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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I could have probably breed it, I've done the dex quest and kept at least one of each line so it probably wouldn't of been a problem, hope you had a better end game then I did
  2. let me know when your ready anything releasable though if you have a blue shellos/Gastrodan it would be appricated
  3. Shiny or no to scyther and ditto Shiny Scyther has 4 IVs in HP but the rest have 31
  4. Yeah I can if your still on just give me like 2 minutes to get them on the same file
  5. How about Pokemon redux version? It looks interesting
  6. I dropped one into their PC using shared PC
  7. I will retry to send if not I can try waiting, my user is Snorlax Perhaps refresh waiting screen? Enjoy have a good time
  8. Okay no problem @Yeshua_Kristos It's saying you don't exist when you go to online play login what don't login as?
  9. Give me something I can release, I can trade now currently if your online. If so drop your user and I'll request
  10. no problem, you doing dex quest? if you need any help just PM me and I'll help if I can though still curious about the reborn ball
  11. I have requested, let me know if I need to send it again Enjoy Why the reborn ball on a wishiwashi though?
  12. It won't unless you're on reborn and actively wait for request in online play I'll be about 4min
  13. Yep just give me a few more minutes in the middle of doing something
  14. If you have a fall deerling/Sawsbuck I would be immessly grateful, if not something I can sell like a tiny shrooms would be more appreciated as I've breed every possible Pokemon into 5/6IV shiny Pokemon just have a few forms left to do then I'll have caught them all
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