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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. You online? I tried requesting but no answer Have a good day/night
  2. Yep, I'll request, how many badges do you have I want to know if I need to delevel it a bit, the Ditto shouldn't mater level it is currently as it will just be shoved into daycare
  3. Don't worry about it, I have 2 I was talking about the one I don't use anyways
  4. Argate city, by the rock climb area she lives in a house just South of it not the apartement building (Pokedex Quest)
  5. Please ask for trades in Online in the future I have a 6IV ditto you could have however I also have a shiny Snorlax or Muchlax not entirely sure which
  6. If you need a location guild check my spoiler in my signature there's one for items and one for Pokemon
  7. Won't be able to trade till tomorrow evening around probably 10 EST

  8. Okay, I'll request as you posted your id earlier
  9. the current one I have is Hardy nature so nothing up or down 5IVs 29/31 on HP and is female would you like me to breed anther for a more favorable nature? or will she do?
  10. nothing in particular thoug if you could throw a heart scale on whoever your trading or something that would be nice, any particular rockruff your looking for?
  11. sure just give me a few mins to eat
  12. department store later on Rt 1 in cave I believe is other place
  13. Don't I have every line of pokemon shiny so it's not like I needed it cause all them are 5/6 IVs
  14. Enjoy the whismur was first one to hatch
  15. Alright ready, I'll request then if you want to wait for me
  16. Igglybuff yes Whismur line no Wigglytuff is on upper rt 4 (rock climb area)
  17. Hello sorry my firey friend, however I agree Candy should be next person summoned PS now watch Yahen show up
  18. Thank you to all those who wished me a happy birthday yesterday, it turned out to be a great birthday even if there was a couple mishaps on the way

    1. SilverAngelus


      You're most welcome ^^

    2. Yahen


      I don't know how old you are rn but i dont even remember why i started this sentence

      Yahy's hungry hope ya liked your birthday!

  19. Sorry Corso missed your call Hi Yahen, your probably the next person to comment
  20. XD My internet is a bit funky today glad I made it in time Cass you there?
  21. looking for some good vocaless music to take to the gym, looking in particular game music, have a bunch of pokemon related ones looking for suggestions from other games

    1. Monochrome_Complex


      fighting games are your friend. Tekken, dead or alive(mainly 4 and before), King of fighters, street fighter, guilty gear, blazblue, mortal kombat pre-MK9....all have a good number of great soundtracks. 


      Oh and of course Under night in birth.  


    2. Autumn Zephyr
  22. Yay! the Unown has called! and even on my special day I call Yahen who looks like a demon queen in there profile pic
  23. Yo! Birthday girl has shown up, I'll pass on the not too big of a fan of them Yahen you there?
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