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Dr. Exorcist

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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Dr. Exorcist

  1. ah thank you very much. I do though have a problem with the mod..i don't know how to use it lol
  2. Damn:( I really wanted to SR for a shiny zorua. And thank you for the info :3
  3. Is it possible (and if so, how?) to get these two after the restoration of reborn? (still not finished though, and story is incomplete)
  4. i'd love to get one too, what do you need?
  5. I am offering a shiny noibat if you want, its level 33 (not the best IVs though)
  6. ahhh okay thank you ^^ Edit: Just got a shiny one thank you all for the help :3
  7. So this doesn't have anything to do with me using discharge? Just kill the electrode when it uses discharge?
  8. I did that, and during the battle a message appeared "SYSTEM ONLINE" or something. It is triggered by discharge but i can't 'talk' to the machine Edit: Lol found a shiny electrode btw Machine still not working
  9. Dr. Exorcist


    Soo, i beat the pulse Swalot and restored the whole Water treatment center, and i know there is an event Fennekin there. But on my game the lights are off in the room while in a tutorian i saw were on, and when i beat the electrode just with discharge the machine remaines the same :/ Am i doing something wrong?
  10. Yes you use a good rod in toxic water like Coral Ward. But if you want i can give you one of mine
  11. Heyy, i'd love the shiny riolu or growlithe if you still give it away :3 In return i could give you any of these shinies: Ekans, Meowth, Noibat, Paras, Audino, Gloom ID: Dr. Exorcist
  12. Requested Pokemon : Larvitar Gender(Male or Female) : Male Item(c/o Lightseeker/luis) : Leftovers or Life orb (if not possible then nothing, no big deal) Ability : Sand Veil Nature : Adamant IV Spread: 5 or 6 IV Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Shiny With or without Egg Moves: With Other Egg Moves(please specify) : Dragon Dance, Outrage, Stealth Rock Offered Pokemon : Nidorina / Noibat Gender(Male or Female) : Females Item : Heart Scale Ability : Poison Point, Telepathy Nature : Nidorina Calm, Noibat Relaxed IV Spread: Nidorina 5IV Shininess(Normal or Shiny) : Noibat Shiny Egg Moves : Online ID : Dr. Exorcist
  13. Says user does not exist Send me a request, same name as here
  14. I'd love that :3 Want a shiny noibat with HA in return?
  15. Where do i change its nature and ability?? And it has Good HP, Def, Speed
  16. I just got my shiny ralts, and its male. I don't know what should i evolve it into. What is more useful, Gardevoir or Gallade?
  17. oh okay thank you very much :3 Ohh and one more question, where do i find the Odd Keystone?
  18. Dr. Exorcist


    Soo, i talked to a guy in the building with the stairs in Byxbysion wasteland, and he told me about the Squirtle. I went to the underground tunnels and found the small pool where it is supposed to be but there is no Squirtle there. What else do i have to do in order to get it?
  19. I got a Charizard with wing attack, but he gets one-hitted with a rock slide
  20. Sooo, i just reached that gym, and she completelly destroys me. I don't know any good pokemon that would be of any great help now, as i read somewhere that ralts got moved and replaced with espurr (?) At least that's what i got at that house. What poke should i go for?
  21. Is there any way to obtain Larvitar, Bagon, Dratini in the game?
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