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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by HellBoyOnEarth

  1. I found one Can we do the trade to my new savefile?
  2. @Mu7e thx Can u PM me when u find the Scale? I'll try to find it too on my old savefile
  3. Ahh Ok... Yeah its okay, cause I must also evolve horsea to seadra to get Kingdra ID is: HellBoyOnEarth I'll wait for the request Edit: Write me when you are ready
  4. Ok I can wait for it Don't need the Horsea for the beginning of the fight
  5. Could be nice tahnks!! ok nice Just a normal to finish the game I never finsihed E17 so I will start it now
  6. It's a long time since I've played the last time... so I want to start a new run, and for that I will build me a complete new team. Can somebody give me an Horsea(with Sniper or Swift Swim and an Dragon Scale) and an Yanma(with Speedboost) I don't care about the Ev's or Shiny/not Shiny BOTH MUST BE ON A LOW LEVEL PLEASE(5-15)!!!!
  7. Is it just me or does the game runs slow by you guys too?
  8. Can't wait to play it *-* I will take Staryu, cause I like the Mega Form of it A game where Arceus is not the main Legendary can be very intresting
  9. Shrifty with Nasty Plot is a good choice But nothing can beat my favourite: SirCroco Also is Drapion a good choice too, I really liked it to use it against Radomus
  10. Which of his Mons makes you the most trouble? IMO go like this into the battles: Gengar --> astrong Psychic attack is a OHKO Doublade --> Fire Dhelmise --> Fire or flying should be enough Rotom --> I used in my Psychic run this combination: Musharna -> Hypnosis, Calm Mind, Psychic --> OHKO Banette --> Think your Mighty can beat it Mimikyu --> Sent in one slave mon to get the Disguise away, then shall it go fast down after an Steel attack(Maybe from Magnemite )
  11. Lugia: 80 Giratina: 15 Reshiram: 5 Zekrom: 15
  12. This is sad for Hera... Mega Aerodactyl: 13 Mega Ampharos: 10 Mega Houndoom: 10 Mega Aggron: 10
  13. Lugia: 67 Groudon: 15 Giratina: 18 Reshiram: 16 Zekrom: 23
  14. Mega Camerupt: 4 Mega Gallade: 2 - Go away!!!
  15. Uhm... How can I use th item radar mod? And how can I rebanned my items in a battle? I downloaded the newest Patch and started the gameEdit: the weather Mod seems not working correctly... It's raining inside a house
  16. In my first run used I Sceptile, yeah in the beginning is Trecko very weak, but later in the game is Sceptile very fast and really strong with Leaf Storm and Leaf Blade Also is Overgrow OP af, it helps me very very much Now in my 2nd run used I Blastoise, must say Squirtle and Watrtoitle are weak af, I was really happy as it finally evolves into Blastoise... I have right now 4 badges and hope that I didn't choose the wrong starter for the end of the game
  17. Lugia: 62 Groudon: 18 Giratina: 24 Reshiram: 20 Zekrom: 23
  18. Mega Camerupt: 15 Mega Gallade: 4
  19. Mega Aerodactyl: 10 Mega Ampharos: 14 Mega Heracross: 7 Mega Houndoom: 11 Mega Aggron: 8
  20. INFO: The project is not dead... I just need a break and must learn for my final exam in 2 weeks, after that will I be back with new action here Also is Reju V10 letting me totally forget Reborn, but I think that I can handle both runs in the near future
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