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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Please take this to online play this is a place to ask where you can find Pokemon and stuff no ask for trades
  2. Not currently in this episode that is correct
  3. No I have shared PC I can transfer it myself and get the data, but past obtaining the data I don't need/want one to use, thus I was asking as it has alot of EVs invested into it if you wanted it back
  4. Yes In Glitch Mt Moon it has a 5% or so encounter rate to catch as a wild pokemon
  5. I just wanted to transfer it to my other file to use for the dex quest
  6. Thank you, that was first one that hatch lol, I have a shiny one I like so no need for that one Thank you, did you want it back once I'm done with it?
  7. Magnectric if you have a spare one that you don't care about I'm not looking for 5IV one or anything special if not anything I can release is good, I'm ready, my user is Snorlax I'll wait
  8. No problem, or did you want an egg and a hatched one? I currently am looking for a magnectric if you have one it would be appreciated as I need it for a dex quest
  9. I can just give me a few first, would you prefer hatched or unhatched, I would recommend hatched and just breed an egg for the women so you can evolve the one I give you if your gonna do the dex quest
  10. I can get u Skiddo then if nobody offer you one by the time I'm back in a few hours hopefully
  11. A knight has appeared to mess things up, seeing Wolfox would be cool or Zarc but I'm going to go with Seki
  12. I have a Azurill you can have and a Kanto Vulpix later, might have a couple of the others as excess breeding as well but those are the only two I know for sure, just about to go to the Zoo known as shopping
  13. Luis probably meant to, but depending on what the trading name was it could be someone else @luis I assume it was one of yours as there is only a select few who regularly WT decent/good stuff away
  14. Yeah Espeon, it has the power of psychic and moves them if it is accompanying you, well team meteors espeon
  15. No he's bottom floor opposite wall of the elevator, 2nd room from the right hand corner or the screen I believe
  16. I have 16 of them most are in around lvl 1 though, do you care about investing EVs and nature for Umbreon if you do what 2 nature's do you prefer and I'll see what I have for an Eevee if you don't want the Umbreon deleveled
  17. I am but figured would give out my breeding spares and whatnot on the file, I have a long ways to go but don't require so much as want just the entries, figure kill to pidgeys with one stone if you get what I mean, I have a form of each mon so was more looking to save time for some of the more time consuming one then realized Tuesday's trainer my Toxicroak can sweep solo
  18. NP figured you helped me out and used a bluemoon for me I should return the favour
  19. Something disposable gonna trade it off a backup
  20. Are you still looking for a Galladite?
  21. Nah, I can just catch Mightyena when the time comes
  22. Lmao sorry thought I was pressing Z ended up pressing X Are you still wanting the Galladite?
  23. Lol I got time, I'm in no hurry
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