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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. You could of went back one save if you have back up data on
  2. Beryl ward through the cave there a totem, if you interact with it without an ill fates doll in your bag on a clear day Also for future reference asking for trades should be put in online section
  3. Happy Birthday, hope you have an amazing day!

  4. Okay sorry notifications weren't going off
  5. Okay what's your user I'll request
  6. Chikorita Location 2 Azurine Island Nature Center (Renovate Azurine Island) roof top Totodile Ametrine B2F (Strength, Waterfall, Dive needed Teekco Post Renovation caves (Kecleon event) Torchic the room can be opened anytime after Charolette's gym is available to you, however the trainer on rt 3/4 in the house where you get the electraviser/Magmortizer doesn't show up till Amaria and or Hardy is defeated sorry if I wasn't clear on that before also you recieve it as an egg I'm pretty sure Fenniken you don't need GUM renovation, you just have to turn on field and keep it on KOing or catching the Electrode Rowlet Earthquake, Power Gem, Tailwind, Rock Smash, Strength needed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ4RZyUlw80
  7. I'll take whatever you no longer need, I have every Pokemon with 5/6 IVs and shiny
  8. Roughly when you originally posted the thread
  9. Kh 3 beautiful, anyone know how to turn attractions on and off? (If possible)

    1. Gentleman Jaggi

      Gentleman Jaggi

      Don't think you can turn them off outright, but you can always just ignore them. Remember there's a button to circle through if you have muliple situation commands ready; which one depends one which setting you chose but the default one is L2.

    2. Starry Knight
  10. I have one you can have, when are you on roughly in EST zone timing?
  11. Alright when are you on roughly in EST time?
  12. @BigBadPredator I can give you a beldum with good IVs instead seems like a waste for just 1 pokemon
  13. I'll tag and edit my post with them as soon as I get on my laptop I have them just trying to figure out 2 smaller things related to them as my file is done I don't know in which order 2 of the moss market tutors showed up @Aboodie Also no need to mention me, I was bored and trying to figure out if I missed anything
  14. I didn't see them but I can be kinda blind at times I figured they were shops or mechants but I also figured nobody else has them so why not The TMs by number list I found helped a bit more as it auto sorts the TMs you get not sure if you want to add it but I found easier then checking in order received
  15. Do you want all the current services including move tutors and their locations? TMs by number
  16. Enjoy, have fun getting the ring
  17. I was here first Yeah it happens from time to time don't worry about it
  18. Alright grabbed one please don't trade me anything of value it will be deleted (it's the right one so don't worry about that) @TommySmiles might have to resend the request, it seems to be stuck @TommySmiles resending request or did you recieve it cause soetimes it glitches
  19. Give me a second and I'll trade you one, in future reference to answer your question a thread asking for a trade or battle goes into online play
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