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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by StormLord

  1. The two red headed girls each take out large potion bottles after the fight and patch up with other smaller healing items. Eventually they make their way to the main group of people and the older one asks. "Hey so do any of you know what was going on with that guy? We've fought him before but not like that." The younger one furrows her brow at the older's question and taps her on the arm. "Wait you're saying you don't know what's going on here? Shouldn't you?" The older shrugs, not really phased by the question. "Nope, as new to me as it is to you." The younger one looks like she's about to have an aneurysm.
  2. Ignia's thoughts were interrupted as she felt something shift inside and all of a sudden a glassy white heart appeared in front of her wreathed in purple and black flames. Her face broke a little and a single tear was allowed to run down her cheek before she clenched her fists and the heart dissolved. She swiftly restored her composure and whipped around at Jun's approach. "Jun?" She paused, glancing around to seen if anyone else was getting off the boat, upon concluding that was a 'No' she continued. "You're....wheres Lucine?"
  3. Ignia give a halfhearted smile at the warm familiar healing and the tug of her Keyblade to become a glider. She stands there staring at the star for a while, lost to the world and buried in thought as her smile slowly melts into a frown. A wave of memories of things that could no longer be washing over her.
  4. Ignia heads to the small golden star that Frisk found when they came into town, taking a closer look at it.
  5. Sha'Tith begins putting away his various armaments, secretly relieved nothing had gone wrong with him holding those glass shards. "I have two questions." He a few steps towards the main group of people talking. "Can someone remind me why we are saving these 'people'? I've seen human cities, there are always thousands of you and you all look exactly the same. Why do these ones matter?" Taking no pause with his completely casual question, he turns to inhale deeply in the direction of the Taco Bell. "And what is that smell? Smells like....roast bison...." His stomach audibly growls after a second or two.
  6. "Sure, I know I've seen Frisk interacting with a couple of them. I hadn't thought much of them because well...not the strangest thing going on down here." Ignia finishes up her burger before continuing. "I don't think that had any actual meat in that. Was pretty good anyway though."
  7. Ignia stops eating while Sans speaks seemingly to her and the group in general. She nods slowly. "I've seen a few. I'll keep an eye out for them."
  8. Ignia shrugs at Sans' question and takes another bite of her food to stall for a second. "He's definitely something....I'm not sure how much of it is bravery and potential and how much is foolishness and luck...."
  9. Ignia nods a takes a couple steps towards the 'Libriarby", only to stop as her stomach loudly rumbled and she saw the others heading towards a diner. "I guess food wouldn't be bad." She turned and followed them into the diner, taking a seat and ordering a burger.
  10. Ignia shrugs at Astriel's question. "No not really, Nobodies explicitly shouldn't exist. They're leftovers cast away from reality that decided they wouldn't simply fade." She paused again, thinking to herself for a while while they walked. "Maybe you already were one while you were a doll or flower. Would certainly explain Arminius being able to 'complete' you." Once they actually got to Snowdin she looked around and frowned a bit. "Not much here is there." Remembering what Frisk had said to Rachel a few minutes ago Ignia turned to her to ask. "Hey you've probably been here a few times, is there anything interesting in the shop or uhh 'Libriarby'?"
  11. Ignia shakes her head. "I don't know what kind you're talking about, but Nobodies are dopplegangers in a quite literal sense. When a Heart is torn from its body by corruption or magic or such, and the body is allowed to simply fade away, sometimes it turns into a Nobody instead. They're...strange creatures, silver grey masses not really following the same laws of reality as we do. People with powerful Hearts leave behind powerful Nobodies, ones with form and will and thought. They're hollow confused beings that tend to lash out without guidance." She pauses abruptly, realizing she had gotten on a rant. "I've always thought they were....interesting."
  12. Ignia nods slowly. "Fortify a Heart with something is holds dear, let it rebuild its own body and restore itself....Yeah that checks out. We should keep an eye out in case she had a Nobody and it gets jealous." She follows the others.
  13. Ignia finally looks up, the last of the mud and grit and snow picked out of her weapon. "What in the three realms did I just miss?"
  14. Seeing the most of the dogs have been at least mostly dealt with Ignia relaxes a little, but doesn't put away her weapon yet.
  15. "You want us to what?" Ignia whips her head between the kid and the dogs a few times while narrowly avoiding an axe to the chest. Landing in a pile of snow off to one side with a huff. She glances between the snow and two dogs that seem to be sniffing the air an awful lot, and remember the sign in a previous area. Ignia uses her Keyblade to try and shovel snow at Dogamy and Dogaressa.
  16. "Ambush!" Ignia drew her weapon and took a few swift steps back, trying to decide how best to proceed from here. Her keyblade came up and leveled at the Doge. "FIRE!" A moderate burst of flames flew out of it and towards the monster. Ignia uses Fira(2d10+10, 50% chance to burn for 1d10+10 twice) on the Doge as a quick action, and then holds her other action to use Cure(1d4+10) on her most wounded ally. Payback Crush active! (Stun counterattack) Loadout:
  17. (89) Buried under some dust in one of the corners Takumi finds a small wooden box and degraded canvas bag. In the bag are a series of wrenches and pliers and other such tools for plumbing, The box has a series of basic pipes and fittings standardized to the pipes in this area, but no new pump.
  18. Ignia sighs and closes her eyes. "I don't have much more patience for this kind of idiocy."
  19. Ignia glares up at Papyrus, disenthused with his antics at this point. "We didn't eat any of it, it was a frozen block." She deadpans at him. She turns back to the rest of the group. "Is there any reason we can't just ignore these puzzles and keep going?"
  20. Ignia smiles and shakes her head again at the ridiculousness of the conversation, then frowns. "I hate to be that person, but I think we should keep going. We've kinda got people potentially being beaten up by Undyne right now."
  21. Upon picking up the piece of paper and looking at it Ignia let out an audible sigh. She pulled out her pen and notebook and scribbled on the piece of paper a few times, pausing occasionally to think or stare at it. After a few moments she looks up and the skeletons, and back at the paper, and back at the skeletons. "I think you misspelled 'giasfclfebrehber' on here." She walks over and passes the puzzle back, with every other word marked off. "Can we...go now?"
  22. "I see, well I might still have an idea." She nods at Toriel's response and follows the others into the next area. "Why do I get the feeling this is like the other ones." Ignia approaches the piece of paper to try and see what it is, and picks it up to read it if its a note.
  23. Ignia stands in thought as the conversation progresses, perhaps not paying quite as much attention to it as she could be, but enough to get an idea of what happened. She scratched the side of her head and eventually looked up and over to Toriel. "Why Hearts to break the barrier? Is it just because they're strong? and...would they have to all be in one person?" She shakes her head, trying to knock loose thoughts she didn't like. "I don't know about fixing the doll here, but I might have an idea for a way to obtain a Heart without anyone else having to die."
  24. Ignia mostly stands back, enjoying watching the game but not being terribly interested herself. She listens to Arminius and Rachel's conversation as it unfolds, intrigued by the doll having an incomplete Heart, as well as Arminius' seeming ability to manipulate Hearts so readily. "I'm not sure, but I've read a little about fractured Hearts before. They certainly are ways for it to be restored but....Well most of the ones I know of are edge cases or a little out of our time frame."
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