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Everything posted by Candy

  1. there's going to be a mimikyu event in the near future, which might or might not last past the original mirage tower mimikyu event~ hehe actually Vanilla already beat Luna and is at Agate... but details, details!
  2. Iirc you get it from this techie in North Aventurine Woods (so you'll eventually reach him if you've removed all the webs and logs)
  3. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Nt3HYcezYIg/VhfF0DTDNZI/AAAAAAAADEA/oHPy5n8Djqk/s172/tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gifFrom Everland to Reborn ~ Episode 35http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Nt3HYcezYIg/VhfF0DTDNZI/AAAAAAAADEA/oHPy5n8Djqk/s172/tumblr_lp0mal7AcQ1qg3clto1_250.gif Upon returning to the back of the Grand Gates, I noted something off. “Ah, it’s great to be back,” Adrienn stretched and walked with a fast pace, taking care not to bump into the gigantic rotating gear. When Xe had exited the gates to the south, all of us that remained looked at each other. Perhaps this would be the first and last time I’d see Radomus looking confused. The motive of confusion, of course, was the same for all of us. “The Grand Gates! They’re open!” Cain exclaimed. “I thought the gates had been inoperational for years,” I said, raising an eyebrow without singling anyone out. “Believe me, Vanilla. It is true,” Radomus nodded. “There is something strange going on.” “Yeah, I can confirm that hat-guy is telling the truth,” Cain agreed. Given that there were two witnesses, I chose to believe this to be the case. Anyone who had seen the visions down in the cave, though, probably had at least one clue as to what could be happening. In any case, the lot of us followed Adrienn’s footsteps and exited towards North Obsidia Ward. The tank-top jerk was still standing on the staircase, xyr look frozen upon xyr surroundings. “What’s this?” xe asked. We thought xe was asking about the staircase’s damaged state, though it was curious for xem to ask that since the bombing had taken place days ago. “It’s the Grand Staircase. Team Meteor blew it a little but Ame’s sending some people to repair it,” Cain explained. “No. Where am I?” xe now asked. “We’re in Reborn City. I thought you were familiar with the place?” I said without an ounce of care. When I said this though, Adrienn’s face became as pale as mine. Xe started pacing around, trying to make sense of whatever was bugging xem. I heard xem mumbling some unintelligible words, but then xe stopped in place and looked back at us. “T-That’s right, I’ve lived in Reborn City my whole life,” Adrienn blinked hard. “But this… this isn’t it. This can’t be Reborn.” “The place is exactly as we left it about an hour ago,” Cain said in a low voice, as though e was afraid to disturb Adrienn further. “That can’t be… I mean, where are the ports? Where is the center? And the lake… it’s… it’s brown!” I grabbed adrienn by the shoulders and made xem stop pacing. “Get a hold on yourself,” I told xem. “Don’t go crazy before we find out what is going on. We know some weird stuff is happening here.” Adrienn, who by now had turned into something like a shell of a human being, at least managed to meet my eyes. “... Alright.” I let go of xem, and Radomus carried on with the detective work, even though he was wearing a police officer hat and was still carrying El on his shoulder. “So, Adrienn. If I recapitulate what you said, the lake as you remember it was more properly colored. Is that right?” “Not just ‘more properly’, but it was a dazzling azurine color. That’s why we named it Azurine, after all,” xe explained. “This cascade, Celestine Cascade pours into a river that is connected to the lake… and at the corner of Azurine Lake, there’s a beautiful port and my Gym.” Adrienn seemed to have entered a peaceful daydream until the last thought brought xyr despair back. Xe jumped in xyr place and exclaimed: “My Gym!”, before running off in the southward direction. Given xyr state of mind, Radomus deemed it wise for us to follow xem for now. We ran after tank-top jerk for what felt like a marathon, until we entered Coral Ward. Of course. I had already forgotten my Reborn City geography, but now I remembered that Coral Ward was where the inabilitated port was. I quickly sensed that Adrienn would probably faint at the sight, if xyr Gym was indeed that Gym. We found xem staring, as expected, at the Coral Gym. “I… This is a joke, right? I must be dreaming.” Adrienn lowered xyr eyes and clenched xyr fists on xyr sides. “Were this but a dream, it would be all the easier,” Radomus shook his head. “Judging by your reaction, I can assume you were not expecting to find