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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Hello sorry for miscyng the initial call I'll summon Yaya
  2. If you don't get it by Wednesday EST let me know and I can trade you heracrosite or the ice cream wouldn't need anything special just a random IV Pokemon @HUEnd might be able to help with the stone as well @Shadowstar128 I am available to trade today, just got back home, had expected to stay the night at my dad's, if you still need it let me know
  3. Yaya this is for you, unfortunately couldn't upload it directly to u


    1. Yahen





    2. Yahen



      💫 < ---- STAWWY


    3. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Sadly not even 1/4 of the way done, let me know if they work for you or not

  4. HAve them ready didn't know if you prefer male or female Frillish but have a couple for you to choose from one turned out shiny with good IVs
  5. Okay, let me grab them first @bendy ready, let me know when your on waiting
  6. Had to step out as soon as I got up, just got home awhile ago, just about to try to finish tagging the music

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      So many doubles lol

      My auto tagging bee messed up on some tags as well, it was pretty funny, though is taking forever to do

      Will probably package a-d tonight though

    3. Yahen


      I need to treat my anxiety, i am waiting as a child waits for mamma to pick up from school

      Yahen is sleeping already, i'll join them soon~ 

      Tomorrow i promise we'll check it out, kay? 

    4. Starry Knight
  7. Anything in particular for them? I might be able to do specific nature or egg moves if you want?
  8. Thank you for clarifying that for me. My boyfriend was playing the hardcore one you had created and asked me to look into it
  9. You can incorporate it in, all you have to do is take the save and put it into the sandbox save directory and when done you put it back in your vanilla reborn directory
  10. For reborn's final update that way I can play it uninterrupted
  11. Making sloppy joes and it's 10:30 at night kol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      What type of stuff is popular there?

    3. Yahen


      Mostly food made of pasta.

      Sandwitches are starting to appear more often tho

      There isn't really an english name for this one, but its really popular here, we call it Pastel. Yahy really likes it, i'm indifferent.

      There is also this one , i'm a big fan of it. (The last link is in portuguese, the english one is sort of different)

      Food here varies greatly depending on the region. 

      Lasagna is also very popular here (i live in the south of Brazil)

      I like talking about food sorry for the tldr

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      That's okay, lasagna is popular here as well depending on the community, Chinese is also popular here and pasta dishes anything beefy or things with lots of gluten are popular here and cheesy particularly pizza and poutine


      Pastels remind me of turnovers they look very yummy

      Beiju looks interesting kinda like jerky but in more bread form

  12. After this mod is done will you be continuing the hardcore mod?
  13. I'm super excited to see it then @Commander, I've been thinking of playing it myself, kinda waiting for final update though
  14. Just realized have so much music, updating my library, adding the to my music section and realized have over 2000 songs, looking for duplicates currently though the process is very boring

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Yahen


      I like a lot of non english songs too! 

    3. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      In process of tagging probably tomorrow I can attempt to make zips and upload it to Google then post a link here

    4. Yahen


      Thanks! Looking forward to it!

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