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Everything posted by Animefan666

  1. The hands-on approach to learning Russian:



  2. The cave under the Grand Stairway has some mining spots.
  3. I got Normal/Fairy. I expected something closer to Psychic or Ghost, but I think it's spot on.
  4. No idea who Shofu is, but I recommend Magnezone because it's just that good in this game. Mine had terribad IV's in Sp. Def and it still kicked butt most of the time. I tried Gardevoir but it was just too slow to be effective later in the game.
  5. ABSOLutely! - Capture Absol in the wild. Early Bird - Capture a wild Pokemon that only appears in the morning. Dead Language - Obtain one of every Unown. My Condolences - Complete the Simon sidequest. This is Halloween - Capture a Pumpkaboo in the wild. Buff Out - Max out every stat in battle. TKO - Beat a Pokemon with a OHKO move. Who Ya Gonna Call? - Defeat the Ghost Trainer. (the Misdreavus in Bixbosion Wasteland) I'm a Believer - Don't side with Radomus. Happy Easter - Obtain a Pokemon Egg. Technical Difficulties - Use a Data Chip. Down with the Sickness - Inflict five or more negative effects on a single Pokemon. (Weather/Field effects don't count) Skeleton Key - Obtain Klefki without trading. Secret Agent Man - Escape Sub-Seven Sanctum. TMNT - Have Blastoise, Torterra, Avalugg and Carracosta in your party. Dark Matter - Capture Deino in the wild. I can probably come up with more, but this is all I got right now.
  6. I think if you change it to a future date and then change it back, the weather remains the same until the day after said future date.. I recommend the Select Weather Mod.
  7. Username: GS666 Not even a day and I've already found something to exploit http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7battlespotsingles-571693547
  8. So, I jumped into Pokemon Showdown today. Made a Triple Battle team (cuz that's the only kind I like) and won my first battle :P

  9. Normalize can be pretty good in doubles paired with a Ghost Pokemon with Skill Swap and Role Play.
  10. Tanks: Steelix (high Def) Rhyperior (high Def) Shuckle (high Def/Sp Def) Probopass (high Def/Sp Def) Florges (high Sp Def) Goodra (high Sp Def) Cloyster (high Def)
  11. Here's a few that don't really help: 1.) Truant - Why? 2.) Pressure - Legendaries should have a USEFUL ability. 3.) Slow Start - Suck it Regigigas.
  12. Have you tried looking through the Jukebox?
  13. Taka and his demonic Chatot, obviously
  14. That video is out-dated. Try this one:
  15. On other forums I've been on we had Avatar contests. Basically, one person chooses a theme and the participants change their avatar to fit that theme. Then, everyone votes for their favorite avatar. To avoid people simply voting for themselves, everyone was allowed to vote for more than one participant.
  16. The glasses should be deep in the South Aventurine Forest. Somewhere along the way to the Pinsir/Hereacross event. Here's a video guide by Lostelle:
  17. Definitely agree on Magnzeone. On Milotic, without Egg Moves you're not gonna get a decent moveset for her due to lack of available TM's.
  18. Change Sylveon's ability to Pixilate, change its nature to Modest and replace Moonblast with Hyper Voice (move tutor in Mosswater Market). Change Greninja's nature to Modest (he certainly doesn't need even lower defense) Better alternatives to Sandslash - Mamoswine, Krookodile, Steelix, Flygon, Garchomp and Gliscor.
  19. I happen to prefer the Glass Cannon method. Brute force combined with top speed. Most trainers won't stand a chance. Though, it does leave you vulnerable to moves like Sucker Punch.
  20. Using the first link: Using the second Link:
  21. The double doors on the second floor should be unlocked. It goes up to the third floor.
  22. You could compress the file which would allow you to upload it.
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