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Everything posted by Animefan666

  1. I'm disappointed that they never made a Sandstorm form for Castform.

    1. Dreamy


      I think Insurgence will have one when 1.2 comes out?


      yep, here:


    2. Daniel Blackworth
  2. Yes, pressing the F8 key will save a screenshot in the games directory.
  3. How about a field that boosts the effectiveness of held items and all Pokemon holding a berry gain the benefits of the Glutton ability?
  4. It's in the second post. You get it in the Peridot Ward by giving the ID Tag to Simon.
  5. Earlier today I received a text about suspicious activity from my Facebook account. Now, I knew right away that this was a scam because my phone number isn't linked to my Facebook account since I haven't touched it in years and I've went through about three phones and two numbers since then. However, I did use my number to help my dad get his account info so he could log in. I'm thinking about sending a response to the number, but if I do I want to go all out. Suggestions?

  6. I'd say your school experience depends on what school you go to. My school system was run by slime balls more concerned about earning more money for the school, but pocketing said money for themselves instead of doing their jobs effectively. My school was ranked one of the worst schools in the state. Students had access to computers running Windows 98, the staff had Windows XP and this was around 2010. I actually enjoyed the first few years of high school, but eventually things started getting repetitive. They never even got through half of the text books. It wasn't long before the lessons ceased to challenge me. I was very patient with them as I tried to make some progress by addressing them directly, but that never panned out. By my junior year I was fed up with the way they did things. There were times when even acquiring lunch was impossible. I figured if they won't play fair, why should I? I stopped listening to them when it was necessary and it felt so damn good to finally say/do what I wanted.
  7. Most people seem to prefer Porygon2 holding an Eviolite over Porygon-Z.
  8. Cereal first! Pouring the milk first is just madness. -4
  9. I don't think so. You're supposed to get the Super Rod from the Fisherman on the east side of Tanzan Cove during the Simon sidequest. I know that you can miss out on the Old Rod if you don't get it before the city is renovated.
  10. Machamp learns Bullet Punch through breeding.
  11. On the matter of balancing, am I the only one that thinks Taka's Chatot is TOO powerful? When I battled him Chatter swept through my whole team like a plasma sword through butter. It even two-shotted my Magneton with Chatter.
  12. Yamask can be found in Shades gym.
  13. I've got a shiny 5IV Rotom. Could I get the 6IV Gible?
  14. You can teach him Thunder Punch in Mosswater Market instead. Regarding his speed, this build utilizes his lack of speed to boost his power.
  15. Oh yeah. Somehow, I can't see Taka as the victim of this little science project. Fern sounds like a better candidate. He joined on a whim and he's pretty full of himself. They'll probably get sick of him. Ya know, two birds with one stone.
  16. I feel like just for the irony, it'll be Zel that's put into the machine. Who knows, maybe it'll separate them?
  17. I used to play: Monopoly - I haven't been able to talk my brother into another game in a long time (he got tired of losing) Risk - The last game I played lasted about six hours. Clue - Never could get many people interested enough to get through the whole game. Connect Four - Nuff said. Checkers Chess Mouse Trap Candy Land Othello - I don't think I've ever won a game. These days the only one I play is Cards Against Humanity.
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