this building in such a condition. Is this correct?” “When I left this morning, it was perfectly clean and well maintained,” Adrienn muttered. “Ugh, I don’t feel well.” Radomus helped Adrienn sit down on a nearby rock, and Cain went into the nearby Pokemon Center to fetch xem a cup of water. “None of this… this whole city is wrong.” “This might be hard to assimilate, but it is regardless information you ought to know,” Radomus said. “Reborn City as I know it suffered a series of earthquakes that destroyed most of the city. The condition was much worse than now, I assure you. Ame, leading the restoration project, designated some buildings to remain untouched, and one such building was this Gym. Perhaps she believed its original owner, that is, if I am not wrong, you, would eventually come to take care of it.” By now, Adrienn didn’t have anymore energy to be shocked but his expression was blank. Xe took the glass of water Cain brought xem and looked at Radomus with knitted eyebrows. “Earthquakes? What earthquakes are you speaking of?” “Unheard of to you, as I suspected,” Radomus nodded. “Now, one more piece of information you must know is that, though you earlier mentioned the Gym being in pristine condition when you left it ‘this morning’, but I have known this Gym to be just like you have seen it for years now.” “Now, will you cut to the results of your investigation?” I asked, my temper almost about to snap. I couldn’t stand watching the dude playing the same game over again. “There’s no need for haste. In any case, I believe there is only one conclusion that can be reached: Adrienn, you have been frozen in time.” Even though the conclusion I expected had been the same as the one Radomus said, the idea still seemed as though it were, for lack of a better word, out of a fairytale. Radomus also supported his conclusion with the fact that the current Grand Gates had been inoperational for about a decade, until only now when we exited the cave with Adrienn, even though Adrienn had always remembered them to be open. Even with all this evidence to back up the case, the idea, as expected, was met with disbelief. “How does that make any sense?” Cain asked, since Adrienn wasn’t in the spirits to ask xemself. “I mean, if Adrienn was stuck down in time down in the cave, shouldn’t we have been as well? Yet we managed to escape.” “A logical question, but you forget that we had something Adrienn lacked.” “The Amethyst Pendant and Ruby Ring,” I muttered to myself. “Yes, the keys,” Radomus echoed my words. “If what sleepyhead here says is true, then there’s no telling what kind of energy that meteorite might be emitting. It is possible that it has the power to distort time.” Though I hardly wanted to do so, I recalled the four visions I had while I was down there. I was sure Radomus had had at least one too, but I didn’t want to publicly ask the others whether they had had the same experience. “So I was down there for a decade, and didn’t even realize it,” Adrienn finally spoke again. Yes, pretty much, I thought but did not say. “I am sorry, but the evidence points to this. It must be a lot to take in.” “My my, this will definitely make a juicy story tomorrow on the show,” Gardevoir commented. “If I may ask, Adrienn, what do you plan on doing now?” “Well, first I’ll take some time off, but I’d like to repair my Gym. I also want to fix the whole city. This can’t remain like this. I admit the whole thing has hit me hard, but only seeing the city back to its original form will cure me of this nightmare.” “Fixing the whole city will be no easy task for a pair of hands~ I’d say you should talk to Ame in the Grand Hall, so two pairs of hands can work on it.” “Alright, I’ll do that,” xe said. “But if you could leave me alone for a while, I’d really appreciate it.” “Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help,” Radomus offered, and Adrienn thanked him for the gesture. “Now, let’s head back to the castle, shall we~?” Gardevoir smiled. “Hang on tight!” “On where?” Cain asked but we all teleported before anyone gave im an answer. We made it just outside the castle, but way too high on the z-axis. As a result, we fell down from about 1 meter high. “Not my fault~ We would’ve had a smooth landing inside the castle, if purple boy had hung on tight as I instructed,” Gardevoir said, pointing her lips. “Well, I thought I’d get kicked if I even tried to hold on to Vanilla, even worse if it’s tightly~” “You have a working brain,” I complemented. Radomus opened the door for us, and the first thing that picked my curiosity were the female voices engaged in conversation inside, for we had supposedly left Luna all alone. Upon entering, Radomus swiftly excused himself