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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. servers get stuck all the time, happens more often when alt (speed up) is on though
  2. Yeah, let me know when back on waiting
  3. Alright, I'll let you know when ready Ready Sent request but might have to refresh @Drak refresh your waiting screen
  4. Yeah if your still up to it, I have Azurill
  5. Sorry fell asleep shortly after posting
  6. Sorry I didn't come on I lost track of time and was playing Devinity 2
  7. I have one you can have for anything random you won't use, I would recommend waiting then evolving sneasil as there is only one in game so far.....
  8. Sure let me know roughly when your on my time zone is EST
  9. There are link stones all over the place, but I will if you want and still haven't done it
  10. Yes I do, sorry for the late response, got wrapped up into divinty
  11. Yeah, you can catxh Mantyke wild in Tanzan cove with a super rod, I'll be on later today though Goon NIght/Morning
  12. Rename this to game, pokemon is in party
  13. Starry Knight

    Razor Fang

    Crysolia Hotsprings, you need surf and strength
  14. @kyorura Yes, I use it myself and have no issues
  15. There's a mod that allows you to insta generate and hatch eggs if your interested in that Link if your interested in it
  16. That's okay, I cannot right now however I will tomorrow morning, I'm just about to head to bed or PM me a copy of your file with the last box empty and I will transfer one over using shared PC and send back the file @peden
  17. Yes I'm on waiting, user name Snorlax Enjoy
  18. Nothing, it's from a backup file, so it will get deleted I'm ready now I'll wait my user is Snorlax
  19. Give me about 10 or so minutes and then I can
  20. I can offer the Pokemon currently if that would work for you?
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