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Animefan666 last won the day on June 20 2017

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62 Samaritan


About Animefan666

  • Birthday May 29

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    Cania - 8th Plain of Hell

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  1. Go to the Reborn folder and find the file Game.rxdata. When posting, click the the link next to the paperclip icon and choose the Game.rxdata file. Keep in mind you're looking for that specific file. Not the ones with your character name, number of badges and play time in the file name.
  2. I got 10/10 and I'm a Jirachi. I didn't take the original Pokemon test cuz I can't type efficiently on this damn phone.
  3. Shouldn't this be in the Rejuvenation section?
  4. I set out earlier today by bike to a lab for some blood tests, but when I arrived at my destination I discovered that my usual place was shutdown and the company was bought out by another company. So, I had to find the next nearest lab. I had to go through three other cities to get to my new destination. Six hours in total and my everything aches...

  5. 1) At the top of the cave on route 9 2) Having a nightmare in the tunnel to the Judicial District (you need to fight the Sableye in Nightmare City) 3) In the Police Station (Judicial district) - the thief is at route 9, you need to swim north from the beach area. 4) Huma Meadow in Darchlight Forest. 5)Going out from GDC, towards route 7, youll see that there is a gap in the rails, you can go there and she will be watching the ocean 6) Near the statue of one of the lake trio - Nectar Woods. 7) In Oblitus Town.
  6. Can't remember when, but at some point I stopped watching the news because it's more or less the same:


    1.) Black on Black crime

    2.) Police on Black crime.

    3.) White Collar crime.

    4.) Terrorism, Terrorism, Terrorism.

    1. Maelstrom


      Man, if only the news had important things we should know about, like the freshest memes. /sarcasm

  7. From the east entrance of Aquamarine Cave, go up as soon as you enter and go up the ladder.
  8. It was changed in v8 to Darchlight Cave. You'll need strength to get to it.
  9. As soon as you exit GDC, their should be a narrow path below the tracks to the right. In Darchlight Woods, go north of the area Bladestar corrupted and then west.
  10. That's probably because Rock Climb was an HM that hasn't been available since gen 4. As such, Lycanroc can't learn it by TM. EDIT: @Jan When on Terajuma Shore (outside the Xen Frigate and East Terajuma Shore) the map says I'm in the middle of the ocean...
  11. Don't think King's Rock is available yet.
  12. I didn't expose Flora. I knew I chose correctly when I saw Cassandra taking orders from Team Xen.
  13. Their might be one in The Underground. I recall seeing a building with a big neon "SHOP" sign.
  14. The correct file should be located: Local Disk (C:) > Users > [Your Username] > Saved Games > Pokemon Rejuvenation - and select 'game.rxdata'
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