by walking straight ahead in long strides. I didn’t think much of that, because I guessed he was going to lock El down in a basement or something before he woke up. The conversation stopped when it appeared that Luna caught a glimpse of Radomus carrying none other than her birth father. “Ah, Master… that person,” I heard Luna gasp. “Don’t worry Luna. He’s asleep,” Radomus replied. “Gardevoir is safe. Go meet her at the entrance.” “Oh, that is wonderful news,” Luna said. She stood up so quickly that her chair made a loud noise, and her frantic footsteps approached us. When she saw Gardevoir, she smiled widely and gently embraced her. “How I’ve missed you,” she said. “Please don’t go disappearing like that again.” “I’m sorry I worried you,” Gardevoir replied. “But what’s a girl without a little excitement in her life, hm? Besides, I had my gallade-in-shining-armor come all the way down to rescue me!” “Master is so wonderful, and I am pleased to be in service to him.” Just then, Luna’s conversation buddy slowly crept into the small entrance ante-foyer. Nilla, who was flying next to me, brightened up and charged across the small room in a split second. However, unlike her, I was not pleased with whom I saw. “H-hello, Vanilla and Cain,” Shelly said, while getting her hair all messed up with Nilla flying about and nuzzling her. “Shelly? What in the world are you doing here?” I said, perhaps louder than I expected. “You should be back in the cove with Saphira.” Shelly shrunk her neck like a turtle does when it’s been startled. “Um, I’m sorry. I- Charlotte told me that, um, if I wanted to… that I should c-come here,” Shelly said, with visible trouble breathing and inability to meet my eyes. “I thought Charlotte could be a guide to you, but I guess I was wrong,” I shook my head sideways. Of course, all those orphaned sisters had only themselves on their minds. What damn would they give about anyone else’s safety? “Now calm down a little, Vanilla, ‘kay?” Cain told me and placed a hand on my shoulder. “Let’s hear Shelly speak. If you keep grumbling, she’ll be too intimidated to speak, right?” “Fine.” Both we and the other two who just happened to be there, directed our attention to the trembling bookworm. “Um, actually, I wanted t-to come,” Shelly repeated the sentence in a more direct way, but with a barely audible voice. “Charlotte h-helped me make up my mind, um, and… and I d-decided to come.” “Shelly, I have Heather’s Ruby Ring with me, and Radomus is probably retrieving the Amethyst Pendant from El as we speak. I agreed with Saphira’s proposition of carrying the Ring, because it meant I would be able to keep using Team Meteor as a punching bag for my pokemon,” I explained. “But that means I’m a constant target to them as well, and I am not foolish enough to make the same mistake twice.” “What mistake are you talking about?” Cain asked. Of course, that was left deliberately unclear. I didn’t want to relive that time when blood bathed everything around me, and I also didn’t want to imply that Shelly could be a blind spot of weakness to me, just like Pikachu had been. That would be a lie. A reply to the question, however, was luckily unnecessary, since Radomus came to join our congregation. He had now changed out of his makeshift police costume, and was now wearing a green hat on his head. “My gallade-in-shining-armor,” Gardevoir exclaimed. “I thank you, Master, for rescuing my dear friend,” Luna said. “Now now, there wasn’t much rescuing involved in this occasion, but I am pretty pleased with the result,” Radomus said, and then, noticing Shelly, addressed her. “Oh so we have a new visitor?” “Yes, Master. She is Shelly, the Lapis Gym Leader,” Luna explained. “She came to our doorstep while you were out. I was scared to open the door to a possible foe, but even through the door I could hear she was not someone to be afraid of.” Shelly seemed a little off-put by Luna’s remark, but I had to admit that nothing but the truth had been spoken. “She’s also one who helped the orphanage Gym Leaders escape~” Gardevoir joined in with her scoops. “And she’s Johto Region’s bug-type Gym Leader, Bugsy’s sister! It’s but a shame that the siblings don’t get along very well.” Cal’s self-pitying talk about his brother crept on the back of my mind. When I heard Cal telling me about Shelly back at Pyrous mountain, I was too concerned with what him hurting Shelly and simply getting over his battle so I could battle Kiki, but in hindsight… a Cal-Shelly friendship does look quite odd until you add what Gardevoir just said to the equation. I assume that the unlikely friendship might’ve formed thanks to both having sibling issues. Not that it mattered, since I won’t be seeing