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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. do you know where Ame's absol is caught on rt 4, there's a little pond with Ame's Absol event <Calceleon City >These stairs take you to rock climb space
  2. head past the waterfall hug the upper area there's a rock climb spot there after climbing a set of stairs Hardy will show up and give you it
  3. After beating Amaria the water gym leader you get rock climb also after beating Amaria you can chose a second renovation project
  4. No where you go up to the old yeryu plant where you rescue heather?
  5. Ah, by the end of the current content you should be able to get the other two, which application are missing though?
  6. Thought I'd offer figured in the end it would be a beautifly so you might want it. Have a good day and good luck with the silcoon
  7. I don't have a silcoon but I do have a shiny beautifly I can trade you
  8. Rowlet is in teknite ridge, Litten is a reward forturning in the job requests or right by the rock climb spot in argate city as a trade for Stantler or Ledian not 1005 sure which, Popplio is the old oshawott event underwater coral lighthouse
  9. Give me about 10 minutes at most to finish eating and I can send Azurill your way as I have a bunch sitting around @sora21 Sorry I'm late, my thing deleted my application again
  10. No problem it will allow you to edit topics if used on the first post so you can change titles and post content
  11. There is an edit button just under each of your posts on the left side And Azumarill ebolces from Marill I will assume you mean Azurill Corsola is under water in Azurine Lake
  12. Will you still be on in about 4-6h
  13. A post too late but I appear though I am confused Candy, I seemed to have changed genders somehow, Starrry Knight was my first forum name as Starry Night was taken in all the ways I wanted, I tend to stick with Knight since it was my first user without my name in it that I could remember it kinda stuck to use the wrong Night in case you were wondering Andracass?
  14. Just after you get fly from Florina it changes from dive to Turtwig after the water treatment plant event
  15. You don't get one till later in the game though theres a way to change your starter to buizel
  16. I have everything but at least catching Wynut is gaureented 3 perfect IVs
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