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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by StormLord

  1. Ignia's eyes go wide in shock under her helmet as the armor comes out of the wellspring. She was expecting something big like a more screwdivers or a swarm of sheltering zones, but not a top level Heartless, even if it was one of the most common ones. "It's called Guard Armor. Don't let if fool you into thinking its slow, it's actually six Heartless banding together. They all act separately." She pulls out her Keyblade and armor, preparing to fight. "And if it starts spinning dive for cover." Ignia uses Friendly Dark on Proditor, giving primal dark entities a chance of mistaking him for an ally. Payback Crush is active.
  2. Ignia nodded as the others arrived. "Well there really isn't any telling what exactly is in here, so if everyone is ready let's get started." Unless someone stopped her, Ignia began the process of drawing out the Heartless out of the Wellspring.
  3. "They should already be on their way here." Ignia takes a few steps closer to check on the Wellspring and prepare to fight.
  4. The platform effortlessly pulls Ena up to the second story where she's free to move to the next area. She's presented with a "moderate" sized gear, about three foot diameter, that rotates away from her. She could step onto and catch hold of the gondola suspended from a rotating chain between to gears above allowing it to pull her across. (Dex to catch the gondola, fall on a failure and hit the ground) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Francis awakes on cold paving stones. His mind is a bit fuzzy and his stomach a bit churned. The last things he remembers are going to bed after a successful procedure...waking up in some strange room and made to watch some recording? Something about monsters from the space between worlds. Then he was knocked out again and dropped off here. Looking around he sees a quaint little village with an odd mix of candle light and neon signs, the night sky glitters above. There are several others loitering around the area.
  5. (46) Lyra rummages up [Broken Poison Sprayer x2], [Robot Plating x10], and [Illegal Chipsets x4] She also comes across another plan: Remake Plan - Allows the user to combine [Computer Parts], [Metal], and [Giant D-pad] with a crafting token to create: "X-Bracelet: A bracelet modeled after one owned by the Goddess of Planeptune. Grants 2 DR against Slashing and Piercing attacks." Usable once only. Histoire let out a little gasp at the news. "Oh dear, that can't be good. Stand clear and we'll bring you back to Planeptune tower, then we'll see what we can do to help your friend." After a few seconds the familiar feeling of a teleportation washes over the group and they find themselves in Planeptune tower once again, this time in a much larger teleporter room than the first. Several people are on standby to take care of Iowa, and Histoire mentions something about having them send her down to the docks. The disinterested cat leads the party back to the conference room from before, with as few words as possible. There are several people waiting inside it when you get there, some of them you recognize and some you don't. The black haired girl from the Judge fight, Uni sitting with two young girls wearing sweaters, Square from the Trick fight is sitting across from them, next to two empty seats, and at the far end of the table is an older man with two soldiers in bright white armor flanking his either side. The cat hops up on the table and gestures at the collection of empty chairs. "We're still waiting on two more, but you're welcome to make introductions with your new team member." He glances towards Saejik as he starts licking one paw and rubbing behind one of his ears.
  6. "Thanks. Come on Jun." Ignia gestures and starts moving away, leading Jun(and the dogs if they happen to follow) back to the wellspring.
  7. The Enderman blood is wiped away with little hesitation by Law's machine, as is the corpse. (+2 Ender-resonant feedstock) Mirri neatly sets out her weapons and armor and prepares to get to work. (7) She immediately notices strange warping lines where the crystalline structure of the baskar metal has twisted and changed. Growing and shrinking crystal sizes and patterns that shouldn't be possible. Taking close inspection of the electronics she notices odd cell buildup in several areas, as well as some chip board degradation. There is some chemical damages on the undersuit and less so on the actual armor. Her blaster, lIghtsaber, and riot shield all seem to be in working order though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moving into the main building under the clocktower Leo and Ena find themselves in a brightly lit room full of mechanical equipment. Whirring gears line the walls and ceiling, platforms up and down between levels and horizontally across the room. There are three distinct levels to the room here, divided by layers of densely packed moving machinery. The first and lowest is the one Leo and Ena are on now, it's simply a long rectangular room with a platform near the middle that periodically moves up and down between it and the second level. The second level consists primarily of two long narrow paths along the left and right walls, with the right being where the elevator platform connects to. Platforms moving on a series of giant gears and rotating chains over a layer of active machinery lead between the left and right maintenance walkways. The third level is a little more unclear, but looks to involve grabbing hold of a bar on a passing gear to ride up and then hopping between several large horizontal gears and inbetween gear teeth to reach a small balcony and doorway. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Takumi walks out to see several small streams of water being pumped into the fountain and already beginning to dilute it and wash out some of the gunk. Now that the water has some clarity he notices a small pull-lever under the water near the middle.
