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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Night everyone, I'm headed to bed, excited for tomorrow, get my favorite gym buddy back for the day unfortunately he's on days so he has to work in the free time after my boyfriend's work and our other friends night shift

  2. XD I was summoned Would say Ali but they haven't in awhile so Silver maybe?
  3. Okay, sorry had to grab a data chip @DarkLife ready when you are for rotom
  4. give me a few moments and I change a rotom over to wash form
  5. okay ready What's your user or do you want to request if so my user is Snorlax
  6. I can give you the rest in a bit then, just want to breed them before handing them over
  7. I can trade basic form of all these, do you care about IVs at all? Or natures if you give me an idea of what you want for these I can take a bit of time and see what I can come up with? I have base form rotom though
  8. Owie, going to dentist thrid time this week, have a student dentist and they work on a lottery system, already having hard time eating food as mouth is still sore, here's hoping will stick to same side, if not might have to take pain killers to eat, hurts to eat even mushy noodles sadly

    Also kinda hurts to have liquid foods as well

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Hopefully between iboprophans and not eating too hard of foods my gums in particular will recover for next week when one more gets done, though the three they thought might need root cannel didn't end up needed it so that was a good thing, unfortunately not even half way done getting the fillings done, had 17 fillings needing done done 6 of them in the last 3 days, doing all the major ones first, going to cost about 1700 total. Here's hoping I recover quick as SilverHelio wished for me

    3. SilverAngelus
    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Ops my bad, I always seem to mix up last part of your name, should be fixed now

  9. Having an interesting week so far not sure if good or bad thing in all things considered, heading out to dentist be back in 4-5h

  10. Okay ready what is your user?
  11. Okay give me a couple minutes to finish what I'm doing @Horus
  12. Who all you missing left? I have Azurills or the inscence for them
  13. I can offer one to you Looking for anything in particular?
  14. Have you tried talking to the girl just outside the house?
  15. Hug the top wall, there are bricks that look funny use rock smash on them
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