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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Destiny Knot, power items and everstones can be found in the department store They have up to date breeding Mechanics and you can outright see the IVs so in a way it's easier Power item if held will gaurentee that IV to be passed on while breeding if you didn't already know that They didn't play around with breeding Mechanics, if you need help getting a knot or anything let me know though
  2. No just when u get to 7th St breed Loudred and Jigglypuff those two Makuhita, Roggenrolla, Vanilite all need to be returned
  3. It's a very low encounter rate but I will double check @Zurich899 The letters beside the pokemon M D or N indicate when they are avaiable Bulbasaur has MD meaning found during Morning and Day the ones without are available at anytime
  4. I do, wanted to make sure that was okay before changing nature and ability though
  5. What is your user name for there I won't be there for another 5 or so mins
  6. When we do trade it will be under pause menu/Pokegear/Online Play/Register if you don't have one through there or if you do Login/Trade I usually send the request but I can wait as well depending on your preference I will be ready in a few minutes though gonna eat my bagel and turn on laptop first though
  7. Okay give me a few and I'll train one up for you
  8. Life happened from what I know, I'll let you know by PM when she is ready any further inquiries
  9. You want your Natu first then I can answer questions as I switch files and breed a pory?
  10. Yes, you need Sea or wave insence to be held by Marill or Azumarill I have Natsu in party then need to switch files to get Pory and Azurill Let me Know when waiting
  11. That's what I think, I haven't played much of Rejuv, I've only seen it be played by my BF a couple times
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