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About zeichirukia

  • Birthday August 17

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    Anything that doesn't bore me :)

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  1. Definitely Ciel, had so much tries with this one, she's always OHKO-ing me after I finish her togekiss.
  2. A life that's so demanding, I get so weak, a love that's so pretending, I can't speak

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  3. Thank you so much!! >.< Finally I can continue grinding for Adrienn's gym
  4. So I was trying to find the previous save, and to my surprise, I cant seem to find the last save. The latest one that I could find was when I still have 8 badges :\
  5. Uhm, sorry for a noob answer but..how do I do that?
  6. *sighs* So yeah, was trading mothim for a trapinch when I accidentally forgotten to remove exp share from mothim. And now, I'm as sad as a rock. Can anyone help me with this? Game.rxdata
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