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Everything posted by Animefan666

  1. Another questionable thing about PKMN Full Moon:


    Chan murders his way through Team Lightning and refuses to save Redi. Then, some Team Shadow guys get cornered by a Pokemon and suddenly he's all, "you gotta save them! They're human too!" 


    Where was that Empathy earlier when he decided the bad guys' lives don't matter?

    1. Anime


      Another thing: Luna is in love with the boy who bullied her for years, like i love you luna, i love you too chan

      VERY convenient, i wish there is a choice to dump him, i freakin hate him lol

  2. Pokemon Full Moon is the FIRST to have an affordable bike at 500k.

    1. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Rydel in Hoenn gives them to you for free. No voucher, saving from grunts, or other conditions required. 

    2. Animefan666


      That's a gift though. So, it doesn't count.

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch
  3. The Daycare center, why is it always run by an elderly couple?


    "Here, watch my Gyarados for me. I'm sure you can handle it."


    I have my doubts that they have what it takes to take care of ANY Pokemon...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Animefan666


      Let's be realistic here, no one is that good. They're bound to get hurt or worse. Plus, they don't have enough land to take care of multiple Pokemon, unlike Professor Oak and such.

    3. Swampellow


      I intrinsically can't be realistic about this, as it is Pokemon :P

    4. FairFamily


      I rather entrust a gyarados to an elderly couple than a 10-year old.

      Also desolation choose to use a younger couple.

  4. If you could choose one banned episode of Pokemon to watch, which one would choose?


    I'd choose Episode 682, Team Rocket vs Team Plasma Pt1.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Animefan666


      That was Episode 19. but it wasn't banned, it was temporarily removed from rotation. It aired a month later.

    3. HongaarseBeer


      You know, I only just found out that you asked: which banned episode to watch, instead of which episode do you want to be banned... I feel rather silly now, this made my comment so irrelevant

    4. seki108


      I'd have to go with the same thing Animefan, since that would have been the only appearance of the original Team Plasma.  


      Though, as a kid, I would have had to go with the Dratini episode because of the 30 Tauros confusion (seriously, it's not hard to edit out a gun scene to preserve such an important detail.  4kid's One Piece did it ok.)

  5. I usually get an egg in 250~ steps. Sometimes, it takes a little longer.
  6. I believe this is what you're looking for. Just go south and you'll see a train. The egg should be in the last cart.
  7. Anyone know where the Griseous Orb is? I just caught Giratina and I'm not sure if I'll be able to return to the Distortion World again.
  8. https://youtu.be/lVNWa0Qr36Q?t=11m30s According to this video, it looks like it has to be a windy day.
  9. 0mcUKNi.png


    I hope he finds one :P

  10. Even if it is there, you won't be able to get to it because you'd need Surf.
  11. Tfw an Unfezant makes you flinch 7/10 times with Air Slash...

    1. Wolfox


      when a damn Unfezant has a better chance of flinching you then Togekiss when I use it :/

  12. There are no 6IV Dittos because there is only one Ditto you can get. You'd have to use RPG Maker to get one.
  13. Some of my favorites from cards I've had include: Saggi The Dark Clown Kisetai Harpy Lady/Sisters Trap Master Slot Machine Dragon Master Knight Theinen The Great Sphynx Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Sorcerer of Dark Magic Ultimate Obedient Fiend
  14. @ZephryMarquez To get Numel to show up the weather has to be storm, not just rain and you have to load the game from somewhere other than the Peridot Ward.
  15. The true nature of Porygon:




    It's real name is Devilgon! Man created this monster :P

    1. Wolfox


      Devilgon is porigon2 in a team that also has Chansey. the porsey core...

  16. mkscNEp.png


    I said light the candles, not engulf them in your ungodly hell-fire.


    high-five to whoever gets the reference :P

  17. I had five Pokemon on me and used Beat Up with my Sneasel and it struck EIGHT TIMES!! The seventh and eighth blows had different animations, blue flames sprouting from the ground spreading to the sides and a circular red gleam spreading outward in all directions. You can't make this shit up.
  18. Hurt Stahl, Heal Female Robin Male Robin: 21 Female Robin: 40 Lissa: 22 Virion: 10 Stahl: 29
  19. GBA N64 Game Cube DS/3DS Pretty much every game in the series except Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. This one is just plain horrible.
  20. Opposing trainers have access to hyper potions while you're still limited to potions...
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