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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I have miss Linda's igglybuff I can give you from a backup or I can trade you a happiny
  2. Would episode 17 still have the held items where they could revert and get balm mushroom in the wild?
  3. That is no longer the case as we are Ultra Sun/moon update thus meaning all wild held items are now ultra moon/sun. You could try going back 2 episodes and trying the parasect steal way that way or someone like @Vanitas @seki108 @luis might have one on a backup save file they could trade you or someone might be able to edit one in if you link your save file
  4. Hiya you still on if so I can be on in a couple minutes before I pass out my sleep schedule is less then stellar I can't seem to sleep at night
  5. Next time please post in online for asking for trades or battles this section is supposed to be dedicated to asking where stuff is. If your far enough in for Deino then likely you have been to the dessert, gibles are a recatchable event in a cave along the Eastern side
  6. Okay I'm ready Do you want your EXP share back?
  7. Mine is Snorlax brt, I usually prefer to request since it works better that way for me though
  8. Just came home awhile ago had an amazing dinner with our friend at one of our favorite restaurants, had some seafood fried rice, tried some of my boyfriends Curry that he tried was good but too spicy for me, I also tried a banana shake with some jack fruit it was sweet, the restaurant uses pure fruit in the shakes nothing else so nice and healthy everything is also fresh as they tend to sell out each day

    1. SilverAngelus


      Woah that sounds awesome 😮 

      🍛 Spicy curry tastes good 😋

      Glad you had an amazing time!

  9. Are you still on will be on for awhile? if not should be on most of tomorrow evening if not (23h from now)
  10. Sorry just got home, I fell asleep just before you messaged, I will try and be on tomorrow during the hours you are on
  11. I can, will you be on later? Are you gonna want Phione as well? And anything else you need to catch using super rod only for?
  12. Ability capsules are not limited after a certain point in game they are buyable for 2 or so coloured shards in 7th Street as a clown in argate can be used to grind them
  13. u can later in Lapis Ward/ North Peridot ward
  14. Sorry, how far in are you depending if you get minchinno or Espurr in an event you can soft reset for an Espurr in Peridot ward where you pay the homeless guy 150 total to go sleep
  15. It's a male Meowstic, by X it's the only stat not at a perfect IV, in this case it has 6 of 31 possible IVs in the given stat I had only realized it was evolved after looking at the ones I have It's also like level 40
  16. Starry Knight


    I don't know when I can be on to trade probably be about 4h
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