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About Layle

  • Birthday 10/03/1993

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a fun day 😉🍰

  2. Thanks a lot! Do you know if there is a pick table for Reju?
  3. Hi everyone! I really want to get a Heliolisk (I'm supposed to beat Narcissa right now). I saw somewhere that I may find one by pick up but I can't find the level that I have to be in order to find one. Is there a rejuvenation pick up table somewhere? Or can someone tell me what should I do? (If there is another Sun stone)
  4. Oh ok, well that would be great =D But indeed, I think I remember reading your guide for reborn that you mention. (If my memory serves me correctly) Thanks for the answer =)
  5. Oh I see, I see Thanks a lot =)
  6. Hi everyone! I just began a new party on rejuvenation and I just passed the 2 first battle (against Litten and Froakie) and I asked myself... What if I lost both of them. Would it have a consequence on the plot or something? Or doesn't it matter? Also, Is there a reputation system in Rejuvenation like in Reborn? (even if it has no consequences yet) Just being curious =)
  7. Hey again, I'm pretty sure I saw it before but since I cannot find it here it is: When Risa arrives, I assume that she is in the wrong place, not a big deal but a bit funny (Rhodea and Risa hugging 20 meters apart from each other for example haha)
  8. Hey! In the story I just beat the dimensional garbodor in West Gearen and now I'm supposed to go beat Erick (just so you know) but before that, I wanted to discover the new maps as Route 1 or 2, amethyst cave etc... And I reached goldenwood cave and when I entered in it, Young Melia appeared, joined me and made the game crash when I wanted to check the briefcase in front of the arceus statue. And when I tried again (because I wanted to battle Mars) I entered the cave and got out, now Young Melia is just standing in the cave doing and saying nothing. The game doesn't crash but I don't know if it will affect the rest of the game... (I had no motivation to read all of the topic to see if it has already been reported or not)
  9. So now I backed up so I returned right before entering Valor Mountain. Should I wait for a new patch so I can save Amber? Or Should I go continue the story without saving her? (Should I stay or Should I go? /The Clash/) EDIT: OH GOD, I just tried again (by curiosity) and it magically works fine, Kyogre appeared (eventually I lost to him) soooo yeah nevermind haha! But still Amber seems missing behind but I don't know how it has been coded sooo, I'll see!
  10. I want to know too, I had the same problem and after doing everything I could, nobody was there so I basically let story goes without saving thinking that maybe I don't have the choice. But now that she hates me for not saving her, I guess I can conclude that I was supposed to get the choice, haha.
  11. Hum... I think that Angie went to the dark side in every way possible, haha However no big deal, the story seems to works perfectly fine =)
  12. I think you just discovered the Alt gr button that speed up the game and can make the game run at a normal speed if you press it again =)
  13. I have that blacksteeple's cell issue, here is my save file! Thanks =D Game.rxdata
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