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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Lmao, I get your point, enjoy the dark material, I particularly dislike the elemental monkeys
  2. Okay ready sooner then expected, I just grabbed the first pokemon in my PC so sorry that it's terrible
  3. In about half an hour On the side note there is an edit button that you can use to add more information if you forgot to say something, it's generally considered impoliete to 2 or more times in a row without anyone else commenting in between
  4. Ah, thought I'd be fun to do a themed team was all
  5. Something like that yeah, though Liepard or even Zoura would be better choice for Chessur Cat, Liepard for colouration or Zourark for ability as it is known to be sneaky and disappear I totally think Zoura line can do that Other options could include: Lopunny would be a good choice for Hare/Rabbit as well as there is the March Have and the white rabbit Though Vivlion isn't a butterfly it could work as well depending on what you want on your team and still look the part ,Perhaps even Silvally for the mad hatter as changing the memory on a shiny changes it's 'hat' or Haunchkrow Noivern could be used as Jabberwok, while Exploud doesn't have the wings it has the right face like structure Exploud for the BANDERSNATCH Sandshrew/Sandslash/Kanto Pichu line for Doormouse Alolian Ninetails/Riombee/Tsaeena white queen Arcanine Bayard the blood hound Jynx can be used as Queen of Hearts Liligent for the morning Glory people PS Love your choice of Roseraide
  6. XD Having fun, making a playlist for my dad, listening to a bunch of older artists quite interesting, if any one has any suggestions he likes anything but rap but likes roc/metal the best

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      Lightbulb Sun album - Porcupine Tree, on the first song, his voice is making me sleepy, interesting so far though


      Illinois album - Sufjan Stevens, was only okay in my opinion though I believe dad will enjoy a break from the usual artists in it so far


      Ran into an older band, Cinderella have you heard of them? they seem right up my dad's alley

    3. PESH1


      I haven't heard of Cinderella band. I mainly listen to Progressive/alternative rock and indie. Here's another one,


      It is regarded as one of the best albums of the nineties.


      I will stop here now, give all of these a listen, I don't want to give "an excess of everything" problem. I hope most of these suggestions are accessible.

    4. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      been adding a bunch of Floyd to my list, alternating between that and Bon Jovi currently

      If I find any interesting Alt rock or indie I'll let you know though

  7. There are two of Titania in the exact same positions and everything was this intentional? Thank you to everyone who worked on them they look awesome
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