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Starry Knight

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Starry Knight last won the day on March 10 2020

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About Starry Knight

  • Birthday March 13

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    Ontario, Canada EST

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  1. XD Having fun, making a playlist for my dad, listening to a bunch of older artists quite interesting, if any one has any suggestions he likes anything but rap but likes roc/metal the best

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Lightbulb Sun album - Porcupine Tree, on the first song, his voice is making me sleepy, interesting so far though


      Illinois album - Sufjan Stevens, was only okay in my opinion though I believe dad will enjoy a break from the usual artists in it so far


      Ran into an older band, Cinderella have you heard of them? they seem right up my dad's alley

    3. PESH1


      I haven't heard of Cinderella band. I mainly listen to Progressive/alternative rock and indie. Here's another one,


      It is regarded as one of the best albums of the nineties.


      I will stop here now, give all of these a listen, I don't want to give "an excess of everything" problem. I hope most of these suggestions are accessible.

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      been adding a bunch of Floyd to my list, alternating between that and Bon Jovi currently

      If I find any interesting Alt rock or indie I'll let you know though

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