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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Yep raining all the way though now
  2. Yeah PM me when on if I'm on will trade but if I don't answer leave a rough time in EST times that you'll be on
  3. yes, it's a low encounter rate
  4. Post restoration or before? @KiwiEmpire if after they should only be morning
  5. You can 100% get it for your first time winning the Clefairy doll, you get handed a Clefairy instead of the doll by accident
  6. Pretty much every 3 days or so I've been seeing at least one fossil request usually helix or odd keystone not to mention the occasional PM I get for them and Whismur line
  7. Would it be possible for you to add an alternate way of getting at least one each of the mineable fossils and odd keystone, a lot of people seem unable to get them all
  8. Yes, I'm ready, I'll request just let me know when you reach waiting
  9. nothing shiny or that has 6IVs
  10. Okay idk when I'll be on to trade just about to go out to do a bunch of errands
  11. No problem dudette @pihamahi I'm online now if you still need one
  12. If someone else doesn't offer you one I will give u one have a few errands to do so might not be today
  13. I do but it won't be till tomorrow now, out with friends
  14. Happy birthday best of wishes and rng to you

    1. Candy


      Hehehe thx~ but after getting the SpeedBreed mod, my life's not been as heavily dependent on rng as before 😉

    2. Starry Knight

      Starry Knight

      True but still in battles and whatnot

  15. I was going to later, will probably host on the 3rd of November have to work this weekend and upcoming week unfortunately
  16. If you post renovation you can't get Azurill by yourself until next episode, tropius you can catch wild in the jungle next to Beryl ward, heliolisk is a low chance encounter but is only found in dessert after restoration think Syther but dessert can also be found in mirage tower dessert but not when it's barren, emolga is wild morning and day in Jasper ward grass, out of luck on whismur line as well currently
  17. I'm not the only one there's roughly 3 of us that help with Ditto
  18. Let me know when on waiting screen
  19. Yep, what's your User? I'll request
  20. Sorry got Kiki and Samson mixed up
  21. Would you be good to come on a couple hours earlier then that post if so I'll totally give u one if not I'm not too sure out timezones will be good to trade as you post was roughly 12am for me
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