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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Animefan666

  1. Good Rod is obtained in the Hidden Library during the Hidden Library 2 help request. Nope. Just show up on the third floor at night.
  2. Use the Xen Frigate at the shore directly south of Kakori Village.
  3. You can get them off of wild Luvdisc fishing with a Good Rod at Akuwa Town.
  4. I got an HP Up from Celebi.
  5. The Power items can be bought in the GDC Department Store.
  6. It really is. Though, I haven't played in a while since I finished the events at Larcheos City.
  7. Ya know how the 3DS measures data in Blocks? For the longest time I never gave it much thought, until today. So, I checked to see just how much Blocks my 32GB SDHC card holds. It's about 262144. So, I've got about 17GB of space left on it.

  8. One of the children in the Lost Camp sells them.
  9. If you're worried about EV's, you can buy berries that decrease EV's. I'd still recommend the Audino trainer in Nightmare City.
  10. Ice Stone is given by the Kimono Girls in the Theater on Route 9 after beating their challenge.
  11. You're on the wrong side. Surf north from the bridge on the left next to the lighthouse.
  12. That's still you at Sheridan Village with one badge. The correct file should be located: Local Disk (C:) > Users > [Your Username] > Saved Games > Pokemon Rejuvenation - and select 'game.rxdata' Any file other than "game.rxdata" (no Game (1).rxdata) is not you're current file.
  13. You've exceeded your Attachment Quota. At the top of the page: 1.) Click your username 2.) Under "Content" click "My Attachments" 3.) Delete the files and you should be able to upload the correct file
  14. You uploaded the wrong file. That one has you at Sensei's House with one badge. You're looking for "Game.rxdata"
  15. I generally stick to Serebii and Bulbapedia.
  16. Their's also a consequence for taking the fossil from Ruby Museum. They increase the admission fee.
  17. You get an Eevee and an Ice Stone as a reward for beating the Kimono Girls challenge in the Theater on Route 9.
  18. Keep in mind that this section of the forum is for Reborn, not Rejuvenation.
  19. That particular map bug has been fixed. Download the latest patch from the first post of this thread. On Sandslash, that was true in Gen 6, but Rejuvenation has since moved on to Gen 7 mechanics. Sandslash learns Crush Claw through the move reminder, not by level up.
  20. One of the children in the Lost Camp sells them.
  21. 1.) The place where you talk to Sensei's Ghost, bottom left area - may require Strength/Rock Smash 2.) Caratos Mountain - requires Magma Drift 3.) A dead end at the bottom left of River's End - requires Surf.
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