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Animefan666 last won the day on June 20 2017

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62 Samaritan


About Animefan666

  • Birthday May 29

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    Cania - 8th Plain of Hell

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  1. If you could choose one banned episode of Pokemon to watch, which one would choose?


    I'd choose Episode 682, Team Rocket vs Team Plasma Pt1.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Animefan666


      That was Episode 19. but it wasn't banned, it was temporarily removed from rotation. It aired a month later.

    3. HongaarseBeer


      You know, I only just found out that you asked: which banned episode to watch, instead of which episode do you want to be banned... I feel rather silly now, this made my comment so irrelevant

    4. seki108


      I'd have to go with the same thing Animefan, since that would have been the only appearance of the original Team Plasma.  


      Though, as a kid, I would have had to go with the Dratini episode because of the 30 Tauros confusion (seriously, it's not hard to edit out a gun scene to preserve such an important detail.  4kid's One Piece did it ok.)

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