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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by HellBoyOnEarth

  1. Is Mismagius weak against Fire? I mean, I battled Narcissia in her gym, I used my Flareon with Flame Charge against it, and the attack was super effective.. Is this a bug? Or does the field also plays a role here? if this is true, why wasn't Flame Charge super effective against her other Mons?
  2. If I remember right, is the 3rd gym normal, and his Ace Mega Lopunny is god damn OP...
  3. I posted my savefile in: There I got help
  4. I think the Dark material is for a Deino later in the game. think it is the same like in Reborn, that you need 3 Materials to get access for Deino
  5. Yeah it is a bug, had the same problem some weeks ago...
  6. How far in the game must I be to get access to the Evergreen Forest? I want a Snorunt for my team...
  7. Is it the old guy? Did he stands right infront of his house? If yes, then you must visit Keta inside his gym(head left and then north from the Pokemon Center)
  8. Lugia: 48 Groudon: 18 Giratina: 26 Reshiram: 26 Zekrom: 27 Kyurem: 20 Yveltal: 4
  9. Mega Camerupt: 34 Mega Gallade: 17
  10. Mega Aerodactyl: 14 Mega Ampharos: 12 Mega Scizor: 10 Mega Heracross: 13 Mega Houndoom: 12 Mega Aggron: 14
  11. Kabutops: 14 Aerodactyl: 26 Cradily: 13 Armaldo: 18 Tyrantrum: 9
  12. Kabutops: 14 Aerodactyl: 27 Cradily: 14 Armaldo: 19 Tyrantrum: 10
  13. Mega Camerupt: 35 Mega Gallade: 21
  14. Mega Aerodactyl: 16 Mega Ampharos: 10 Mega Scizor: 12 Mega Heracross: 12 Mega Houndoom: 15 Mega Aggron: 13
  15. Lugia: 47 Groudon: 17 Giratina: 29 Reshiram: 26 Zekrom: 27 Kyurem: 20 Yveltal: 6
  16. Don't think it is possible... Whats is your team? Maybe we can help you to win this battle
  17. Mhh... ok? I played V10 from the beginning and added for me the Seviper egg... I used the colors from the video and guess what? It worked Maybe try them and let me know if they worked
  18. I got a little bit nostalgic on the weekend and started to rewatch Monster Rancher :3

    I really must say, that I miss the old times...

    Coming home from school, eat something, and then starting to watch Pokemon, Yugioh, Digimon, Beyblade, Monster Rancher. etc...


    What is your favourite choldhood tv serie except Digimon and Pokemon?

    Mine are:








  19. A note for Gothita: You will need the Garufa book from the Hidden Libary, and then u must read the text on the statue infront of the mansion Watch this:
  20. Mega Aerodactyl: 15 Mega Ampharos: 8 Mega Scizor: 16 Mega Heracross: 11 Mega Houndoom: 17 Mega Aggron: 17
  21. Mega Camerupt: 36 Mega Gallade: 25
  22. Kabutops: 17 Aerodactyl: 28 Cradily: 13 Armaldo: 20 Tyrantrum: 12
  23. Lugia: 45 Groudon: 19 Giratina: 28 Reshiram: 26 Zekrom: 27 Kyurem: 19 Yveltal: 12
  24. After I belive 4 hours of trying to beat him... My nerves are totally on the ground....




    Everyone was down expect my Rollcaster which had 3* Iron Defense + 10 Super Potions in... Rollcaster defeated Doublade, BigFat Girachicken and Trevenant...

  25. Seems nobody recognize it So asking it again... Whre can I evolve Eevee into Glaceon?
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