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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Let me know when your waiting XD
  2. It does with Ditto only, all genderless that are not mythical, Ledgendary or UB do I'll request, ready when u are
  3. So far yes, these 7 are coming from a run against someone they are all mons I'm not using anyways, I wanted Shroomish as my mystery egg was Bisharp the other two Azurill I specfically breed along with Marills some time ago and had like 5 boxes of them, Porygon though I have to breed from anther file What's you user? I'm more or less ready
  4. Sometime you can, You are supposed to be able to get it according to the developers though maybe disable and change computer clock to 5:01 and then try if not post it to troubleshooting, might be different for rejuvination then reborn though
  5. Okay I have most of them on one file, Azurill and Porygon I have on a different file if you still need a porygon
  6. Try quoating or Tagging the name by using @ then you start typing the name and once you see the name appear in the suggested text below it, it should tag the person, I'll tag them for you this time though @peden
  7. Just got home from work, on now I can get you Natu Elgyem, Siglyph and technically Tynamo are still in wild and catchable, Elgyem take a few ill fated dolls to the totem poll in beryl ward will cycle through a few pokemon also there can be 1 Natu there if you haven't any ill fated dolls in your bag. Sigilyph are in mirage tower and where you get gible, Tynamo's evolved form is underwater in the lake, do you want to try and capture those on your own or not?
  8. I'll take shroomish, past that send me whatever you want, can't right away today though
  9. Don't forget Whismur, loved it but it's needed for the Dec quest and available only before 1st gym and needs a pokesnax
  10. Do you have shroomish? or a decent crogunk if not anything random will work, sorry, notification didn't go off and was playing in Steam
  11. Sorry, haven't gotten home yet, I had meant to put 15h but somehow I messed up, I have one of each in the line I can give you I am just getting home are you available in 5 min or so @Deztrakon Porygon and Azurill will need to come from a different save file but everything else is ready
  12. If your still on in about 1h I can help you at a friend's house currently, if anyone else offers you any of them go ahead and take it
  13. I can't help right now but there is youtube videos for all 3 quests, funnily enough all three come as eggs when u get them, did you want the links I won't be able to until tomorrow at earliest
  14. Tomorrow evening I can if nobody else offers @luis @Vanitas or @seki108 might have them though
  15. That was Corey's Sprite, this is the Zoura quest you need to find it once more in magma or Aqua gang hideout to battle and catch it, there is currently only one in game
  16. whats your user I'll request
  17. can you quote or tag my name when responding, just got the message but if your still on yes
  18. Yeah if we can find a good time to trade it alternatively if u want to send your file over PM I can drop one into your PC just have the last box of your PC clear of any pokemon
  19. Yes, haven't had time to fully do them yet, working on them though, I work contracting jobs so I can either have too much time on my hands or very little unfortunately lately it's been not enough time then there is cleaning and house maintenance to do which has been taking up even more time, I should have the next gen done in around Monday though I also intend to include Mega stones and evolutnary items at some point
  20. There's a trainer in the grand hall each day you can battle for exp and money, I tend to have a team of 6 with a variety of Pokemon, breaking or changing fields help my favorite are Tuesdays but the squitle squad isn't bad either In Peridot ward at night you can find Joltik or Grubbin in one of the apartments If you have pokesnax espurr/minchinno are a viable choice Teddiursa through hide and seek comes at lvl 15 and an egg move usually You can also get Munna if you want for a bibareal Blitzeal, tynamo, panpour/sear, igglybuff, gulpin, budew are all decent choices in there own ways as well I loved Goldeen with lightning rod on my team for her you while your at it grab the insence to boost it's water power you can get it in a hidden pool in lower peridot just above the station just save before you fish there so you can soft reset for a good Goldeen
  21. @Vanitas might be able to help you of you need it for the quest, but they have Removed it off of wild Pokemon as we are following ultra sun/moon
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