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Everything posted by Animefan666

  1. Earlier today I was going through the sprites in the game files and saw a Shadow Ralts. Perhaps if you go to that lab in Gearen City and relive some of the events you might find it on one of the Xen Grunts? It's a long shot, but I figured i might as well throw it out there just in case. Assuming it hasn't changed since version eight: Nincada: Terajuma Jungle, Route 6
  2. It's the HQ Railnet Key and I don't think you can if you've already done the events at the top of Valor Mountain, but you can always go there and try.
  3. This literally JUST started ten minutes ago, but I keep getting notifications for the same two things every time I load a page even though I've already checked them. EDIT: Nevermind, it seems to have stopped.
  4. Once you have all four Ariados, push that log that's on the right ledge down.
  5. Take the Xen Frigate at the pier south of Gearen City to Terajuma Island.
  6. You should already have it (it's the Rose Badge.) Just interact with the door and it'll open.
  7. Over an hour of soft-resetting and still no modest nature for my Porygon-Z...

  8. Interact with it while having a Pokemon that knows a light-based move such as Flash, Moonlight, Moon Blast or Dazzling Gleam.
  9. Perhaps Terajuma Island is supposed to simulate the Alolan climate? In the case of Sun/Moon, Charjabug evolves in Vast Poni Canyon due to its unique Magnetic Wave Field. Also, Pikachu can only evolve into A-Raichu on Terajuma island which seems to further corroborate the idea. Since we happen to have a Power Plant in West Gearen, perhaps it was intentional to split Charjabug and Magneton's evolution spots? After all, it makes sense that Charjabug would evolve from a natural phenomenon since it's a bug type, whereas Magneton being a steel type would require an artificial phenomenon.
  10. Bug reports are to be posted in the V9 Bug Reporting thread.
  11. Yes, since it is in the Undiscovered egg group, it's guaranteed to have 3 perfect IV's.
  12. It's in the same room that you first found it. It'll be hiding in the tall grass in the top-left corner.
  13. 2.) So far, only two have been discovered. It's likely that these are the only ones available at this point. 3a.) You get one from the department store clerk. 3b.) One from one of the guys watching the Kimono Girls in the theater on route 9 after you win their challenge. 3c.) One from one of the Help Requests in GDC (I think)
  14. remember the three-way intersection with all the tall grass? I think the water is in the east door. It should take you to a room with a yellow ring-like thing on a table. That's what you're looking for.
  15. I'm looking through the sprites in the games files and I found two backsprites with white boxes: Machop Shadow Ralts
  16. Judging by the sprites in the Battlers folder, their's only one size of Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist.
  17. Well, you need any light-based move. Like Flash, Moonlight or Dazzling Gleam.
  18. You need at least eight badges before you can get the Odd Key.
  19. That would be Ayuda in the Gearen City Help Corp building.
  20. I think he was erased. I've seen some people reverting to version eight to get Link Hearts.
  21. The Judicial District is east of Grand Dream Station. Cross the bridge, go up, then right and you can't miss it. You may have to advance through the story to a certain point before you can go there.
  22. There is no up-to-date list at the moment. The Odd Key is obtained by going through Narcissa's gym when you have eight or more badges.
  23. Found another cell. Amethyst Cave/Amethyst Depths/Amethyst Mines/Cliffside Graveyard, on the right.
  24. You need eight badges before you can get the Odd Key. For future reference, when you have enough badges just go through the gym like normal and you can't miss it.
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