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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. @Zero1Six can you do this just after our trade my application disappeared again.....
  2. next time if it hangs up let it think for a couple minutes @MoonChild25 it got stuck
  3. Okay that works 2 Let me know when waiting
  4. You could send me your file and I could pop it onto one of your team members or you catch a rattata or something and trade that to me, if you send your file please make sure the last box is empty
  5. That's fine, would rather just give you it and not worry about returning a pokemon this way I can just release it so it doesn't take up space, once your done with it you can shove it in the PC or something and if you need it again you have it if not oh well
  6. I second Candy, I would recommend double checking and clearing out the last box in each save just in case
  7. First of all not to be rude but asking for trades should be done in Online play this section is to ask where to get things Secondly I have one you can have
  8. Do you have anything in the last box of your PC? IF not send me your file I'll drop ditto in Pokegear/Online Play/Login (register if you haven't already/Trade/ Wait or Request in this case you would be waiting
  9. I have one for you then What is your user I'll request
  10. I managed to hatch a shiny larvitar do you want it or a normal one My user will be Snorlax
  11. Okay, if your on now I can do now, I just didn't know when you'd be on
  12. Username/ saved games/ Pokemon reborn Following that rename game.rxdata to something else just in case something fugdes up and take the save with the highest number with your in game name and rename it game the extension should come automatically
  13. Most people use it serebii or Bulbapedia
  14. I don't quite understand what you want are you asking for.... It just leads to the main Dex page of Pokemon DB
  15. Crysolia valley you can find the whynuts
  16. I can help, around the original time of your first post for this thread would be best
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