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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Yeah, I just got the egg, would you prefer it hatched or egg so you can get the dex entries for it and breed it yourself? What is your user I'll request?
  2. I can offer you one if Zero can't in your timezone
  3. We've done that as well, we're in both playthroughs just getting to act 2 has been fun, he choose Beast and Fane while I had my own created character, I enjoy playing with friends more then alone. My boyfriend in our group will change his voice and commentate in the game for his character super halarious to hear. Our other friend does it as well, it's funny hearing over the headset, my boyfriend does like a Scottish accent and what seems to be dwarf talk usually, our other friend has a slightly more high pitched voice so it's funny hearing them more or less act it out.
  4. My boyfriend likes playing beast alot himself, my friend Gingy likes Fane or any undead character though our other 2 friends don't seem to have a preference so far
  5. I attached a link to my comment earlier at 24:00 minutes they show you how to get Squirtle without the taurus, the event has been changed to rain so instead of finding Squirtle by the fountain during clear weather it's now rain I'm headed to bed it's just past midnight here and I might have to work tomorrow @CrassKal were you able to get Squirtle?
  6. Have you unlocked the wasteland grotto by turning all the pilliars one colour? @CrassKal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MX1-98XmWQk @24:00 min It NEEDS to be RAINING for the full event now
  7. No problem, looks like a staff member moved it to the right section
  8. Game.rxdata Teddiursa is in Normal box, I didn't find Teddiursa so I dropped on in using shared box
  9. I prefer my main character to have ranged, I like taking Beast, Ifan and sometimes Sabell as side characters to mix things up
  10. It crashes my computer Everytime I close it, I'm having fun experimenting with long range characters though might add the mod that allows more players it looks interesting
  11. I can help you tomorrow or day after if nobody else offer their help though next time you ask for a trade please use online play this section is for asking where stuff is
  12. If you find one can u keep a back up with it? If not let me know and I'll see if I can find an alternative
  13. Then it should be a random encounter
  14. Having fun with my friends playing the game on act 2, which has been super fun I choose to play Ifan has been interesting try him compared to my solo start or with just my boyfriend I choose various forms of mages for those Anyone else try this game? If so what are your thoughts on it?
  15. If I can't find it I will put a lvl 15 one in one of your boxes or would you prefer I tag you and put it in trouble shooting, I have no technical knowledge of fixing events so I don't want to mess anything up or make anything worse for you
  16. Before city restoration you can find it in magma alley it's level 22 or so and needs a pokesnax, I found mine at night I think. After restoration same alley but wild also can find houndoom In Aqua alley you can get murkrow or with a rod Carvahna in the little pool of water
  17. Ah I will look if anyone doesn't tomorrow and I'll see if I can find it
  18. Try looking up at Peridot ward garden section, sometimes it glitches into that area or have you not found the starting location?
  19. Paras, parasect, foongus, Amoongus are the ones listed Sorry it took so long internet kept dying Everytime my phone connected to the WiFi
  20. I'm not home right now but you can buy them in the game corner
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