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Starry Knight

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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Poor torchic but found it hilarious My jokes for Sopheria Which Pokemon is too cool Tentacool Which Pokemon is the meanest TenTaCruel
  2. Make me laugh game: I wanted a good laugh and thought others might want a good laugh Rules: Jokes, memes ect can only be Pokemon related The first person to make me laugh becomes the next King/Queen To signify who has won the round quote the person with a laughing smiley Please try not to repeat content for at least 3 pages If you have any suggestions on additional rules let me know
  3. Won't be able to trade for a couple days and most likely not online for the majority of the next 2 days sorry everyone

  4. Just found an interesting meme at least in my opinion I'm sorry if anyone finds it offenseive but it got me laughing




    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I always knew satan was the true protagonist of the bible.

    2. Wolfox


      even a devil can do the right thing when the followers of a certain god are idiots in some regards

  5. ❤️ Chocolate Chip Pancakes with Sunny side down eggs was a good dinner, nailed them though I did spill a bit trying to flip them over


  6. Our kitty is enjoying hanging out with us


    1. SilverAngelus
    2. doombotmecha


      Thanks for sharing, it's adorable!

  7. Starry Knight


    Alright, I'm here what's your user I'll request
  8. including under the bridge if so upload your file with the last box cleared and I'll drop one in your pc if you want if not post it to troubleshooting @Bruma if you haven't fixed it already here's a link to help you http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/44632-bugfixe181-teddiursa-event/
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