliminate] L'Belle
  17. An affectionate boi eh? That's cute x3 I considered putting romance in my run too ngl, but Vanilla is just... plainly unshippable (except perhaps on a senpai-kohai terms with Shelly lul)
  18. So I'm rather surprised that ever since I changed my sig to include shameless advertising of my fairytale run, no one has asked me for their money bacc (which is written on my sig) 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lost Swordsman

      Lost Swordsman

      Meh, I am not gonna pay for something which is free.

    3. Candy


      Es a joke fam, no one would pay to read amateur writing anyway 🤔

    4. Lost Swordsman

      Lost Swordsman

      Well, your writing doesn't look like the work of an amateur. And I was joking as well

  19. @Yuziriha I can give you a dratini and don't mind what you trade me
  20. Kewl stuff, tho I'm not a love type of person so can't help but cringe rip I like that you hold your girlfren in high esteem tho~ Laura is an Elite Four (tho ex-Elite later) so she should make a reliable team regardless of relationship
  21. Senpai intensifies It's a secret (dunno yet if I'll be revealing her team) but if you recall she has Daisy the leavanny and Lily the florges.
  22. This should go under Online Play
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