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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Post your file and I can drop an exp share in and repost it, need the last box of your PC cleared though Or PM me with it
  2. Will do so as soon as I can, yes sorry always get the name spelled wrong
  3. It doesn't like Piople If you have it in your party it will instantly give you an error, running windows if you talk to anyone that has anything to do with the battles and EVs with Piople in your party especially the changer it crashes
  4. Corey's gym, peridot ward by the mart, by Magma hide out in apartment building
  5. I assume you want charmander or one of it's line?
  6. Numel is catchable on rainy days by peridot train station after Julia at around level 15
  7. Sorry I missed you today, I will be on in the morning for a bit or about 5pm est
  8. @kaylavarnell4736 it didn't quite tag properly Make sure you hit it when the list comes up @Vanitas if your guys times don't quite work out let me know
  9. Back home

    My adorable kitty smelt something she really likes, she's all over my socks I find it hilarious

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Yes but at least Kate waits till they're off your feet I would assume, my cat didn't

    3. Yahen



    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      She did I laid down on our bed she jumped up on the bed sniffed my foot and went nose first in, I have a couple claw marks on my foot from her, she has no problems attacking feet took off my sock and she went at it for half an hour

  10. Are you still online if so I can give them to you in about 5 mins
  11. Hello silver Glad I made your call this time speaking of fairies I call upon Candy-Sama PS would of responded earlier but phone died and just got to a charger
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