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Everything posted by Animefan666

  1. Further adding on to IntSys's post, You can obtain past Key Items such as the Room ID Card (doesn't create a duplicate) and the Moon Dial (even though I already have the Phase Dial)
  2. Ralts: Xen Backup lab (needs key from beating Kyogre in Valor mountain)
  3. Make sure to change the number of backup saves to something higher than one in the Options menu. I recommend just setting it to 100.
  4. 1.) Text error in Forsaken Laboratory, Journal Entry 4: Sirius and I are trapped in the stasis room. 2.) In Forsaken Laboratory down the east staircase,Team Xen Danni's Tropius is a Shadow Pokemon, but it doesn't look like one. 3.) Map doesn't recognize Route 11. 4.) Tile Errors on Route 11. Picture 1, impassable space below me and above the rock to the right. Picture 2, impassable space on the left. Picture 3, impassable space above me. Picture 4, impassable space above me. Picture 5, impassable space to the right. 5.) It might just be me or their's something off with tall grass.
  5. Can't really say for sure. I guess it's up to Jan. In the meantime, their's more than enough to do in version nine at the moment. Might as well dive right in while waiting for the next version.
  6. 1.) Battles in Atebit World have pure white backgrounds (not entirely sure if it's a bug or intentional) 2.) During the help request "House Sitting" in West Gearen, after the battle with Team Anti-Assist you get a rather large Active Movie Window when Sakitron reveals itself. 3.) Text error in the Hidden Library during the help request "Hidden Library 3" It should be "Why can't things ever just go my way for one damn second?!
  7. 1.) After receiving the prize for beating the Kimono Girl's challenge, their is a blank text box. 2.) During the conversation with Anabel and Looker, Anabel refers to the events on the mountain as "a Irrelevant" instead of "an irrelevant"
  8. The Kimono Girl at the top of Forlorned Cavern refers to you by name even though they don't know your name.
  9. Larvesta/Volcarona is only available from the mystery egg.
  10. Another text error. Their's an extra "to" in there.
  11. Yeah, Google whammied that link. Try one of the others.
  12. Their should be some Emulation apps for Android. So, you don't necessarily need a Tablet.
  13. Found a tile error in Talon's Penthouse.
  14. Slight text error when talking to Melia in the Penthouse. "going to have to uncover"
  15. @Jan Would it be possible to implement the same stat reduction thing as the current games? Like, instead of doing one animation for each stat lowered, it does just one animation for multiple stat reductions?
  16. You can only board the train back to the end of version 8... in version 8. Revert back to that, save in the train and then go back to version 9.
  17. The method was derived from a glitch in an earlier version of the game in which one could ride a Tauros anywhere. Now, it's a bonafide method of getting Beldum (and the only way to get it without trading.)
  18. Their's always anime. I've only heard a little of it, but you could download VRV. A free app with access to all kinds of anime.
  19. So, apparently, Fairy Girls hate Fairy types now. Not a single one has had a fairy type yet. One even had a Seviper.
  20. A Fairy Girl that uses Dark and Ghost types instead of Fairy? Was that intentional?
  21. Barely into Rejuvenation v9 and I've found a reference to one of my favorite songs "Calling" from one of my favorite games "The World Ends With You"

  22. Signs can usually be read, but not this one:
  23. The map doesn't seem to recognize some areas like the entirety of Terajuma Island, Grand Dream City and whatever route is beyond that. I'm in Grand Dream City, but the map says I'm at Goldenleaf Gate.
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