Cal for a while at least, and I hoped it would remain that way. “Well, nice to meet you,” Radomus said and shook Shelly’s hand. “I have someone to introduce to all of you, and hope you will be courteous to him.” Radomus took off the green small hat he had, which now I noticed it had been shaped like a gallade’s comb, and swapped it for a much larger one with a light wine color which matched his clothes. “Where do you even get those hats from,” Cain said without amusement. “There’s always the right hat for the right job, haven’t I said it before?” Radomus waved his staff, which he had obviously obtained while I wasn’t paying attention. “Now, come in and introduce yourself, Elias.” Needless to say, everyone was shocked speechless when the gray-eyed supposed enemy entered the room dressed in a black suit and his collar adorned with a bow tie. Along with Radomus, he was the only other person who looked as though they thought nothing was amiss. “Master, what is the meaning of this?” Luna asked. It appeared that the prank was bewildering even for the girl who plays roles all day long. “This is Elias, the estate’s new butler. He will be a good counselor for our challengers here present.” “I am pleased to serve,” Elias, or El, nodded in agreement. “Please do let me know if there is anything I can help you with.” Luna made a gesture as though she wanted to say something, but was physically unable to. “My, Luna dear. You look as if you’d seen a ghost,” Radomus said, though I wasn’t sure if it was with genuine concern. “I don’t like the feeling of that person,” Luna complained and took a step back to hang tightly on Gardevoir. “No joke,” I said in a loud voice so everyone could hear. “I thought you said you couldn’t brainwash people.” Radomus shook his head. How audacious for him to do so. “I believe you are not recalling properly,” he said with a smirk. “I asked how I would do such a thing, but never said I couldn’t do it.” That was it. I had reached my limit of patience. I’d had enough of this jerk, who had all along hidden his true self under the pretence of a noble gentleman with odd mannerisms. I jumped to just in front of him and grabbed him by the collar. Evidently, Radomus was much taller than I was, so he had to bend over to look at me on eye-level. For once, the face looking at me seemed as though he had been taken by surprise. “You get on my nerves. Do you realize?” I asked, but the question wasn’t meant to be answered. “Your stupid hats, your enigmatic language… but that is not even what annoys me the most. It's like all of us are pieces in your game of chess, yet I can’t find a way to escape.” Radomus closed his eyes, and brought back his arrogant smirk. “Life itself is like a game of chess. The player with the best strategy is destined to win, dear.” “Stop it. What right do you have to play us like this?” “The same could be asked to you or anyone really,” Radomus opened his eyes. “What right do you have to seek success when it angers someone else? Do we even care for such a right?” I couldn’t think of a response; however I did not let go of the man’s collar despite being persuaded by Cain. Radomus never broke eye contact with me, but since I remained silent, closed his eyes once more and carried on talking. “My way to capture success has always been to be one step ahead of life. I like to know all the possibilities before irrevocable mistakes happen, so I can choose the action that befits the situation. Granted, I cannot always predict the future correctly,” Here Radomus took a rather long pause, as though he were deep in thought. “But for the most part, once you know how certain people are, you have a good chance of checkmate. Can you tell me that my way is incorrect?” He opened his eyes once again, and though he didn’t say it with words, I could feel as though he were asking me another question - one which resonated in me like nothing had ever done. Do you not live in the same way? Instead of an answer, I lowered my eyes and softened my grip on his shirt. My arms flung down as two pendulums would. I felt every fiber of my body relax so much that even lifting a limb would feel like a workout. It reminded me of the sensation I would get from working out almost all night under King’s supervision, but in this case it was worse because the pain of sore muscles was replaced with a sense of hollowness that engulfed all of me. Radomus fixed his shirt’s collar and cleared his throat. “Sorry about that, where were we? Oh yes, now I can finally do my duty of battling you as a Gym leader.” Shelly slowly approached me, but Cain spoke before her. “Do you feel like you can battle now? I can go first if you’d like,” he said. I guessed my expression