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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. General Info:Known as: Starry/Starry Knigt Trading name: SnorlaxAge: Nope not telling Gender: FemaleBirthday: March 13thLocation: Canada EST timezoneHeight: Between 5-6ftHair Color: BrownEye Color: BrownLives with: BoyfriendPets: 2 cats here Winstin and Persauos* and at Dad's house a cat and a dog KK (KitKat) and PrinceRelationship status: Common lawFavourite Food: Sweet things, Pomegranate Least Favorite: Hot food particularly my boyfriends GuacamoleFavourite Drink: White hot chocolate Least Favorite: Alchol of any type, have bad reactions to itFavourite Color: Blue though I also emmesly enjoy the shade black Least Favorite: Purple, Green and pink in that orderFavourite kind of Music: anything but Rap or Country musicFavourite Band: currently don't have one, really dislike Justin Bieber and EmiemFavourite Album: Favourite Song: Saiya's song from Black CatFavourite Game: Pokemon, Divinity 2, exploding Kittens, enjoy most card/board gamesFavourite Genre of Game: rpgFavourite Hobbies: reading, playing games, attempting to annoy Whiskers as I call my boyfriendFavourite Movies: Fast and Furious movies, Wild Wild West, the League of Extrodinary menFavourite Shows: Sailor moon it was the first show as a kid I could rope my whole family into, first three Seasons of Pokemon, Game of thrones though don't spoil it for me as I have yet to get past Season 1 due to sleep schedule Community questions:So, who are you?: An interestingly plain girl who has severe social problems due to being targeted by bullies in my elementary school and first 2 years of high school, my parents fairly poor could not afford to allow me to do activies allowing me to have something to talk about with others my age, let's face it how many kids want to hear about chores and the weather channel Anything you're responsible for? Nothing in reborn though, I tend to try and take care of people in the online forums asking for Pokemon/items If you had to choose one of your posts as your way to introduce yourself, which would it be? This one What can I talk to you about? Anime though I prefer no horror ones, movies, Pokemon, pets what I prefer not to talk about: Fashion, Shopping, family Closing statements? Have a good time! Hope you got to know this Reborn Veteran a bit better
  2. I might have one I'll get back to you on that in a bit if I do or not, if not I'll tag a couple people who might have one they can share with you
  3. Can only be found mining as far as I know
  4. I can do that, I think though the one I already have is in one of the defensive stats There's a small plus on the bottom of each person comment, using it you can multi quote also there is an edit button to add thing to your comments
  5. I have a good torchic you can have, it's not female but it's 5IVs
  6. I can give you one tomorrow, I'm just about to head to bed thought I'd check reborn first tho
  7. Member of the Year The big, the classic-- this is for the member who's made the biggest splash with the sharpest shine! Nominees: Marcello Amethyst Jan Ikaru Wolfox Zarc Seki108 Azery SilverHelio (Solviera) Walpurgis (Lía) Commander Luis Lykos Hand, possibly new player award as well? IceCreamSanWitch The Carmen Sandiego Award For the face since missing in action that we'd most want to see in the crowd once more! Nominees: Zarc as I haven't seen them around Vinny Van The Sugarpop Sunbeam Award For the member this year who's been sweeter than any candy store could hope to be! Nominees: Candy LykosHand Vanitas Seki The K-K-K-Kawaii Award For the super-cutest member who's been around this year! Nominees: IceCreamSandWitch The Auspicious Auth Award For the most helpful staff member who's been around to help out this year! this is definitely not a thinly veiled performance review. Nominees: Azery Andracass IceCreamSandWitch Walpurgis (Lía) Ame Marcello Commander Most Likely to Become Auth For the most helpful member who should totally be on the team! this is definitely not a thinly-veiled screening process. Nominees: Vanitas Commander Candy Most Likely to Gain a New Mega Evolution For the member who's probably about to get banned to Ubers! Nominees: Commander Candy Andracass Most Likely to Start a Religious Cult For the member you'd most quickly offer your soul to in a ritual of deepest darkness! Nominees: Commander
  8. Yes in the grandhall you can get shadow ball as a completed quest reward you need all the starter eggs, the quest is in the basement This link has all available TMs and roughly where you get them http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/41661-item-guide-v18-void-kissed/
  9. Not everyone has access to 7th St as it's in around the 9th badge you get there, nor does everyone have the three heart scales to use on him
  10. you can get them by mining, unsure if anywhere else
  11. If your not oppsed to it check this mod out http://www.rebornevo.com/forum/index.php?/topic/24930-swm-modular-modpack-e18/
  12. I don't think we do yet Idk if your opposed to mods but there's one that allows you to use any TMX so long as you have the TMX and the badge
  13. In about 20 mins for awhile I'll be around for awhile, Updating playlist so if I don't answer right away sorry
  14. I Will later today is 3:50 am here..... if someone else offer you one before I can get on take it though
  15. Sure what's your user I'll request
  16. I am not on Discord, the only other thing I have is Steam
  17. Event Pokemon in general you can soft reset to get goo IVs for but baby pokemon are guaranteed at least 3 perfect IVs Keep in mind Tyrouge only breeds with ditto same with genderless ones
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