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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by HellBoyOnEarth

  1. Lugia: 39 Groudon: 18 Giratina: 32 Reshiram: 30 Zekrom: 27 Kyurem: 21 Yveltal: 19
  2. Kabutops: 20 Aerodactyl: 27 Cradily: 14 Armaldo: 24 Tyrantrum: 15 Aurorus: 3
  3. Mega Aerodactyl: 15 Mega Ampharos: 10 Mega Scizor: 22 Mega Heracross: 10 Mega Houndoom: 20 Mega Aggron: 19
  4. Mega Camerupt: 42 Mega Gallade: 34
  5. I think you can get Flabébé on Route 2 Didn't caught it till yet(Think u need Cut and maybe other HMs), but I will give a feedback when I get it
  6. This is on some ways a little sad... I mean we are so far in the game, and we can't get this damn items to evolve our Mons?
  7. I am not so sure, but I think you can only set the difficulty in the beginning of the game
  8. Lugia: 33 Groudon: 20 Dialga: 7 Giratina: 33 Reshiram: 30 Zekrom: 31 Kyurem: 20 Yveltal: 19
  9. Mega Aerodactyl: 19 Mega Ampharos: 15 Mega Scizor: 24 Mega Heracross: 8 Mega Houndoom: 19 Mega Aggron: 18 Mega Manectric: 1
  10. Kabutops: 19 Aerodactyl: 31 Cradily: 16 Armaldo: 25 Tyrantrum: 16 Aurorus: 9
  11. Mega Camerupt: 45 Mega Gallade: 43
  12. Nice fight against El Hope you guys will enjoy my fight against him too in my Psychic run I will upload the part today
  13. Well played Anna... Well played... Lets do this with Rejuvenation characters
  14. Lugia: 31 Groudon: 22 Dialga: 7 Giratina: 32 Reshiram: 32 Zekrom: 30 Kyurem: 22 Yveltal: 21
  15. Kabutops: 19 Aerodactyl: 32 Cradily: 17 Armaldo: 27 Tyrantrum: 15 Aurorus: 11
  16. Mega Camerupt: 47 Mega Gallade: 45 Men this will be a long race
  17. Mega Aerodactyl: 18 Mega Ampharos: 15 Mega Scizor: 25 Mega Heracross: 7 Mega Houndoom: 20 Mega Aggron: 18 Mega Manectric: 5
  18. I overwatched now some of your Videos and can only say RESPECT!!! Really good work you did there
  19. In Jenkels Lab (in Gearen City) is a machine which can clean once per day a shadow Mon, I failed on Sunday to clean one of my Mons. I didn't played till yet(Tuesday) and wanted now to clean one of my shadow Mons, but the machine also says that it is recharging... Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong? Can somebody help me? Game.rxdata
  20. Elias, he is just a stupido guy... Why can't he let Luna alone, so that she can enjoy her life... Also his damn Ditto... Really hated it
  21. Lugia: 30 Groudon: 22 Dialga: 8 Giratina: 32 Reshiram: 32 Zekrom: 32 Kyurem: 23 Yveltal: 23
  22. Kabutops: 20 Aerodactyl: 31 Cradily: 20 Armaldo: 28 Tyrantrum: 13 Aurorus: 14
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