was an open box to my emotional state. I shrugged off the concern and tightened my facial muscles. Regardless of how dizzy I was, at least I knew what my ultimate aim was. Since it was my Gym challenge, the others went off upstairs, while I had to enter the large gates of the first floor into a room with a human-sized chess board. The rules, as Radomus and Gardevoir explained, were pretty simple. I had to place the chess pieces in such a way that the opponent’s king were in check, taking infinite turns while the opponent’s pieces could not be moved. I had been assigned a tutor to learn chess after school for a while, so I did know how each piece moved; there was no need for me to go into the side room and ask brainwashed El about the rules. However, I had always been more of a physical type, and hence my tutor ended up giving up on me. I was glad that I didn’t have to, say, face Radomus in a game of chess. After the chess puzzles that seemed never to end, I was finally in a large room, again set like a chess board, but this time with all pieces cleanly ordered on each side. “Go Vanilla, kick Radomus’ butt~” Cain cheered from the right side. “Um, do your b-best,” Shelly said in a low voice. “Master is a renowned connoisseur of chess. I’m sure his strategy and this chessboard field will pave his way to victory,” Luna said. Her expression and intonation conveyed that she was still displeased with me for not wanting to search for Gardevoir in the beginning and, perhaps, that bit where I said she could be returned to El for all I cared. “Now, now, there’s no need for deep prophecy,” Radomus said. “After all, battles are one of those things even I cannot accurately predict.” “Ah, and Vanilla, do stay for a minute after your Gym battle,” Gardevoir remembered something and added at the last minute. “I have a question to ask you, of course~” “Fine,” I said, and got ready for action. “I find myself in checkmate,” Radomus said as Gossip Gardevoir hauled herself back to the reserved spot next to her ‘master’. He then gave her an energy drink, which brought her health back, though perhaps he should have given her half the drink so she would be more calm. “Great work both of you~ That was a battle worthy of broadcast,” Gardevoir smiled. “What? You don’t think we lack hidden cameras recording every bit of juicy activity, do you?” “I guess it’s to be expected,” Cain scratched is head. “Can’t really be helped when your pokemon is the famous Gossip Gardevoir.” “That’s right~ and here,” Gardevoir used her telekinetic powers to move Radomus’ badge and TM from the palms of his hands to me. “Now you can proudly say that you beat my dear Master.” The TM disk contained Trick Room, which seemed like it could come in handy, though I felt that my team’s speed was pretty decent, save for perhaps my two water types. “Indeed, that was a great battle on both sides. Vanilla battled with more skill than I expected,” Luna said, with perhaps a hint of sarcasm. “I look forward to engaging you in battle myself, for I assume you already know I am a Gym leader of Reborn.” Gardevoir giggled at her friend, though I wasn’t sure whether she knew why Luna was at odds with me. “Dear Luna, will you be facing Vanilla here, or will you in Iolia Valley?” “Oh, I would much prefer it to have it in the valley, if it may,” Luna replied. “The valley’s stones and shadows make such a splendid blackground for a battle. After all, where better than the valley of the shadow of death to stage a challenge upon the most beautiful type: darkness.” Just at that precise moment, the lights of the castle all went out. Knowing how dramatic and extravagant Radomus was, I at first believed it to be a staged act. In fact, I wasn’t the only one who thought the same, but Radomus and Luna denied it being so. “Well, I believe the best thing to do is to quit this place,” Radomus said. “Let us meet up outside by the entrance.” We affirmed in a loud voice, since nods could not be seen. Cain, Luna and Shelly took the 2nd floor exit to the right, while I had to go through all the chessboard rooms down to the foyer. Nilla led my way diligently by making her firefly tail glow a little. On my way back, though, I stopped for a minute. Nilla noticed I wasn’t following, and turned to join me. “Something is not right,” I told her. It was a bad habit of mine to keep talking to pokemon as though they could understand me. “Where’s that religious nut, Elias?” Nilla buzzed silently, as I tried to form a plan. However, I had to admit that I was not as great a seer as Radomus was. He had the gift to turn everything into his chess game, but I had nothing but improvisation to rely on. While I braced myself for what could be a trap, I heard some rustling. “Who’s there,” I asked, but no one replied. Nilla’s tail glow wasn’t enough to see every corner of the room, so I couldn’t even see the shadow. If only my Anna were not fainted, I could have had a better torch. Waiting for the possible enemy to reveal themselves was a waste of time, since I heard no more rustling. I told Nilla to stay close to me, and we walked together to the antefoyer, where the action was waiting for us. VANILLA RATES: REBORN CHARACTERS TEAM RECAP Ehehe~ 7,000 views and counting Donut worry, my frens, I'll continue this journey until the end, even if it takes me years! QUICK LINK TO NEXT EPISODE
