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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. 134 135 Well that was a fail, @Goldmedalcoach your should be what is was before it edited since yours posted first
  2. Happy Birthday hope you have a good one

  3. Starry Knight


    Okay I'll be on and off starting now so in about an hour would be fine
  4. Starry Knight


    My in game is Snorlax, sorry had to run an errand
  5. Starry Knight


    I have one you can have off a backup file
  6. Thanking my aunt and uncle, they are moving to a different city so all thier excess supplies in food and clothes they brought to our house including some bed sheets which are always appreciated

  7. Okay give me a few and I'll figure it out my file is just about there as well
  8. My hand is currently being used as a pillow for my boyfriend's cat

    1. seki108


      A noble, worthy sacrifice.

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      It was an interesting hour and a half roughly before that she was cuddling under the blanket with me

    3. Candy


      but but that sounds so cute~ and fluffy~

  9. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CH_p-ojLXpQ This tells you how to
  10. Started playing pokemon Apex, beautiful graphics though wish it had a speed up button like reborn does, the first town has a few doors that aren't locked but can't be accessed, Saving a pokeball for elekid now's only to find a way back home to get it though am considering getting a water or grass type pokemon and an electric or rock pokemon to cover my starters weaknesses

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