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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Poochyena would be fine or any random one Unless you have togetic I would totall mock trade for that if you have it as well, I hate evolving friendship pokemon I have togepie and Togekiss though so no big deal if you don't want to
  2. You wanted the Gabite right?
  3. I can't see your side at all or offer pokemon Requesting again as it seems to have crashed @N1Dude Gabite was on a different file I'll grab it now
  4. Sorry just seen message, had to do something around the house, on now I haver serperior and Gabite if that would be fine instead of Snivy or Gible?
  5. The three listed of preference and the nuzleaf it you would, is there anything not on the list you want I might have one, I have 30 boxes of breeding stuff ready for a WT event
  6. Ready now, I'll request Thanks, enjoy your egg
  7. walrein would be my preference though Treecko and Camperupt would be secondary choices, was hoping by putting the 3rd gen list people would possibly have the evolved form ones Which would you prefer Bulba or Ivy? Bulba has 31,26,31,31,31,3 Ivy has 31,31,13,31,3131
  8. alright give me a second to get ready @Rushifa Ready now
  9. Thanks, I tend to mix the two up even though there is no Tarzan in Reborn
  10. Alright I will look Currently lvl 45 Umbreon fully invested HP&Sp Def with the remainder in Def x on Atk, I can delevel it to the wanted though I have 16 Eevees as well
  11. I might have an Umbreon you can have, did you want me to double check that? If so what level would you like it to be below?
  12. Sorry wifi died, just got it back....
  13. That's alright, doing dex quest again so any will do, you can keep the heart scale and the egg I send over I'll request, what's your ID for trading and let me know when ready
  14. i have one you can have, if you have a donphan to spare it would be appreciated though
  15. Hello Everyone I'm reaching max capacity on my storage limit from odds and ends of pokemon from various breeding projects so I am now giving away all my excess ones in a blind pick I will list the type and a number since I have roughly 25 boxes you'll pick a number equal or less then the number listed and a type, I would prefer if you didn't choose all three from the same type How the types work is if it's a duel type minus Normal/element it will go by the first type listed so lets say it's poison/ghost it would go into the poison list however it it's Normal/fire it would go into fire only mono normals will go into normal types Grass 59 Fire 42 Water 111 Electric
  16. Shaymin is considered mythical though due to stats and the event card for it said Mythical
  17. Wartortle, Chansey, Sneasil, teddiursa, dusclops, magneton, tangela, lickitung, rydon cosmetic reasons of next evolution Reborn shiny ponyta cause it looks too much like Rainbow dash, not a fan of the rainbow mane Larvitar into Pupitar not a big fan of the Pupitar design but like Tyranitar Wish tepig or Chimchar line typing wise would of been different cause 4/7 starters all have a fighting theme yes I know litten line isn't classified as fighting but it looks like a wrestler and has a moveset to support that, though I have to say I do like Infernape, Blaziken and Incineroar not entirely sold on the boar though at least in my opinion Murkrow due to stat issues I like Haunchkrow one of my more favorite designs but I find the base stats
  18. Lol TBH that was my favorite mystery dungeon game, loved Grovyle's character, the game to me was very well done I still prefer it to all the newer mystery dungeons the characters were well done even if some got the short end of the stick like the lake trio and I liked the style of graphics, the story line was good to. The poor trio betten by a mid stage Pokemon though
  19. Happy Birthday hope it's a good one

  20. Unfortunately we were updated to Ultra Sun held items so nobody holds the balm mushroom anymore, I also unfortunately don't have one even on a backup currently I can give you @Vanitas would you happen to have one?
  21. Starry Knight


    It's possible to get 2 mawilites due to this, 500 is Froakie so it would of been 400, think Mawilite and Galladeite were switched from Beta to Public unsure of the others
  22. Starry Knight


    Mawile I believe, not too sure I did mine all at same time after public came out Perhaps someone else knows @The Swordsman thought you might know the order roughly
  23. Starry Knight


    No your gonna have to have someone mod it it or trade you one depending if she makes all of them buyable or not @N1Dude
  24. Ice Cream Sand Witch is on magically point
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