  8. Ignia steps into the diner not quite out of breath, but definitely strained. She walks over to where the Dogpile, Jun, and Gerson were crowded around the jutebox. "Oh good just about everyone I wanted to see in one place!" She paused to take a few deep breaths and give Jun and the others a chance to acknowldge her presence. "I could really use some help in Waterfall, there's a Wellspring of Darkness spewing out Heartless. I fought off enough to stop the flow for now, but there are too many for only one person to fight and there's still at least one person trapped inside."
  9. Ignia nods sharply in acknowledgement. Not that she really grasped what had happened, only that there were more people trapped in the wellspring and a vague memory of Nader having babbled along about something similar before he totally lost it. "It feels like the next wave is going to be stronger than the last and I'm already close to my limit." She eyed the wellspring before looking back to the monster that came out of it. "It should be fine to leave for a few minutes, but I'm going to go find some armed help." Ignia heads back to Snowdin to see if she can locate the Dog guards and ask for their help.
  10. Ignia glances around at a few of the monsters who popped out of the dark wellspring. "What happened here? Is there anyone else trapped inside?"
  11. Ignia lays into the remaining Heartless with her Keyblade. She attacks once for 2d10+10 and Combo+ triggers allowing her to attack again for the same amount.
  12. Ignia casts Fira on the Screwdiver as a Quick Action with First Strike, she deals 2d10+10 fire damage with a 50% chance to ignite her target for 1d10+10 fire damage each round for two rounds. Then she casts Cure on herself to restore 1d4+10 HP.
  13. Ignia uses Strike Raid on the Aquatank and the Screwdriver that made a melee attack. She deals 2d10+10 damage to the first and that twice to the second.
  14. Ignia narrowed her eyes, suddenly wishing she'd taken the time to learn some better wise area spells. Ignia casts Fira on the Aquatank as a Quick Action with First Strike, she deals 2d10+10 fire damage with a 50% chance to ignite her target for 1d10+10 fire damage each round for two rounds. Then she holds her half-action until the end of the round and casts Cure on herself to restore 1d4+10 HP. (Note Poison Edge was swapped out for Payback Crush for a stun-counter)
  15. Ignia takes a few moments to brace herself and heal up, and then prepares for the second wave.
  16. The older girl looks a bit puzzled at the question but glances over to the fence that was behind where the party teleported in from and gestures in that direction. "Well there's the industrial canal over there, it leads out to the ocean, but I wouldn't swim in it. There's eight foot fences around it for a reason." The younger one pipes up, pointing at a rubble-dented truck off to one side. "Hey if we need to we could use that to drive her ther-" She cuts off as her phone starts ringing in her pocket, she looks a little puzzled as she digs it out, answering it. After a second she puts her hand over the speaker and talks to the older one. "It's the guild calling, they're asking us to come in for a major assignment." At the same time Mira's communicator from Histoire rings. "Oh good you're still alive. I was told they could hear the blasts from the basilicom. Is everyone alright there?"
  17. Ignia furrows her brow at the child's warning before turning back to pickup the small crystal chunk and examine the place the Heartless came from. She casts Cure on herself.
  18. Ignia quickly bends down to try and help the monster upright. "You alright there? It looks like I walked by just in time."
  19. Ignia uses Strike Raid on the two Screwdrivers, hitting each for 2d10+10 once and again because they made a melee attack last round.
  20. Spicy HG shook her head at Spray seeming to miss the entire point. "You thinking about it too much...as for injuries Yes."
  21. Ignia considers for a moment using her new Keychain, but decides it would be better suited for a fight were she was patching people up instead of attacking while outnumdered. With that decided she summons her armor and Distrust, immediately moving in to attack the Heartless in the back. Ignia casts Fira on the Turquoise March as a Quick Action with First Strike, she deals 2d10+10 fire damage with a 50% chance to ignite her target for 1d10+10 fire damage each round for two rounds. For the other half of her Quick Action Ignia uses Poison Edge on one of the Screwdrivers, poisoning them for 11 damage each round for three rounds.
  22. Spicy HG forced herself to relax and at least try to answer the newcomer's questions. She coughed a bit to clear her throat before beginning, with some hesitation still audible. "To put it in terms you might better understand....We're hunting a noble among demons, five of them in all. And being hit by bullets won't hurt them, but being shot just might...does that make sense?" She glances over to Spray only a few times as she speaks, instead intently staring at the steps as she walks up them.
  23. Ignia smiles and nods to the snowman. "Thank you. It will go places you won't believe, trust me." Once she's done she starts heading back towards New Home, taking some time to keep an eye out for any stray shadows moving around where they shouldn't.
  24. "That sounds like a decision you'll have to make as time tells." She reaches up and scratches the side of her head. "Though if you wanted to leave the world there are a few Refuge Worlds you could try to move to temporarily." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After finishing the conversation and bowing her way out Ignia takes a boat ride to Snowdin, and walks back to the Snowdin crossroads from before. She approaches the snowman she had taken a piece of and pulls out the handful of mostly slush to return to him. "Well you've seen most of the Underground now, I'd take your further but I'm afraid you'll melt."
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