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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. I think i can, don't bother with the cost though
  2. I will be on soon just about to boot up laptop
  3. Okay I can work with that, and no just something I can release
  4. @luis might as well, if not I might be able to get one depending on when my trash can on my computer was last cleaned, my Yelena file might be able to as I was just starting restoration events
  5. Any particular one your interested in for IV wise? Or nature BTW gonna pass out soon couldn't sleep last night
  6. Would u be fine with a spiritomb or do you exclusively want the keystone?
  7. Okay, I have a couple extra that were just gonna be given away so I thought I'd offer Let me do know if you do need anything else though
  8. Do you wish for a better golett, I have one you can have If either of those 2 can't trade you what you want let me know
  9. Yeah just have to find a time to do so
  10. I never found the shortcut until after the battle so I figured out how to beat the forest so to speak
  11. Side closest to the door Also if you head down and slightly right you can find the way you came in originally
  12. I just paused between each set of 3 instructions
  13. The Swordsman has a video on it if you would like me to link it? I'm terrible at puzzles
  14. I have one on Lunaria, I should be good but if you see their on and I'm not go for it
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