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Everything posted by HellBoyOnEarth

  1. Sirius and Serra in my Psychic mono run... I totally needed hours to find the right way to beat them...
  2. Ok, when u will not do it, will I do it after my Psychic run
  3. Didn't know if anybody did this till yet, but how about a Mono Fossil run? So you can only use Mons which came from a Fossil I find this as an intresting run
  4. Mewtwo: 18 Lugia: 30 Kyogre: 15 Groudon: 18 Rayquaza: 9 Dialga: 24 Giratina: 37 Reshiram: 28 Zekrom: 33 Kyurem: 27 Yveltal: 23 Solgaleo: 11
  5. Kabutops: 24 Aerodactyl: 28 Cradily: 23 Armaldo: 23 Rampardos: 15 Carracosta: 16 Archeops: 13 Tyrantrum: 23 Aurorus: 17
  6. Cain: 11 Florinia: 19 Shade: 9 Shelly: 26 Anna: 24 Laura: 21 ZEL: 22
  7. Mega Aerodactyl: 24 Mega Ampharos: 20 Mega Scizor: 24 Mega Heracross: 20 Mega Houndoom: 26 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 23
  8. Mega Beedrill: 19 Mega Pidgeot: 29 Mega Camerupt: 48 Mega Gallade: 47
  9. Yep it is me I know It's not the best one as others did, but I like it My Psychic run Must say it is sometimes a challenge(Vs Shade, Sirius, Serra(still hate this damn field), Shelly and I think Luna will also a little hard), but not always(Noel and Kiki as example, think Samson will also be easy, the beginning Pulse Mons)
  10. Mewtwo: 20 Lugia: 29 Kyogre: 15 Groudon: 18 Rayquaza: 9 Dialga: 24 Giratina: 36 Reshiram: 27 Zekrom: 32 Kyurem: 26 Yveltal: 23 Zygarde: 5 Solgaleo: 16
  11. Mega Beedrill: 22 Mega Pidgeot: 33 Mega Camerupt: 48 Mega Gallade: 45
  12. Mega Aerodactyl: 23 Mega Ampharos: 24 Mega Scizor: 24 Mega Heracross: 20 Mega Houndoom: 26 Mega Aggron: 24 Mega Manectric: 21 Mega Abomasnow: 4
  13. Omastar: 4 Kabutops: 23 Aerodactyl: 27 Cradily: 22 Armaldo: 22 Rampardos: 21 Carracosta: 17 Archeops: 13 Tyrantrum: 22 Aurorus: 17
  14. Cain: 16 Florinia: 21 Shade: 10 Shelly: 26 Anna: 27 Laura: 23 ZEL: 19
  15. RIP Stephen Hawking!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. seki108


      This is certainly not news I wanted to hear.  The world lost such a brilliant mind today..............

    3. Dreamy


      The time travelers finally got him ='(

    4. Abyssreaper99


      Poor soul, hope he can rest in peace.

  16. Yeah yeah I already have it on my Todolist will be the first thing what I will do there Thank you! I'll may also try it against Ditto Arceus... But we will see it in the near future
  17. Thx I think that I now can beat that damn Pulse Abra
  18. Yeah, I am not the best in collecting all the dept. store stickers^^ so its better to trade U want something in exchange?
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