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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Elenaril

  1. Just made this for myself to use, no reason to not share it (really no idea where else I should post this, opening a new topic seemed overkill).
  2. Any news regarding the download mirrors, or how to otherwise get v10 ?
  3. Requested Pokemon : Eevee Gender(Male or Female) : Female Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : - Ability : any Nature : Calm IV Spread: any Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : normal With or without Egg Moves: Wish, Yawn Other Egg Moves(please specify) : Offered Pokemon : Solosis Gender(Male or Female) Female: Item : - Ability : Magic Guard Nature : Quiet IV Spread: 31/31/31/31/31/31 Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Shiny Egg Moves : - Online ID : Askein
  4. Thanks to all you guys. Experiencing this game is gonna be even better now (: This topic can be closed now though.
  5. That'd be great yes, because the mons only obey me up to lvl 45 atm :/ Thanks a bunch, what do you want - need?
  6. Hey guys, I just wanted to know if someone could provide me with the following pokemons, the reason being that I would like to complete my team prior to having played through most of the game already: Bergmite (male) Aron (female) Tyrunt (male) Cranidos (male) Flabébé (female) Solosis (female) IVs and nature don´t matter, they should just be ≤ lvl 45. Unfortunately I don't have a lot to offer, except from a Happiny, Igglybuff, Elekid (3 perfect IVs) and some Zangooses (4 perfect IVs) in terms of IVs, other than that I just have some of the mons up to Shade. I'd be quite glad if someone could help me out. Edit: Thanks to Sapphire Mahala and Arkiel!!
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