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Starry Knight

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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. There are several cracked wall areas to check on 2 levels
  2. If u guys have the game it's super easy to add them to spotify as a local playlist, unfortunately even when I put it up it was only available in my region and a lot of people are from USA and Britian
  3. Dm me if u still need one I'm not available between 1pm to 1030pm est mon-Fri and 3pm to 9pm on upcoming Sat
  4. that whole area by f34 should have the up area u need to surface
  5. I thinky u just resurface closer to the bottom of the dive spot
  6. Peek a boo Do I see anther fox loving enthusist at all?
  7. Should be fine for windows 8-11. My bf plays on windows 11 and I play on windows 10 no issues for either of us. Can you show an image of any partaining issue or copy the error message to here that seems to be causing the issue?
  8. Peek a boo

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      I'm looking forward to my made in abyss game is september have been super hyped for

    3. LykosHand


      Ohhh i see! I really hope it will be a very cool one 😄

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Hope yours live up to your expectations as well

  9. Blushes Thanks Everyone who has nominated me Here are my Nominations then if it's still going around Sunlight Soverein: @SilverAngelus Queen: Julia (Idk thier forum user), @Bearadactyl King: @Abyssreaper99 and Newt Phans bf and @Corso
  10. Thank you to all those who worked so hard and brought this work to realization and life. I haven't been around for a long time joining just around when community beta for episode 17 entered into play and fell in love with this game The community you guys have built is also super awesome both on forums and discord~ Thank you very much for so much fun
  11. Also there is a murkrow in lapis alleyway that can have perish song as an egg move, if u save before encountering it u can reset for perish song U need it to be night and NOT clear for it to show up
  12. I sometimes randomly send out trained up mons for people to receive, nice break from all the other stuff people normally send out, threw some nice 5iv fenniken and Chespin out the other day from when was breeding 5/6iv shiny for myself. Some people just do that to be nice
  13. Nope but the last update is close There is a dev blog but right now they are on alpha testing I believe
  14. Rpg maker is sometimes known to randomly show it. It usually can be hidden again by exiting and re entering the game again in my experience
  15. I can do either. Since gible is preferred can do that. What is your availability I cannot trade between 1pm est and 10:30pm est this week as I work during those hours or am in transit to/from work Alternatively look into swm mod and it has a way to change your starter to same ivs and nature as what u naturally selected for them if we cannot reach a good time to trade Ps am on discord and my user is: Starry_Knight_Constellations#3200
  16. U still on? Name the dragon assuming it's not ledgendary and I can provide the base form
  17. There should be numbered saves if u rename one to game u shouldn't have to start again
  18. I can help with ditto with all of them if u have discord it's easier for me to go through there if not hit up my dms it might take a bit before I see it tho
  19. Do u still need help with this? I can trade you one or if u upload your save edit one in for you
  20. A lot of people have moved over to the discord I generally only look here on weekends and help out anyone who hasn't been helped
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