  4. [Killer] Venus [Weapon] Bloody machete [Room] Kitchen [Nominee] Corso Certain roles may be helped but I dunno if that would help our case. We need as much info as possible and potential role blocking of our info gatherers would be counterproductive~
  5. Yo es me Mario, es ya boi Guzma... No, es none other than your favorite sweets and manly prince on a white horse ready to steal yo girl or boi anytime~ Y'all know me way too well so dunno what the heccles yaw gonna ask me but, sure wynaut. Anyhow some relevant info and trivia: 1. Contrary to popular belief, my sex is female. Sorryto dorito cheeto I know it can be difficult to swallow it. 2. My favorite sweet is blueberry cheesecake, and dis should be common knowledge lul 3. Some samaritan whose name I don't remember finally solved the mystery of my age! I'm 22 years old! 4. I goes to college, es a wretched senior writing her thesis and dealing with impossible physical biochemistry exams and some miscellaneous team work. 5. Ya prince es officially going to grad school in September(?) so yay me doesn't have to think much about the next 6 years at least~ Now, enuf talkin' more answerin'. Hit me with yer best shot frens Let le AMA begin!!!
  6. Hello there, Deerling-chan (yaw like grass type and yer name ends with -rling) Welcome to ze forums and hope yaw have a gud time with us~
  7. @Venus there's a reason I pushed my AMA till wednesday T_T I'm gonna die tomorrow if I don't study rip
  8. Yaw sure about dis son? I could've sworn Amaria told us she lives in Aventurine Region (after the conclusion of Blacksteeple stuffs) Lul maybe you heard the name when Ame said "Vanhannen castle" xD And great start ma boi. Also the blondie deserves to be part of the MC's group lul he's so fearless hahaha
  9. Jum-P would've swept all of Keta's mons if there were no pignite lul Noice use of Maga too - I remember using a similar set but with dedenne
  10. Boi I'll [ABSTAIN] for now before the phase ends with me being an idiot and not voting lul
  11. Just to let you know though that natures can be changed somewhere (given you don't want spoilers ) and there are also ability capsules in game, so they're not super important. I think breeding for nature can save you quite a lot of patience and time though...
  12. @ludwig729 I can breed you the shroomish and swinub Edit: Done, hit me up when you're free~
  13. Funny thing that I was thinking of doing a "drama king" run of Rejuv (if I ever finish FEtR)... my character wouldn't have been as arrogant as you, though
  14. The ballroom had only a seemingly useless info "nobody knows the real me" written on a paper. Wonder who wrote this...
  15. @Corso do you have Corso as your role then? The one who confuses?
  16. I don't know if it exists, but is there a list of pokemon obtainable only by event? I guess sort of like Reborn's shaded image of obtainables (which is being updated according to the location guide)
  17. Y'all sad reacc ppl: REJOICE for it was all an April Fools PR4NK boisss And for those who were like "finally": too bad y'all dis thread ain't ova till Vanilla finishes the marathon or I die~ Expect an episode sometime next week but I seriously have a yabai exam on wednesday so prolly not before then
  18. The ice stone is available after the 9th gym leader you battle (tho the number varies a bit, I don't wanna spoil you in case yaw not familiar with le story)
  19. Well played, Ame. But did you foresee someone making delicious omelet out of them?
  20. Hmm honestly Amber being like "let's not vote" is suspicious but Paul triene to get a bandwagon going so early on is more mighty suspicious. [UNVOTE] DigitalAmber [ELIMINATE] Paul25
  21. Candy

    Reborn Quiz

    Guess I'll PM the correct answers to those interested in knowing them lul
  22. There's no system to gain EVs fast or change IVs (but ask for a near perfect or perfect mon to the breeders). Otherwise everything else is in place~ New moves as in custom moves? No, Reborn closely follows the canon games (E17 is SM)
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