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Starry Knight

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Starry Knight last won the day on March 10 2020

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About Starry Knight

  • Birthday March 13

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    Ontario, Canada EST

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  1. Our cat is annoying


    Keeps jumping up on me, he is almost 25lbs so it hurts and he digs in with claws don't know how to stop him though

    1. ZEL


      Sounds like he might be understimulated, playing with him for 10-20 minutes might take some of the energy out of him. I love using those "fishing rod" toys for that; keeps you nicely out of claw range as you make the kitty jump and run all over the place. (Also, laser pointers.)

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      I just wish it wasn't just after my boyfriend leaves at 6 am in the morning just after being feed

      Might try playing with him more, we don't currently have fishing rod type ones cause he destroys them within a week, he has really sharp nails we keep them fairly cut back, he won't interact with laser pointer either

    3. SilverAngelus


      Return of the silly kitty, eh?


      Image result for cat cause mischief

      How about monitoring your cat's activities and positions, in addition to not leaving yourself vulnerable to jump attacks? Although, ZEL's advice does seem better than mine's.

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