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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by HellBoyOnEarth

  1. Mega Pidgeot: 3 Mega Camerupt: 48 Mega Gallade: 44
  2. Mega Aerodactyl: 17 Mega Ampharos: 15 Mega Scizor: 26 Mega Heracross: 7 Mega Houndoom: 21 Mega Aggron: 17 Mega Manectric: 9
  3. Shelly: 9 Anna: 10 Laura: 9
  4. Lugia: 27 Groudon: 22 Dialga: 12 Giratina: 34 Reshiram: 31 Zekrom: 35 Kyurem: 24 Yveltal: 25
  5. Mega Aerodactyl: 18 Mega Ampharos: 15 Mega Scizor: 24 Mega Heracross: 7 Mega Houndoom: 21 Mega Aggron: 21 Mega Manectric: 10
  6. Mega Pidgeot: 7 Mega Camerupt: 48 Mega Gallade: 44
  7. Shelly: 9 Anna: 17 Laura: 6 ZEL: 5
  8. Kabutops: 20 Aerodactyl: 31 Cradily: 20 Armaldo: 28 Tyrantrum: 17 Aurorus: 15
  9. They are still there I am doing a new run and was there right now.
  10. Shelly: 22 Anna: 15 Laura: 19 ZEL: 13
  11. Mewtwo: 0 Lugia: 32 Groudon: 20 Dialga: 18 Giratina: 37 Reshiram: 32 Zekrom: 38 Kyurem: 28 Yveltal: 24
  12. Kabutops: 21 Aerodactyl: 34 Cradily: 25 Armaldo: 27 Rampardos: 2 Tyrantrum: 22 Aurorus: 15
  13. Mega Aerodactyl: 21 Mega Ampharos: 17 Mega Scizor: 25 Mega Heracross: 10 Mega Houndoom: 22 Mega Aggron: 20 Mega Manectric: 15
  14. Looooollll I only looking the post above mine and not all^^ Then will I update my list: Kabutops: 26 Aerodactyl: 30 Cradily: 26 Armaldo: 25 Rampardos: 8 Carracosta: 6 Tyrantrum: 24 Aurorus: 15
  15. Mewtwo: 17 Lugia: 34 Groudon: 19 Rayquaza: 1 Dialga: 24 Giratina: 37 Reshiram: 30 Zekrom: 37 Kyurem: 25 Yveltal: 24
  16. Florinia: 15 Shelly: 23 Anna: 20 Laura: 22 ZEL: 18
  17. Kabutops: 25 Aerodactyl: 32 Cradily: 26 Armaldo: 24 Rampardos: 11 Carracosta: 12 Archeops: 0 Tyrantrum: 22 Aurorus: 18
  18. Mega Aerodactyl: 22 Mega Ampharos: 17 Mega Scizor: 22 Mega Heracross: 14 Mega Houndoom: 22 Mega Aggron: 22 Mega Manectric: 20
  19. Mega Beedrill: 11 Mega Pidgeot: 22 Mega Camerupt: 45 Mega Gallade: 46
  20. Go back to V9, talk to the NPC in the Poke Center who will able/disable your following Mons. You need to take them to disable. Then you can change to V10 and all should be perfect The Mod for Follower in V10 isn't out yet
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