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Everything posted by HellBoyOnEarth


    SO HYPED RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Well... I actually have a plan now...


  3. So it's possible to defeat him... sadly it was on normal mode...

    I mean his Mons aren't so strong on Intense... I can beat Vulnona(only with a ton of luck), Gabite, Roserade(to my luck it doesn't have Extrasensory...), but my team is already mostly down after this...

    so he can defeats me then...


    1. HellBoyOnEarth


      The way how to defeat his Vulnona is... painful...

      I mean:

      - It get boosted with Miracle Seed in the beginning

      - Poison Powder, Glare, etc... doesn't work here, cause of Magic Coat, which appears in the beginning of the fight

      - same goes for something like Screech

      - even my fully speed ev trained Roselia isn't faster as Vulnona...

      - the only solution I find to beat this thing is a combi of:

      Bright Powder(You know how rare it can appears...) + Clear Smog  from Koffing + bad nature on Vulnona


      - other solutions I found to make damage on Vulnona:

      - Qwilfish with Aqua Jet, but it only makes 1/4 damage on it, and Qwilfish is down after one attack...

      - Grimer Bright Powder and Mud Bomb... 1/4 damage...


      So I am out of plans... There is nowhere an item or attack which can helps me in this battle...

      Well played here with this badass @Jan


    2. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      So you're doing a Poison mono?

      Did you already try out if toxic Spikes gets triggered before or after the Seed?

      Koffing learns Self Desruct, which should do major damage

      If you've got a Moonstone Nidoking/queen might be able to facetank a round or two


      really grindy stuff:
      Koffing and Qwilfish learn Destiny Bond at high levels, you could stick them in the Daycare until they learn it and then delevel if you're okay with cheesing it.

      Oddish learns Grassy Field at high Levels and you can breed it on Bulbasaur- changing the Field would remove Magic Coat, but also boost Fire so you'd have to make sure to shut down Ninetales somehow.

    3. HellBoyOnEarth


      @Gentleman Jaggi

      The seed directly comes in the beginning of the battle. Same by magic coat... so is toxic spies here useless


      Well I didn't try self destruct yet... I will test it later.


      Moonstone is sadly first avaliable right after the gym...


      Destiny Bond... I will think of it 😛


      well I must say that I can blow the magic coat and the boosted sp. Attack away with clear smog from my koffing, but for that must hit the bright powder, which has a damn low hit chance(hits only every 10th battle I believe...)


      after that can I beat Vulnona with Roselia!!

      I can also beat then Donphan, Roserade, Lapras and Gabite with my Roselia, but then is there still his Gallade... didn't found a way to beat this Mon yet...

  4. How sad is this?


    A shiny Charm... But where did I find it? right... in the fucking ev training room...

    1. HellBoyOnEarth



      And another one...

    2. Destrakon


      Indeed this is sad. Even for me, I do love Charizards. T-T

  5. Somebody knows how I can beat a Keta's Ninetales on IntenseMode which totally outspeeds every single poison Mon from me?


    I mean it has Extrasensory... and can OHKO every Mon of me... otherwise will it be easier...


    The only possible solution I can think of is to try to paralyze it with a Mon and Bright Powder or 

    Qwlfish with Bright Powder and Hydro Pump

    but sadly I will not soft reset the whole battle just for the entrance of Bright Powder/or losing the battle vs Keta... 


    team is:


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. HellBoyOnEarth


      @J-Awesome_One I already tried it... Ninetales has also Hidden Power(I think it was Ground) which is effective vs my Grimer...


      @Commander I think(don't know it) that the Roserade will have Extrsensory... I mean it's Intense^^

      I will try tomorrow some plans which I will plan me now(Only have till yet this Bright Powder plan...)

    3. Candy


      is there anywhere you can get an air balloon so you can avoid a ground hidden power?

    4. HellBoyOnEarth


      @Candy I will look for it tomorrow.

  6. So I got my Alolan Grimer and purified him from the Shadow He learnd the move Aromatherapy. Is this a bug? Cause bullbapendia says A-Grimer can't learn the move.
  7. Sorry for no updates over the week... Had long work and so other stuff to do... Also I have now an other problem... I started to play a bit and saved the new stuff here in the topic, so that I can continue on it, but sadly now I lost the stuff on some way... So I must start now from where Sheridan...^^ But I will upload the fight against Rift Galvantula and so all the squad updates what happend till then.
  8. Can I cry now?!?!

    First Poison shiny in the whole run and then this...



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. doombotmecha


      This is why I prioritize pokeballs over potions

    3. HellBoyOnEarth


      Yeah I normally didn't see that coming, cause I forgot that at this place can be a Dustox...

      I just wanted to train my Poison Mons ^^

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow




  9. Have a special question about the Garufa book which you obtain in the side mission Hidden Libary 2. Is it still possible to read the garufa language when I give the book away? Or what will change when I gave it away or not??
  10. The item list guide says that you can get one on the Connection Area by Route 3 (between Sheridan and Goldenleaf)
  11. Hy guys This will be my topic for my Posion Mono Run on Intense Hope you will enjoy that How will I do this project? - I will switch into the role of Magellan, who is here for a special mission. - I will make most of the parts with Screenshots , and I will record the important battles on video. Magellan:
  12. Welcome Really like your signature picture *.*
  13. Hy, I want to ask, if here is a spriter who can made me an special sprite for my a run Think the whole chracters don't fit the character I choosed for my upcoming run... best regards UPDATE: I only need an overall spriter... I found an trainer sprite(thanks to Wolfox ) and created the trainer back on my own, but sadly the overall sprites are to much for my eyes^^
  14. sry for totally noobing, never used the mods before, but how can I start the debug mode? - I downloaded the newest V11 version - downloaded the patch - extracted them to the folders but sadly nothing changed...
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